Electromagnetic Reciprocating Engine

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The Electromagnetic Reciprocating Engine will replace the Combustion Engine in electricity production and transportation.

The Electromagnetic Reciprocating Engine (United States Patent 7,557,473) will reduce the effects of Climate Change. The engine will end over 60% of greenhouse gases which will affect the climate of the World. The engine will end over 75% of the World's dependency on Oil.

The Electromagnetic Reciprocating Engine:
• NO Fossil Fuels – Renewable Energy
• NO Exhaust – Greenhouse Gases
• Transportation –
o Cars to Semi Trucks
o Boats to Ships
• Electricity – 2kW to 2MW per engine

The Electromagnetic Reciprocating Engine operates by taking electricity from a battery, converting it to Magnetic Energy using electromagnets, and converting that kinetic energy to Mechanical Energy using the crankshaft. The electricity, stored in a battery, is the primary energy source. The energy is send to electromagnets which turn that electricity into Magnetic Energy, magnetic force. The magnetic force is used to turn a crankshaft. The crankshaft will increase the energy using Mechanical Advantage and send that Mechanical Energy to two places: 1) It will send part of the energy as electricity, by turning an alternator, back to the battery and electromagnets. 2) It will send the remaining energy, Mechanical Energy, using a shaft which can turn ether a generator or a transmission.

The Electromagnetic Reciprocating Engine can produce various amounts of horsepower and torque. The horsepower is controlled by two things, 1) the size of the crankshaft which dictates the amount of magnetic force needed from the electromagnets and 2) the number of Magnetic Chambers.

Magnetic Chamber
The Magnetic Chamber uses the magnetic force from an Electromagnet and Permanent Magnet repelling and attracting to each other to turn a crankshaft. The linear motion of the Magnetic Chamber is converted into circular force and torque.

The Opposite Pole Electromagnet and the Permanent Magnets produce magnetic forces. These forces will repel or attract each other. The Opposite Pole Electromagnet, powered by electricity, has one pole at either end of the electromagnet. The pole can be either North Pole or South Pole and can be reversed by changing the polarity.

Renewable Energy
The Electromagnetic Reciprocating Engine will receive a horsepower increase over the combustion engine of 97% with 87% from the mechanical advantage from changing the strokes of the crankshaft and 10% from using magnetic bearings over the combustion engine. The Electromagnetic Reciprocating Engine will require 70% of that increase to operate. This leaves a 27% horsepower increase over the Combustion Engine.

V8 Configuration Example
The Electromagnetic Reciprocating Engine will produce 1,153 HP @7000 rpm’s. This engine is based on the stroke of a combustion engine that produces 300 HP@ 2200 rpm’s. The change in strokes produces a 97% HP (87% crankshaft & 10% magnetic bearings) increase to 1,647 HP @7000 rpm’s. Electromagnetic Reciprocating Engine requires 505 HP (70% to operate. The remaining 1,153 HP is used to produce electricity or motion.

See http://www.SekouOnline.com for more information and http://www.SekouOnline.com/technology.html for white paper.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Kala Butler
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