Grab-Crab™ Quick-Capture Attended Waterman Trap

Votes: 8
Views: 4903

The blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, is a keystone species that plays an integral ecological, economic, and sociological role in Chesapeake Bay. Concern for declining populations in this species is considerable and efforts to raise awareness regarding the need to conserve these precious natural resources is being advanced through use of the Quick-Capture Attended Waterman Trap (Grab-Crab™).

The “Grab-Crab™” is an invention comprising a new means/method of catching individual marine species through use of a new ‘attended waterman trap’ designed to a.) Enable conservation during the acts of sport and recreational fishing; and b.) Limit the catch size to “one” specimen during said use. For detailed information about the invention see:

Use includes singular collection of individual crustaceans, squid, for example, for personal or group consumption, study, conservation, recreational and educational purposes. The invention also provides a means for reduction of environmental stress on aquatic species by reducing over-harvesting of target species, e.g. the blue crab. The invention further reduces impact to the Earth’s environment to limit over-burden and over-harvesting of symbiotic and parasympathetic marine organisms whose existence is crucial to preservation and maintenance of species homeostasis and the marine environment. Major benefits of the invention include: i) raising public awareness as to the importance of conservation of marine species (e.g., blue crab); ii) to engage members of the general public to adapt to new, eco-friendly recreational (enjoyment/conservation) schemes; and, iii) to educate younger populations new conservation means through teaching the means, method of manufacture, the use method and learning method thereof, comprising the steps of using the invention to capture selected aquatic species, to conserve natural aquatic resources, to prevent Climate Change; to enable energy savings; to enable gather of aquatic animals for use by human consumption; to improve the mental state of the user through easy use and successful outcomes for relaxation, food capture, recreational sport fishing, in use thereof enabling the act of conservation of natural resources comprising aquatic species and organisms.

“The Grab-Crab™” works on the same principle as a common hair clip. A small spring inside the device forms the operational foundation of the invention. The tiny spring enables a spring-activated jaw that makes up most of the invention to open and close. The device is attached to a fishing line and is triggered when one crab touches the bait. In doing so the crab triggers the “grab” mechanism and the jaw closes, capturing the crab between the jaws in a gentle, but firm, manner. When activated, the fisher feels tension on the line and knows that the trap has been activated and that the crab has been captured. The crab is then drawn into shore and immediately placed inside a cooler or other sanitary holding means. The “Grab-Crab”™ eliminates the need for the fisher to have to use other tools to handle the catch, such as long-handled tongs. The fisher’s hands never come into contact with the catch thus making the process safer and more sanitary for both fisher and catch.


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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Joseph Resnick
  • Type of entry:
    Team members:
    Dr. Joseph A. Resnick
    Ms. Joyce M. Mann
    Master Holden A. Lane
  • Software used for this entry:
    Auto Cad
  • Patent status: