Efficient Engine of Cars

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The project is about increasing the efficiency of an automobile engine by using small and efficient techniques.
The project may not be any high profile technology, a new engine or something like that, but this small project can change human life to a large extent.

We can increase the efficiency of engine by changing some small parameters on which it depends.

These factors are

These are some common factors which on an small extent can affect the efficiency of an automobile engine.

They can reduce the cost of the fluid ,production and increase the efficiency by about 10% or more ,and may even be low than this, it all depends upon the research.

The project is an research based project and I have formulated many formulas for this.

Now, discussing about the project idea.

1. Design - As we know that the formula for efficiency of an automobile engine depends upon the engine dimensions

\mbox{CR} = \frac { \tfrac{\pi}{4} b^2 s + V_c } {V_c}
from here we can keep eff as 100% and find out the values of design dimensions. there are also other formulas.

2. Fluid Blending - It is common , many blending is done. we can change the value of Y ,gamma in equation by this and the cost can be decrease.

3. Material- The material can be changed to reduce the cost of engine production

4.Wear And Tool Life - Its my own research and conceptual theory that the engine wear gradually decreases the engine efficiency, we can work on this to make the wear as less as possible.

These factors are very common and all the readers may have known this but ,i think no one would have thought about this.

This project can change the engines worldwide.

THANK YOU for reading this.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Uday Singhal
  • Type of entry:
  • Patent status: