I started this project by selecting a common environment for restricting the "sustainability" theme, and be able to focus the home wasting issue.
So then I've done long research in food over-wasting issue in home, and I analyzed this problem in four categories, which were "sale," "conservation," "preparation," and "consumption.
For over 35 years I have proposed the following "Free Lunch" solution to Climate Change and global warming to US and international "Movers and Shakers" without obtaining any responses or rebuttals.
Since 1908 Rope Ways played an important role in the field of transportation. It is very convenient mode of transport especially in hilly area. Less foot prints on ground, Eco-friendly (least deforestation), unaffected by city traffic makes it very suitable for even urban transportation. But there are some drawbacks like safety issues,
There are major Accidents caused by human error and those are still
not preventable. Solution is the "Smart Car Communication System." It’s a “Computer Unit (CU)” which must be fitted in all vehicles. It mainly control Acceleration, Braking, Steering and Signals system of the car. It does activated on sensing risk factor.
GrowLife Aquaponics (GLA) is striving to educate and enable consumers to re-imagine simple, organic, healthy food production at home. The GLA Off-Grid Recirculatory Aquaponics Starter System is not just a sustainable means of food production, but a regenerative one.
Rising food prices (especially meat/organics), complications from processed foods (obesity/allergies),
This design is other technologies depend which StClaire is also responsible for. Other lubricant maybe be used.
Back in 2001, a 2 Stroke 49cc was treated with one of my product before its release in 2007,
It was first called "NanoLube" then renamed to "Nano-Oil" hence www.NanoLube.com & www.Nano-Oil.
The idea of the 2-floor car is based on the continuously increasing number of cars on the road and reduced available parking space. By being a compact car, it occupies considerably less space than a 4-passengers vehicle, with a building aproach that uses the airspace above.
The BMW ActiveCity is a small electric premium vehicle for the year 2025. Having the body shape of a compact 3 door hatchback, this vehicle offers private means of future transportation through crowded cities in an economical, refreshing, and fun way.
Electronic Toric Marker is a medical instrument used in the case of Glaucoma eye disease, which is primarily observed in millions of sugar patients. Toric Marker head places two small lines/dots across pupil for pre-op/intra-op reference marking for alignment purpose.

3D Printing technology is expected to revolutionize each and every manufacturing industry within the next 2 decades. With this 3D Printer specializing in 3D printing of Braille characters on any kind of plastic packaging of common consumer products regardless the extent of existing surface curvature,
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