Meenachi A
Life Safer Driving System
Varaprasada Rao A
Self Oriented Flap Turbine
Mohammad Abazid
Optimized Piston Motion Engine
Alejandro Acevedo
Train Aerodynamic Brake System
Joseph Andrew Acquah
Using electric eels to generate power
Navaneetha Aerraranganolla
Robotic Exploration With Landmark Patterns
Nishant Agarwal
Semiautomatic Overflow Tank System
Vijayendra Agrawal
Nono-robots To Cure Illness At Cellular Level
Luca Agrippino
APS - Automatic Protection System
Estanislao Aguayo
Aligment of the Spine Tracker
Mahmoud Ahmad Sayed
Flying Wind Turbine
Shah Mir Aizaz
Eros Outer Atmosphere Settlement
Ghassan Alasmar
Auto Fire Fighting With Survival System
Hahna Alexander
SolePower Power-Generating Insoles
Sergei Aliukov
Adaptive Suspension of Vehicles with Wide Range of Control
Dwight Altman
Drought Flood Synergy Network
Manuel Altobano
Water, Water Everywhere
Boris Alvarez
Police VIN-GPS Car Control
Role Alvarez
Recycled Plastics from Garbage as Shield Against Radiation in Space
Christian Rodriguez Ambimetrics S.l.
Quality Control Sticker
Roozbeh Khodambashi, Amirebrahim Darabi
High Voltage Piezoelectric Power Plant
Piezoelectric Generator
Albin Andersson
Solution of the Problem of "Global Warming and Climate Change"
Steven Andrews
Split Venturi Ring Maglev Generator Turbine
Mahesh Annaboina
Smart Building
Rajashekar Reddy Annareddygari
Advanced Vehicle Security Tracking System
Thiru Arasu
Two Wheeler Safety
Ricardo Arteaga
Improving The Safety And Efficiency Of Unmanned Aerial Systems By Successfully Integrating ADS-B Into Communications And Control
Rishabh Aswal
Thrust Vectoring Using Twin Gimbal Rings
Abhinav Avs
Use of Aerodynamic lift to reduce fuel consumption of heavy vehicles
Vahid Azizi
Automatic Tube Corrugating Machine
Shubham Bajpai
Tracktech: A Technology That Makes Your Bag Follow You
Suresh Balakrishnan
Advanced Baby Care System (ABCS)
Mark Banister
Water Conserving, Agriculture Pollutant Scavenging HydraMat™ by EcosPure
James Barbour
Zero Maintenance Hydroponic Planter (patent pending)
Carlos Barcha
Regenerative electromagnetic braking system
Ronny Bargadda
A New Technology To Amplify The Power Of A Solar Panel By 200 Times While Simultaneously Storing The Energy In The Form Of Hydrogen
Carlos Barrera
State of the Art Novel InFlow Tech Project Development 1) Gearturbine RotaryTurbo 2) Imploturbocompressor - One Moving Part
Fahim Baruah
Future Solar Train
Ivan Batinic
Large Scale Solar Sintering Of Sand
Amy Baxter
VibraCool Ache and Injury Relief
Geoffrey Beech
Baxter(TM) Wagon Steering System
Alyssa Belanio
Explorer: Binoculars That Encourage Learning Together
David Bell
Multi Purpose Camping Tool
Omar Benavides
Development of a Non-Surgical Circulatory Support Device for the Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure
Michael Berdan
Small Wind Technology
Jim Beregi
Nationwide Network for high-speed Autonomous Vehicles
Aleksey Beresnev
Vibroacoustic Method of IC Engine Diagnostics
Max Beresnev
Spark Ignited IC Engine Control Running on Alternative Fuel Mixture
Augusto Bertoni
Battery-free wireless system of localized measuring of water consumption
Douglass Bevel
CertAlert Medication Pendant
Prashant Bhalani
"Helium Way": An Energy & Cost Efficient, Safe Rope-way Of The Future
Saketh Ram Bhamidimarri
Self Charging Battery
Rohit Bhaskar
Biped Exoskeleton
Bhavin Bhayani
Replace That Plastic And Gasoline With Paper!
Saket Bhishikar
Design Of 4 Wheel Steering System
Jeeva Bhoopathy
Ultrasonic Haptic Vision System
Sangamesh Bhure
Child Restraint System For Growing Of Child
Carl Johan Bjoreman
White Star electric toothbrush
Anatoly Blanovsky
Sustainable Energy Application of the Lorentz Theory
Jesse Blenn
Cambria CR - The Electric Car To Change The World
Michelangelo Bondini
everyday motorcycles
Chuck Booten
Infrared LED Based Personal Heating System
Lila Boro
Solution To Overloading Vehicle
Alex Borzaga
"A Different Perspective," A Sustainable Fridge Door
Ricardo Bowlin
Continuously Variable Transmission with Hydraulic Energy Recovery
Mike Bradbury
Broadhead Bullet
Olivier Brauen
Don Brewer
Digital Color Light Pen ... DCLP
Tom Brosz
Phoenix Single-Stage-to-Orbit Concept
Robert Brown Jr
Prescriptive Formulary UV Sensor-Based Indicator-Tester Protocols
C-APP Data Pad
Next Generation Special Transport & Theorems
Golf Etiquette Cup-Receptacle-Imbiber
Flight Safety Bank-Turn Abacus
National Defense-Security Electronics Power Center
Official Presidential Ride
Dan Brunermer
Personal Air Vehicle (The Real Flying Car)
Erik Buck
variable twist rotor blade
Denis Buffet
Series-parallel hybrid vehicle without torque disruption at mode shifting
Pulsatile Series-Parallel Powertrain for Hybrid Vehicle
Adam Bush
Wireless Damper HVAC Zoning System
Kala Butler
Electromagnetic Reciprocating Engine
Vignesh C
Advanced Security In ATM Centres Using Face Recognition And Pattern Analysis
Sukeerth Calastawad
Self Chargeable Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV)
Fabrizio Canesi
Interlocking Of Drivers License & Vehicle Electronics For Safety
Bob Carpenter
Bioship: The Freedom Machine
Debaditya Chakraborty
Autonomous Highway Lighting System
Bioplastics from Kanjivellam (Rice-Water)
Ravi Chandra Verma
Suction Pump as an Alternate For Car Seat Belt
Yuan Chang
Super-Resolution X-ray Imaging System
Antonio Chaparro
Fuel cell for portable hydrogen electricity
Christopher Charles
Design Of Circular Radiator
Elias Chavez Monarrez
Solar Tile
Chia Ming Chen
LiFi Steerable Light
Kan Cheng
Gyro Stabilizer for Motorcycle
Induced Magnetic Clutch (IMC)
Multi-Purpose Desalination (MPD)
David Harold Chester
Mechanical Teaching Aid for Macroeconomics
Stefan Chew
Mobile Walk-In Bathtub for Aging Seniors Or People With Mobility Issues
Stefan Chew
KleenRite Portable Bath & Shower Device
Stefan Chew
PlaxiGUARD PC32 Flood Control Barrier
Stefan Chew
SpeedoMAX Electronically Control Height Adjustable Speed Bump & Entry Barrier System
Karanvir Singh Chhabra
Controlled Nuclear Pulse Propulsion Aircraft To Reduce Fossil Fuel Consumption
Model for Transcontinental Robot-Assisted Remote Telesurgery
Emergency Injection For Use During Blocked Airways In Emergencies
Energy Recovery From Fused Wind Turbines and Aviation
David Chin
Urometry Bluetooth Technology
Gunapati Chiru
Replaceable Car Bodies, Dual Sunroof
Sameer Cholayil
Firstwerable Thermoband - Thermometer sticker
Ajinkya Choudekar
Electromagnetic Engine
Georgios Christodoulakis
Nabil Ck
Magnetic Repulsive Engine
Daniel Clapp
Self Driving Car For The Interstate Highways
Mike Cofini
See Through Fluid And Oil Filters
Donald W Collins Phd
ACADZ 3D STL Radiation Compensator Negative Plastic Mold Filter Conversion Software/Hardware - “Combined Package”
Jim Colthart
Lean, Green Machines
Sean Connell
Mate: Wall Hanging Chess Board
Lawrence Corban
Affordable Autonomous Aerial Logistics Network
Ryan Cottam
Next generation armour “plymetal” manufactured by metallic 3D printing
Kirk Creelman
Brewtube - Variable Volume Keg System
Aerocat - Convertible Aircraft
Senthilkumar Cu
Advancement In Safety System On Modern Cars
Robert Cucin Md Jd
BioSculpture Technology's Endoscopic Visceral Lipectomy Device
Isaias Da Silva
Wind-powered Heater
Ravindra Dandekar
Liquid Propane to replace 100LL for piston engine aircrafts
Kyle Daniels
High Performance Shutter Valve
Aleksander Danilian
Cloud Energy Collector
Hari Das
Total Actuation and Force Feedback on Robot Assisted Microsurgery
Jayshree Das
Electronic Narrator For Visually Impaired
Rajshehkar Dass
Momentum wheel
Ettore De Lellis
Sensorless Angle Of Attack Indicator
David Deak
Reciprocating Electromagnetic Energy Harvester
Ajoy Debbarma
Mini-Ground Coupled Heat Exchanger System
Daniel Deeks
Entropy Driven Absolute Negative Pressure Systems for the Future of Electric Power
Diego Delia
Anti SIDS Medical Device
Marc Delpech
Wideband Metamaterial RF Absorber
Stanley Demster
HitchonPost Personal Transportation Device Hauler
Clark Denslow
Carbon Fiber Rivet Manufacturing & Use
Kathy Dezern
SansEC Sensors
Synthetic Vision System for Aeronautical Applications
Tailored Dielectric Materials With Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
Fabrication of Fiber-Metal Laminates with Non-Autoclave Processes
Lunar Surface Manipulation System
Himanshu Dhingra
Automatic Puncture Resist Kit for Vehicles
Vladimir Diaz
Design And Development Of Route Planner For Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs)
Hans Diesing
Sustainability-, Energy-Efficiency- and Light-Quality-improved Retrofit Solid State Lighting Ecosystem
Louis Difrancesco
HydroFoil Sailing Ship
Bogdan Dimitriu
Inflatable cover for prosthetic foot
Bogdan Dimitriu
ventilated prosthetic socket
Victor Diramio
Crown of head suspension
Mohan Divekar
Free Laser Power From Sun’s Energy
Doubling Output From Solar PV Panels
Abhinav Dixit
Water Atomising Based - Exhaust Emission Controller
Lohit Donavalli
Tele Semi Humaniod Robot
Jason Dove
Automated Magazine Guidance System
Carlos Duarte
Electric Bill Monitor
Pavitra Dubey
Temperature Regulating Suit
Ernest Dykes
Modular Autonomous Ag Robotic System (MAARS)
Ayman Eldafrawy
Sea Water Desalination Station With Solar Energy
Sarah Elebiary
Sky Tram - The Wind And Solar-powered High Speed Transportation System
Porferio Eliang
Simple Concept of Stance Control KAFO
Ossama Elsayed
A Photosynthetic Bio-reactor That Produces Bio-fuel From Carbon Dioxide
Renold Elsen
Impulse Type Dynamic Wing Turbine
Automatic Water Flow Control Shut Off System
Poly Endrasik
PolyHitch Modular Utility Products
Harsh Engineer
Fuel Cycle In An Internal Combustion Engine Setup
S E Enjavi
World's First Green Human Robot
Andrey Ermolaev
Assembly Immersion Control
Vamsikiran Eruvaram
energy harvesting magic leaves
Domingo Estrada
Biodegradable Water Bottles for the Modern Culture
John Ettridge
Gemini Electric Motor & Generator
Aid to Assist Parkinson Disease Sufferers
Ettridge Wind Turbine
Steve Evans
Bluetooth Vehicle Burglary Protection
Donald Eyermann
ERV = Electric Recreating Vehicle
Gerald Falbel
"Free Lunch" Climate Change Solution
Jeremiah Farmer
Modular Expandable Multi Rotor
Undersea Desalination Plant
Mansha Fatima
Universal Alert Assistive Device for Hearing Impaired
Paolo Ferri
Stellar Engine With Magnetic Transfer Of Torque
Randall Flann
RoFo FÚTBOL BevDisHeadgear Beverage Dispenser
Pedro Flecha
Extraction And Porcessing Of Sea Bottom Methane Clathrates
Renita Mary Florence
Optimization Of Water Usage And Seasonal Based Irrigation Using Wireless Networks
Bill Forshey
A New Way To Learn Electronics Technology
Erick Fossum
Active Pixel Sensor Design and Operations
Christopher Frank
Econect: An Improved Green Taxiing System Focused Around The Landing Gear
Enhanced Meal Experience with Airborne Lightweight Systems
Bethany Freynk
Basketball Pick-Up (BP) Machine
Larry Friese
Small Unmanned Precision Cargo Delivery
Daniel Fucic
Tick- Search & Destroy solution
David Funnell
Kerrison Rongeur Rescue
David Furtado
Cost-Effective Solar Water Pasteurization System
Diwagar G
Detection Of Human Stress And Reduce The Vehicle Speed By Using Microcontroller Device
Marco Gabaldo
Riscram™ Rocked Ignited Supersonic Combustor Ramjet. Propulsion system for hypersonic aircraft with supersonic combustor. Mach 0 to 30 - Earth Sea Level to Space Exosphere
V S Gokul Gadamsetty
Advanced Driver Assistance System-Sensor Based Speed Breaker Actuation
Subhash Gahlawat
ARTI - Advanced Receiver Transmission Initiative
Phaneendra Kumar Gajavelli
Optic Sun Lighting
Phaneendra Kumar Gajavelli
Emergency Door
Phaneendra Kumar Gajavelli
Ignition 360
Luciano Gama
Clean two stroke engine
Internal combustion engines - eco power control
Ramakanth Gangayolla
Speech Through Fingers
Text Independent Voice Recognition For Security
Shubhojyoti Ganguly
Project Sangi: Assistive Robots for Blind People
Somnath Garai
Prevent Death, Injury, Damage of Car from Road Accident
Innovative Community/Public Bio-toilet Of Self-dependent Power & Water
Folding Ladder Of Height 50-60 Mtrs For Fire Brigade Which Enables Entry On Narrow Road
Electric Bus Self Dependent for its Own Energy
Julio Cesar Garcia Alvarez
Multi-interface Wireless Charger (MWC)
Alejandro Garcia Soto
Trasgo, a new concept for a powerful electric aircraft
Pankaj Garg
Hybrid Power Plant For Rural Areas
Randolph Garrison
Prosthetic Hand / Robotic end effector
Digital Robotic Hand Controller Glove
Humanoid telepresence robot
John Gaudreault
Planot: Boxless, Full Range, Omnidirectional Speaker
Giorgio Gaviraghi
Symbiosis, Print and Build Housing System
Sudersan Gb
Air-Hydro-Hybrid Technology
Terence Gelo
Slant: Defrosting Container and Cutting Board
Franklin George
Real Time Instrument Cluster On Mobile
Pete Chairez Georges Brandan
Digital Air Brake Stroke Measuring Gauge
Henry Gerard
New Expander that Facilitates Grid-Scale Energy Storage & Recovery
Arturo Gleason
Raincity Guadalajara
Harold Goldbaum
A powerful electricity generator whose functioning depends on magnetic phenomena
Encarnacion Gonzalez
Windshield Airstream Deflector for Vehicles
Extracting Electric Power From Gases
Boxing & Martial Arts Training Device
Bill Goodman
Game Changing Optics for the Future
David Goodson
Solar Powered High Brightness LED Outdoor Lighting
Anushka Goyal
Wristband-Drone System to Aid in Earthquake Rescue
Ionised Air Motor
Stephen Griffin
Low Cost, Ergonomic and Efficient Side-Fire Fiber
Jose Gros Aymerich
Improving boat hulls
Heat Pipes as Radiation Shield in Space Flight
Karl Guenther
Elevated Beam Structure for Cargo and People
Ralph Guppy
Rail Collision Avoidance Drone
Kartik Gupta
Portable Elevator For Construction
Sukrit Gupta
UAV-UGV Collaboration For Disaster Relief And Rescue Missions
Bengt Gustafsson
Adaptive ATN, high capacity Podcar system
Edward Haering
Real-Time Interactive Sonic Boom Display
Sajjad Haidar
Remote Object Detection
Coffee mug warmer by induction heating
Apratim Halder
SFAAS - Smart Fetal ECG Acquisition and Analysis System
David Haley
Low-Head Positive-Displacement Hydro-Generation
Herbert Hall
Close-Coupled Catalytic Converter
Alireza Hamidian Jahromi
Novel Chest Tube Design To Alleviate Clogging And Facilitate Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery
Scott Hammond
Kinetic Energy Propulsion
Dong Hun Han
2025 BMW ActiveCity Electric Vehicle Concept
Mahadev Hansda
Improvised Global Vehicle Positioning System using LABVIEW
Hari Haran
Wireless Message Transfering Via Mobile (or) Landline
Joseph Harrington
Advanced Monitoring And Diagnostics Knowledge Base For Application Across The Process Industries
James Harry
Self perpetual motion electric generator
Louise Hart
Solar Powered Dental Flosser
John Hays
Auxiliary Drill Driver
Helicopter Skid Riding Trainer
David Headrick
Laptop Numpad Addition
Gregory Heinen
Efficient Propulsion for a Stratospheric Aerial Relay Aircraft (SARA)
Bill Henderson
Global Earthquake System
Glen Hendrix
System For Producing Fresh Water and Electricity Using Cold Ocean Water In Combination With Wind Power
Marcus Herndon
Surgical Assistant Manipulator Platform
Jim Hester
NASA Lightweight, Flexible Hatch Seal Device - 3D Printed Design
Oliver Heuss
Active Sound Insulation Window
David Holt
Evaluation of the Effect of Recycled Tire Rubber as Fine Aggregate Replacement on Concrete Properties
Victor Hoppe
Guide to Insulin Administration
Pop Horea-vasile
Bricks with mechanical joining
Abraham H Horstin
Rotary Engine US 7,117,839
Automated Syringe Pump
Onnik Hovanesian
The New and Easy Cat Litter Trays
Chien Chien Huang
Small idea, global impact.
Wm Huang
Fully Personalized Comfort Fitting Shoes
James Hubbard Jr
Powering the Internet of Things
Jeremy Hudson
Flexible Smooth Bore PTFE Hose
Anthony Hughes
Multi Powered Energy Generator
Dan Hunnel
Goose-neck Visor/Body Cam
Melanoma "Change-Over-Time" Detection app
Corey C Hutchinson
Flooded Roadway Indicator
Semih Iktueeren
An Environmental Health And Reclamation Project Aims To Reduce Automobiles' Damage In City Centres
Sergiu Ilinca
400 miles electric sedan, safe at any collision speed
Car/Cleaner Earth's Atmosphere Installation
Shiva Ingole
Portable Sugarcane Harvester
George Ingram
Thunderbird - Applied Predictive Decision Enviroment (APDE)
Rohith Iyyattil
Black Pearl and the Peregrine...
Moseph Jackson-atogi
HipFlex by The Hipsters
Henning Jacobsen
Perpetual Mobility and Sustainment on Water – Net Zero Cost No Longer a Panacea
Manoj Jagadale
MJ's Ejection System For Commercial Airlines
Scott Jagolinzer
Trackless Multi-Dimensional Ride Vehicle
Yashanshu Jain
Kaizen-Plastic Recycling
Kavya Jaiswal
The Chameleon Pen
Bahrul Jalaali
Portable Air Conditioned Shelter For Heat Illness Victims Among Construction Workers
Robert Jansen
Highly Efficient Displacement Hull Form Not Constrained By Hull Speed
Abdul Qader Javed
Wardrobe Suitcase
Farhan Javed
Drag Reduction In Vehicles Using Appendages
Sreevatsan Jaya Kumar
Design and Fabrication of a Twin Shrouded Manned Aerial Vehicle
Diji Jayakaran
Electromagnetic Cosmetic Therapy - Noninvasive
Non Mass Expulsion type Space Propulsion Device
Advanced Continuously Variable Transmission
Advanced 3D Volumetric Display With Variable Occlusion & Variable Opacity
Hinary Computing with Processing speed more than exaflops
Mayampurath Jayamohan
Low Cost Third Redundancy In Hydraulic Power System
Leelananda Jayasuriya
Lateral axis wind turbine
Andy Jeng
iRoadSafe - Pedestrian Safety Warning Wearable System
Shaobo Jia
Rapid Delivery Device with Conditioned Space
Parth Jivani
Technology Enabled Solutions for Environmental Protection
Bobby John
Automatic Wall Plastering Machine
Pon Kashmir John
Fingerprint Based Smart Pay And Accident Alert System
George Joseph
Over-The-Air Programming (OTA) Based Engine Management Updating System along with mutual data sharing with OEM's for vital performance monitoring
Jinju Joseph
Mobile Modular Fixture Robot
Nagendra Babu K
Jelly Fish Wind Turbine
Suresh K
Innovative Airborne Wind Turbine Using Low cost Kite
Sukesh K S
Areca Nut Tree Climber And Sprayer
Utkarsh Kachhawa
Expandable Cell Phone
Varatharaja Kajamugan
nCbC ( no Cash but Communication )
Pavan Kalyan
Multi-powered energy efficient cycle
Das Ajee Kamath
RVCR - Multi Fuel IC Engine
Shubham Kamlaskar
Blind Stick-Gift for the Blind
Andreas Kappel
Piezoelectric Rotary Actuator
Aakash Karekar
Electronic Motorized Mechanical Blackboard Eraser
Munawar Karim
VTOL Commuter Aircraft
Jason Karmokar
Anti-Sinking Airbag System (ASAS)
Gerald Kashmerick
Continuous Combustion 6-Cycle Engine
John Katsoudas
Nanoelectrofuel: An Advanced Battery Concept For Electric Vehicles
Steven Kaufman
Quikiks Hands-Free Shoes
Manveen Kaur
Heat Exchanger For Automobiles
Melissa Keener
Lockbox - Ruggedized Computing
Mohamed Khalil
Convert the air resistance from negative energy to positive energy
Arindam Khan
Intelligent Mobility System (IMS)
Junhyong Kim
Advanced Surface Modification Machine
Norman Kim
Electric Supply Road (ElRoad) and Controller (NErgon C) for EV Car
Sungwan Kim
Maneuverable Capsule Endoscope based on Gimbaled Ducted-fan System
Wonoh Kim
In-Door Positioning and Guidance System for Visually Impaired Using RFID Tactile Paving
Dave King
Non Chemical Mould Inhibitor
Kranthi Kiran
mechanical walking tiger
Shane Kirkbride
Stephanie Knowlton
Portable And Automated Sickle Cell Disease Diagnosis And Patient Monitoring Using Magnetic Levitation
Thorsten Koch
DIYOVINA - Do It Yourself Vibration And/Or Noise Absorber
Jeffrey Kohler
Non-Toxic Environmentally Safe Flame Suppressant
Layered Composite Insulation
Harsh Environment Protective Housings
Smart Coating for Corrosion Detection and Protection
Sorbent Polymer Extraction and Remediation System (SPEARS)
Permanent Repair System for Polyimide Wire Insulation
Oleg Kolesnikov
Limit Free Speed Route
Jaydeep Koradiya
Advanced Side Impact protection system for passenger car
Philipp Kornreich
Range Dectection Camera
Milan Korostenski
Plasma Treatment Of Slurry
Kevin Kozlowski
The OVAL Fire Extinguisher
Krzysztof Kozlowski
Railway Signalling
Ananya Krishnan
Automotive Ventilation System For A Parked Vehicle Using Solar Power
The Use Of Split Valves In Internal Combustion Engines
Milan Krupa
Xtreme Green Rotary Engine To Supplant Lagacy Piston ICE's & Turbines - THE*FUTURE*OF*PROPULSION
Xtreme Green, Ultra-light, Multipurpose Vehicle Utilizing Ultra-efficient, Multi-fuel, Rotary Engine
Hrishikesh Kulkarni
Water Efficient Toilet
Makarand Kulkarni
Maximum Safe vehicle Speed Indication Based on Vehicle Brake Status and overload condition
Onkar Kulkarni
ConVerti-Go (VTOL transition roadable aircraft concept)
Amit Kumar
Plane Protection System
Super Mobile Charger
Wireless Mobile Charging
Arun Kumar
Producing Current Using Magnetic Repulsion Force
Arun Kumar
Hand Gesture Robotic Arm
Aviral Kumar
shear thickening fluid impregnated protective clothing for bite resistance from animals
Deepak Kumar
Smart Education System
Krishnan Kumar
Integrated Traffic Control Using Weigh In Motion Enabled Signal System
Manish Kumar
Regression Rate Behavior Of Cylindrical Stepped Grain In Hybrid Motor
Ravindra Kumar
Tire's Coefficient of Friction measuring Device
Selva Kumar
Seed Sower Using Mist Blower
Sunil Kumar
Automated House for Physically Challenged using Wi-Fi
Veda Kumar
Self Sustained Magnetic Refrigeration
Sunil Kumar Maurya
Telecom Tower Structural & Radiation Inspection Using MUAV System
Yogesh Kumbhar
Multi-Purpose Bag
Jon Kunowski
Micro Turbine Personal Flight System For First Responders
Rama Lakshmi
Safety Train Journey Using ZigBee Technology
Christopher Lambert
Physiologically Adaptive Prosthetic Sockets for Optimized Function and Comfort
A Simple Tissue Culture Scaffold
Riley Land
Utilization Of Multiple, Coordinated Unmanned Aerial Vehicles For Downed Aircraft Detection and Location
Charles Lane
Hygenic Fingernail Cleaner
Nasa Langley Research Center
Game And Simulation Control - Control Modification Through User Physiological State
Floating Ultrasonic System
Facile Synthesis of Supported Nanocatalysts With Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles
Magnetic Field Response Measurement Acquisition System
Compact Long-Reach Robotic Arm
Low Frequency Portable Acoustic Measurement System
Low-Temperature Oxidation/Reduction Catalysts
Ellen Langsetmo
Pre Essembled Hermetic Chip Carrier
John Lauletta
Live Underground Cable Test
Martin Lavelle
The prevention of theft of car components and bicycles
Carl Lawrence
Energy Efficient Electric Four-Place Aircraft
Stephanie Le Beuze
ECHY: Solar Lighting With Fiber Optics
Alexander Lebedev
iBobber Wireless Fishfinder
Minkyu Lee
Wireless Battery Management System for xEVs
Robert Lee
Jules Verne and Gerald Bull Revisited
Francisco Leme Galvao
Regenerative Paddle Wheel River Boat
Peter Lemke
Adaptive Home Automation
Albert Lepore
Automated Potting Machine
Henry Levy
Smart, Servo Driven, Talking, "Lead Me Where I Wanna Go," GPS Controlled Guided Walker
Encrypted Code Remote Wireless Weapon Disabling System
Catamaran Treadmill
David Li
I.D. Me - Fingerprint-based Patient Identification System
A Novel Wireless Tracking System for Medical Equipment
Perry Li
Magic Handle Distributed Human Assistive Load Lifting System
A Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) System for Wind Turbines
An Ni Lim
Instrumented Footwear For Real Time Intelligent Gait Abnormal Identification
Jim Limber
Hip Joint Replacement Wear Gauge
Abbas Ali Lotfi Neyestanak
Integrated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (iTMS)
Peng Lu
Innovative Flossing Device That Makes You Enjoy Flossing
Scott Lucero
Redilock: Balancing Gun Safety and Personal Protection
George Kenneth Lucey Jr
Reducing Emergency Vehicle Collisions
Larry Lueder
Zebra Mussles solution
Erik Lumaye
H.E.R.T. - Hand-held Electric Rechargeable "Torch"
Robert Lumley
AirLoom Energy: Wind Power to Disrupt the Energy Market
David Luther
Multi Stage Aerospace Enterprise
Michael Lytinas
Method For Treating Cartilage Defects
Muthuvel M
Drip Irrigation Powered By Solar Cell For Dry Rainfed And No Electricity Area
Advaith M S
Magnetic Repulsion-fossil Fuel Hybrid
Jefferson Macalindong
International Flag of Freedom, Free-country, Love and Peace
Alistair Macfarlane
Solid State Regulated AC Transformer
Arun Magesh
MInd Controlled Car
Frieda Mah
Conquer Cancer and Hard To Treat Diseases
Prakash Mahanta
Magnetic Engine
Hassan Mahmoud
Adsorption open cycle air conditioner using a rotary desiccant wheel
Mizanur Majumder
Powerhouse Tug & Barge (PTB) System
Sunny Makadia
To Reduce Radiation Exposure To Human Body From Mobile Devices And Mobile Network Tower
Anil Makahaniya
Development of Reverse Lock Braking System
Tayyab Malik
Design And Development Of A RC VTOL Unmanned Aircraft
Douglas Mallette
Cybernated Farm Systems (CFS)
Soumen Mandal
Paper Pencil Based Field-effect Transistors And Their Applications
Ashutosh Mane
Sound Logging App
Smell Messaging Sent
Gerald Manfredi
Smart Vest Cam and Computer
Gyanesh Mangal
Energy Multiplying Mechanism
Suhale Manzoor
Radially Asymmetric Dual Arc (RADA) Profile
Billy Marshall
organic gardener
Bob Matthew
Technology Transfer
Sarah Mays
The Message-Intercept App
George Mc Neir
TOTALLY Solar Electric Powered Hospital Boat
Gerald Mcclain
The Path to Net-Zero through Ground Source Heat Pump System and Solar
James Mcmichael
Making the Smart Grid Smart
Matt Mcroberts
Pegasus High Endurance Aerial Vehicle
Charles Medlock
Vatsal Mehta
Vortex Energy Recovery To Power Aircraft Inflight System
Andrii Melnyk
Wheeled Armored Modular Platform
Robert Melodia
Regenerative Energy System
Omar Merchant
Angiogenic Injectable Nanoscaffold
Luis Alberto Migliorero
Application of the Biefeld Brown Effect
James Miller
Progressive Flow Turbo Compressor Recirculation Valve
John Miller
Autonomous Quadcopter Launch and Retrieval System
Jim Milner
Plug In Hybrid Kit Car
Milner Flying Car
Mehali Mistry
Instant Book Locator: User Friendly Bookshelf
John Mitchell
A Hybrid Energy Capturing System
Jp Mobasher
Green Smart Mass Transit
Omar Mohamed
Saving time in shaper machining process
Bahman Mohammadhoseini
EAML System (Employing Air Molecules as Lenses); To Enhance Laser Beams in Laser Weapons against Terrorists Attacks
Alireza Mohammadi
Local Electromagnetic Steering System for Targeted Drug Delivery
Kevin Moore, Pe
Improve Mobility using Augmented Glasses and Mobile Devices
Amit Morarka
Free Standing Flexible Capillary Made From Silicone Elastomer For Medical And Soft Robotic Applications
Avinash More
Advanced Airplane Location Indicator
Gianantonio Moretto
Train Location And Potential Collision Alert
Sharan Mudda
Hydraulically Actuated Suction Cup enabled Automated Mobile Robotic Arm ( HASCAMRA )
Sai Sushma Muddineni
Voice Controlled Assistive Hand
Roni Mukherjee
Reduction of Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) in Power Inverters
Michael Munter
Adjustable Handle Hammer
Jai Soorya Muthukumaran
Motor Bike Enabled Vertical Climber (MOBEVER)
Sankharan Muthuswamy
Performance Analysis Of Airfoil Profiles For Different Wind Patterns In Tamil Nadu
Eric Myers
Lid Retainment for a Storage Container
Piezoelectric Alternator/Generator for Improved Fuel Economy
Natalia Mykhaylova
Cleanopy: Air Purifier For Children
RunFree: Personal Air Purifier Hat
Gnanamurugan Mylsamy
iCombimeter and iHelmet
Shivam Nagar
Green Electricity
Balasubramaniyan Nagarathinam
Gravity Powered Agro Friendly Pump
Jagadeesh Nagesh
VARTAK (Variably Applicable, Reliable Transporter & A Knight) - Intelligence Aimed at Better World
Vishal Nageshkar
Explosive Door Hinges in Vehicles
Akhil Nair
Light Fidelity (Li-Fi)
Ganesh Nangare
Power Generation From Outlet Of The Water Pump
Naveen Narayanankutty
Driver's Night Light Guide
Marco Nardone
A New Paradigm of Thin-Film Solar Electricity
Michael Nasab
How to Develop and Create Virtually Unlimited Number of Diverse Products By Using a Single Hardware Platform
Alan Nash
Application of Battlefield Point of Injury & Trauma Medical Device System
Zeid Nasser
Rubber Pothole and Manhole Cover Filler
Sauravmoy Nath
Self Conductive Cell
Human Life Defendable Aircraft
Idea For Future Talking System Using Human Mind
Shreyasvi Natraj
Hybrid Airplanes
Puri Pods
Gustavo Navarro
Kinematic Energy and Heat to Electricity Harvesting Tire Apparatus (TorusPTZ1)
Anjum Naveed Pk
4 Wheeled Micro Car
Nitheesh D Nayak
Automation In Coconut Powder Making: A Concept
Nancy Neil
Hyper Efficient Lighting
Shah Nejad
Automotive Navigation System Using Ultra-sounding Tracker Sensor
Tram Nguyen Huynh Ngoc
SPORTSLOVER - A convenient mobile application for sports players
Adrian Ioan Niculescu
ISAS – Integrated Shock Absorber–Air Spring
Cole Nielsen
On-Orbit Manufacture of Satellites
Sourabh Nimodiya
Traffic Managment
Srinivas Nistala
Pocket Power Supply
Mateus Noro Villas Boas
Thunder - Rain Gear for Bikes
Engr. Chinenye Justin Nwaogwugwu
Multisurface Degreaser/Cleaner
Merlyn Nyght
Re-purposing floodwater to provide water to the arid Southwest states and California
Alex Oconnor
Triple Fuselage Flying Wing
Wieslaw Oledzki
Rotary Engine for Power Generation
Progressive Steel Vehicle Suspension
Spherical Engine
Csaba Orban
Brush-Pick "The Ultimate Oral-Care"
Anton Ovemars
Extremely efficient multifuel rotary engine
Taslim Owonikoko
Density Differential Based Oil-Water Separator Working Continuous With Biodegradable Sludge Digester
Waste Plastics Become Artificial Wood To Clean Ocean-Landfills For Delay-Deforestation & GHG Absorption
Wearable Tech Gadgets On Green Strappings
Tanil Ozkan
3D Printer to Aid Visually Impaired Consumers in Their Daily Life
Sreehari P V
Nigi Torque Multiplier
Sanket Panchal
Automatic Paddy Transplanter
Sameer Panda
Puncture Proof Burst Proof Tire
Aditya Pandey
Design & Development Of A Novel Flapping Wing Mechanism For An Ornithopter
Kannan Pandi
Copper Shield Our Health (Ancient Knowledge Meets Modern Technology)
Prateek Pandit
RefUSE Initiative
Pranay Pankaj
Angular Side View Mirror Using Steering Mechanism
Ravi Paramanandam
Valved Two Stroke Engine -PartII
Gautam Parjapati
Gyroscopic Multi-movement Ducted Propellers For Aircraft
Dong Hoon Park
Advanced Power Shift Clutch
Allen Parker
CryoFOSS: Using Fiber Optic Technology for Liquid Level Sensing
D.p. Parkhe
Universal Tape Dispenser
James Parry
Shaving Conditioner
Milan Patel
WPT- Wireless Power Transmission
Milan Patel
Automated Control System for Greenhouse Environment
Sanket Patel
Smart Hybrid Bike (Petrol/Electric)
Air Seating for Cars
"Smart Car Communication System" To Prevent Accidents Caused By Human Error
Engintronics-"Camless Electronic Engine"
Eddie Paul
New Powerful Engine
Kavin Pc
Automatic Bill Payer Machine
Germano Pecoraro
Tram-Train Freight
Rick Pelfrey
Transfer Port Engine
Esteban Pena Pitarch
Driving device for a hand movement and sensation
Fahim Peracha
Brain-Brain and Brain-Technology communication
Vitor Pereira
Electroencephalogram (EEG) protocol for to disentangle neural correlates of phenomenal from access consciousness vision
Philip Perera
Fixture Suitable For Piling Kelly Bar Maintenance
Mats Persson
Charging Mini Pad
Home RBS Makes You Call More For Less
Sally Phang
PlaxiCRAFT Life Saving & Rescue Craft
Shubham Phoolari
Intelligent Helmet
Brain Controlled Arm With Thrusters
Self Proclaiming Generator for Automobiles
Anthony Piazza
Strain Gage for Highly Elastic, Low-Modulus Materials Possessing Strain Range Greater than 100 Percent
Wayne Pickette
Digital Stepping Device
Electrically activated fluid-powered Muscle Simulator System
Adam Pilat
An Automated Method For Fibrin Clot Permeability Assessment
Larry Pope
Aviation for the Next 100 Years
Isaac Porras
Solderdoodle Pro: USB Rechargeable Soldering Iron
John Porter
Bringing our Railways into the 21st Century
Terry Potter
Sleeved Shock Absorber
Mark Poust
Pneumatic Tire Valves
Sathya Prabhakar
Gesture Based Smart Supportive System For The Disabled And Elderly
Deepan Prabhu
Magnetic Levitation Loom
Indika Prasad
Ejectable Crew/Passenger Compartment For Aircrafts/Helicopters/Aerospace Vehicles
Jubilee Prasad Rao
Cyclic Pitch Vertical Axis Turbine Inspired By Birds
Pooja Priyadarshini
Design and Development of railways using quantum levitation
Carlos Proano
Asperger Syndrome Health Condition Sensorial Detector
Karl Prodinger
Rehabilitation of wet buildings
Alberto Prud Homme
Glasses with automatic polarizable regions to help in high sensitivity to light
Micro interface to control robotic prosthesis, using the axons of motor nerves
Sreenivasulu Pulla
Aero Load Decider
LPG Gas Leakage Detector
Seeanth Punnakkal
Airloon - Atmoshperic Home air conditioner
Benita Purnamasari
Stackable Tumbler
Andrey Pushkarev
The Shells - set of coffee tables
Hariharan Pv
Woven Vegetation Fiber Composites for MONOCOQUE Structures in Boat/Aircraft/Cars/Construction
Carlo Quinonez
Project Pyra: World's First 3D-Printed Oven
Padmini R
A Novel Method For Self Regulated Coil Winding Machine
Vikash R
Automatic Exterior Wall Painter
Mel Radford
Firefly Rural Electrification System
Ashutosh Raj
SPYBOT: The Virtual Presence
Mohanraj Rajangam
Thermo Exhaust Generator
Aravindan Rajasekharan
AmbiCopter-Transport & Rescue Vehicle
Rishikeshlalbabu Ramiya
State-of-the-art Security And Automation Solutions Using Infrared Rays
2D Electronic Toric Marker
Wireless Approaching Train Warning System and Automatic Gate Control for Unmanned Level Crossings
Wireless Based Seat Level Position Sensor
Shanmuga Srinivas Ramkumar
Lightweight Composite Wheel
Graham Randall
Fetal Welfare Monitoring Using Light And Sound
Sapna V Rao
A Legitimate Person Authentication System Using Retinal Veins And Ecg As Biometric Parameters-A Bimodal Biometric
Sohan Rao
Car to Car Communication Module (CCC)
Surbhi Raval
Automatic Tyre Inflation System
Tomasz Rawinski
A New, Secure Internet
Sreedhar Reddy
Exhaust Collections & Processing – An Approach Toward Sustainability
Joseph Resnick
Honeybee Nano Bubbles®
Grab-Crab™ Quick-Capture Attended Waterman Trap
Madeleine Rhodes
The Puzzle Note
John F Ribera
Explosive Material Identification from a Distance
Robert Rice
DAVID: Digital Anatomic Visual Informatics Device
Lance Richards
Real-Time Fiber Optic Sensing System
Ryan Riedel
Solar Heated and LED Lit Overhead Highway Sign
Jose Luis Roca
Double Layer Chamber
Serge Rocha Da Fonseca
Simplified Rocket Guidance System For Atmospheric Boost Ascent And Boosted Recovery Phases
Cutberto Rodriguez
Emotions Mobile Detector
Bill Rogers
HiPer Solar Systems
Charles Rosendorf
Quantum Vacuum Energy Extraction
Michael Rother
Yard Mule Property Maintenance System
Chanaka Rupasinghe
Nanolaser Cancer Therapy
Madhankumar S
Automatic Vacant Parking Slot Detection And Tracking Using Wireless Sensors
Abhisekh Saha
Molecular Sieves Air Filter for Cars
Sourabh Saha
A Low-cost Passive Alignment System for Micro and Nano Imprinting
Bollapragada Sai Sandeep
Blood For Engine
Mattaparthi Sai Sandeep
Hurricane Control Using Space Solar Power Satellites (SPS)
Maddali Sai Swaroop
Gene Alterations by Nanotechnology
Edson Saito
Optimization Of Fuselage Structural Assembling Using Cooperative Robots Platforms Based On One-step Assembly And Automatic Rivet Sealing
Ahmed Samy
power station under the water
Ronny Sanchez Merino
Flexolar: Ecological Flashlight
Edward Sandoval
Cell Phone App to program the Mind
Gary Sandstedt
Means To Remove Blood Stream Deposits From A Body
Nishit Sangomla
Solar Wind Hybrid system for rural Electrification
Xabier Sanjuan
Commercial Aircraft Emergency System Deployed to Save Lives
Kurt Sanner
A Low-Cost, Low-Power, Portable Mounting Platform for Auto-Tracking Antenna
Adharsh Santhanam
Electromagnetic car battery charging
Surya Satyavolu
Radar Guided Wirelessly Controlled Automated Highway System
Gigi Savona
Wireless, One-way, Sensor to Base Station Monitoring System for Explosive and Non-hazardous Environments
Floating Piston, Isolation Valve
An Economical Lightweight Field Deployable PiezoElectric Gravimeter (PEG)
Savvas Savvakis
the SARM Project
Chandan Saxena
Gearless Bi-freewheel Differential
Andrey Saykin
Development Of The “Ecologically Clean” Vehicle Conception By Providing Effective Refinement Of The Air Inside Car Compartment
Arthur Schlauch
The Helical Impeller
William Schonlau
Ultra Wide Field Eyewear Display
George Schrader
Integrated Distribution System
Thomas Schum
Hot and Taut Wire Airspeed Sensor
Ervin Scott
Bluetooth Embedded Amplifier
Tomooki Seki
Perpetual Motion Machine using Inverse Magnetostrictive Effect
Jack Senter
Soil Monitoring for Irrigation Control & Others
Mayur Seth
Intelligent Plant Watering System
Vinothkumar Sethurasu
Implementation Of Reverse Gear In 2 Wheeler
Jo Sevenfivethree
Nooalf International Spelling
Mohanish Shah
Punctured Assistant Apparatus
Rishit Shah
development of rail side windmills
Shalv Shah
Water Purification using SUN's UV Energy
Hybrid Motorbike
Amir Shakeri Fard
An Innovative Method of Creating Gas Tubes
Avinash Shaligram
Simultaneous Production of Potable Water and Hot Water
Hameem Shanavas
Intelligent Wheel Chair
James Shand
Motorcycle Stabilizion System
Daniel Shani
Ultra-compact, Road-mounted Energy Harvesting System
Santhosh Kumar Shanmugam
Train Doesn't Require Fan
Siva Shanmugam
Braking The Vehicle By WIND Resistance (Newton’s 3rd Law)
Wind brakes actuated by electro magnet for automobile braking (Aerodynamic braking)
How to rotate the wind turbine by using carry bags instead of blades?
Dan Shannon
Orthotic Leg Brace Non-Compressive Massage Pads
Anand Sharma
Bluetoth Guitar Module
Mohit Sharma
Aircraft Carrier (New Deck Landing System, Variable Sweep Propellers)
Rajiv Sharma
Smartphone Falling Impact Protection
Cross-sectional Area Converting Machine
Walking And Running Transportation System
Fastest Ambulance In The World
Rotor/turbine Etc. With Small Discharge Of Fluid, Its Related Applications
Transportation System Used Lift And Gravitational Force Into Forward Thrust
Increase In Payload Without Increasing The Size Of Ship/Boat/Marine Vehicles
Sahil Sharma
Dual-Power IC Engine
Barry Sharrow
Completely Embedded Hearing System
Emily Shepherd
A Distributed Peer? Approval Code Collaboration Model
Alexander Shkolnik
CHP System with Internal Waste Heat Recovery
Jeffrey Short
Harvesting Electricity from Ambient Turbulence (HEAT)
Abhishek Shrotri
Air Conditioning System Of Car Working On Exhaust Of Engine
Michael Siegel
Conversion of Waste Kitchen Foods and Animal Waste in Organic Animal Feed, Pesticides and Fertilizer
Scott Silvenis
Creative Caring Corporate Initiative
Dr. Endre Simonyi
Coal Production With A Reagent From Potash, Limestone And Soda Water
Aadarsh Singh
Traffic Red Light And Stop Sign Detection Camera For Preventing Side Impact Crashes
Manarshhjot Singh
Posture Compatible Bicycle
Rishabh Singh
RECAP (Reduce Energy Consumption And Pollution)
Sandeep Singh
Automatic Pipe Expander Machine
Design Four Wheel Steering System With Four Modes
Varun Mohan Singh
Fueled Power Generation For An Electric 2 Wheeler
Uday Singhal
Efficient Engine of Cars
Aninda Sircar
Green cooling and Energy Regeneration in Vehicles
Rafael Skodlar
Semi-Autonomous Personal Assistant (SAPA)
Mark Skoog
A Proven System for Preventing Ground Collisions of Aircraft
Matthew Smeeth
The Development Of A Test Rig For A New Fuel
Bradford Snipes
Zero Brine Discharge Multiple Effect Desalination
Gamal Soltan
New Loader Equipment
Jiechen Song
Flowing Last-Mile Logistics
Mype - Expand Urban Space Through An Interface Design
Ganesh Srinivas
Fingerprint Starting System
Srikumar Srinivasan
Low Cost Quake Proof Shelter
Valentin Stavrev
Attitude and Divert Control for VTVL Launch Vehicle
Christian Stclaire
2 Stroke Engine 4000 to 1 Gasoline / Oil Mix Ratio
Kenneth Steel
Rescue Device For People Trapped In Multilevel Buildings With Fire Below
Panagiotis Stefanides
Universal Solar [Source] Locator and Tracker System
Brian Stofiel
Balloon Launched Orbital Rocket System
Michael Stone
Exoskeletal Yard Tools
Anders Stubkjaer
Modular Jet Ski; No Trailer; Affordable; High Performance
M Subramanian
Automatic Side Stand Retrieval System
Siddaiah Sudarshan
Flat Generator
In Soo Suh
A Prototype of 4WD Micro Electric Vehicle with Foldable Body Design
Aadhithya Sujith
Helmet Activated Key Holder
Fruit Grabber Drone
Nithish Sukumar
Hill Holder Device With Automatic Bidirectional Clutch for Vehicles
Ennis Sullivan
Triad Lift and Propulsion Design with Dynamic Center of Gravity for Horizontal Airplane Flight
Nichole Sullivan
The N5 Sport: An Ultra-Small, Low-Cost Pollution Gas Detector Using Novel Chip-Scale Chemical Sensor Technology
The N5 Medic: An Ultra-small, Low-cost Gas Toxin Personal Monitor To Assist Individuals With Poor Respiratory Health Using Novel Chip-scale Chemical Sensor Technology
The N5 FILO (First-In-Last-Out) An Ultra-Small, Low-Cost Hazardous Gas Detector Using Novel Chip-Scale Chemical Sensor Technology
Tishreen Sultan
Using HPG to Treat Burns
Roger Sundman
A Novel Processor Architecture for the Internet of Things
Eddy Supriyanto
Water-based Fuel Gas Generator
Subbarao Surampudi
Direct Methanol Feed Fuel Cell and System
Nemo Surpio
2-floor Car With Concave Solar Panels For Efficiency And Aerodynamics
Utkarsh Suthar
Variable Displacement Engine-Maximum Efficiency And Lowest Emissions
Jeffrey Swope
3D Tire Printing Mounting
Irshad T
Design And Fabrication Of Coconut Husk Remover With Shell Cutter
Kasikumar T
Computational Analysis Of A Unibody Construction For Sports Utility Vehicle
Sangavi T
Tongue Controlled Mouse Pointer: An Asssistive Technology For The Disabled
Lien Chiow Tan
Electric Vehicle powered by g-EN CO2 engine with no range limitation
g-EN CO2 Engine
Joseph Tarsio
Assembly of Multiple Organ Types and Configurations from Multipotent Mesenchymal Stem Cells Using 3D Printers
Geoff Taylor
Rocker Walker
Internal Swivel Caster
Eco Zip-its
Diesel Powered Hammer - Slammer
Inductor Jet Engine
Craig Teale Jones
AESP – Advanced Electronic Stability Program
Erp2 Team
Electric Power Reconfigurable Rotor VTOL Concept
Viktoria Terman
UV-C Cell Saver
Victor Thai
Addressable Light Fixture Controller
Arvinth Thennarasan
Multi-cutting Shearing Machine
Nguyen Thi Xuan My
ATS Message Gateway
Sidhant Pravinkumar Thole
Conrad Thomas
Wearable Physiology Monitoring Development Platform
Gregory Thomas
The WellCar - Delivering Healthcare in the Rural Environment
Litty Thomas John
Active Baggage Handling System
Deepak Thomas Kallely
Smart Materials to Improve Aerodynamic Efficiency
Sai Gautham Thoppa
Universal Reader for the Blind
Maharshi Trivedi
Automatic Water Refilling System
Garry Neil Trochymchuk
Thomas Tsotsis
Widespread water harvesting
Lee Underkofler
Alternate Energy, Affordable, Simple, Series-Hybrid EV "People's Car"
Kanpur Rani V
The Intelligent Cradle (I-Cradle)
Mathijs Vaessen
SPIN Remote - The Simplest, Most Stylish Remote Ever
Arash Vafanejad
Creating Sensations Of Touch, Over-the-air, For True Immersion In Virtual Or Augmented Reality
Mojtaba Valinejadshoubi
Green Roof with Collection and Purification Capabilities of Rainwater
Ragav Vasudevan
A New Robotic Arm Using 3DOF GEAR Unit
Hector Vega Rodriguez
Medical Camera for diagnosis
Ganesh Vinayaga Sundaram
An Intelligent System For Variable Brake Force Generation On Two Wheeler
Premkumara Viswanathan
To Identify Aircraft Crash and Ensure Passengers' Saftey
Jos Volkers
The Mycoremediating Biodegradable Closed Ecological System
Himanshu Vyas
Anti-Collision Technology For Automobiles
Sachin Wagle
Speed Breaker on Road to Lift Water
Harry Wainwright
Real Rock Lights
Portable Wireless Medical Monitoring System for Triage Units, Military Environments, and Developing Nations
Akshay Wakode
Mini Quadcopter With Wireless Video & Audio Seen On Mobile
Yinxu Wang
A Truly Wearable Healthcare and Fitness Device Aimed at Making a Better Life
Chris Whelan
Turbo-Cooling System
Clayton Whiteside
(GrowLife) Off-Grid Recirculatory Aquaponics Starter System
Raymond Williams
Mass Ignition Internal Combustion Engine
Scott Winroth
Low Cost 3D Printed Linear Motion System
Alvin Wirthlin
Intelligent Hitch for Measuring Both Trailer Weight and Tongue Weight
Saul Wiseman
Tracy Witham
The Reel Boat: Wheeled Efficiency for Watercraft
Calvin Woosnam
Safe & GREEEN Future
Vivek Yadav
Designing And Manufacturing Of Quad Bike - A Revolution To Agricultural
Donald Yates
Water Wonder Discoverer
Alejandro Pedro Yaya
Low Orbit Satellite
Sean Yildirim
Events Reinvented
Colin Young
World Land Speed Record (Wheel-Driven) Project
Janet Young
Sisi Cup
Quick Harvester System
Quick Harvester System
Mohamed Yussouf
Smart Relief Valve
Michael Zeldich
Free form sandwich panels
Yale Zhang
Mobile Oximeter for Rural Child Pneumonia Diagnosis
Jun Zheng
A Special House Structure For Defending Against Very Hot Weather
Douglas Zietlow
synCCT(TM) The Key to Sustainable Electricity
Len Zima
Corner High Pressure Vessel
Trent Zimmer
Waste Reducing Interlocking Bottle for Construction
Crash Zone
Designated Crash Zones
Jacinto Zulueta
Smart Car Stick-ons, Plug-ins
Wearable, Weather/Water Proof Safety Lights For Athletes
Gravity/Air Generators
Residential Portable CNC Hydraulic Robot Assistant
Cooperating Security Robotic System
Lei Zuo
A Novel Energy Regenerative Shock Absorber
Nissim Zur
An Artificial Intelligence Wireless Vital Signs Plaster
Wojciech Zwolak
Fiber Optic Photovoltaic Cell
Power Module, The Electric Drive Powered Laser Beam
Robotic Head To Drill Wells In The Ground By Explosive Charges With The Cumulative Intermediate Medium - Water