Universal Solar [Source] Locator and Tracker System

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System [with appropriate Sensors] Locating and Tracking Solar [Source] Radiation Displaced in Hemisphere of a Location*.
The original primary function was to orientate a Solar Collector to face the Sun, with AZIMUTHAL Tracking of 270 Deg and ALTITUDINAL 90 Deg equipped by Specially designed Differential Light Amplifiers:

The purpose of this work is to introduce a design concept so that Locating and Tracking covers the whole Hemisphere at a location on Earth, so that it cares for a 24 Hour function on Poles or 360 Deg AZIMUTHAL Locating and Tracking, and 180 Deg ALTITUDINAL.
The concept is based on the idea of combining a signal indicating the direction of the radiating Source Rays, within Solid Angles of “Quarter Hemisphere” A, B, C, D [ Set S1-Ground “Fixed”], with a signal received from Angles a, b, c, d [ Set S2-Movable] defining the relative angular displacement of the Tracker’s Orientation [ AZIMUTHALLY] from these Rays’ Direction.
Similarly for the ALTITUDINAL Tracking with involved Sets of Angles
A, B, C, D –Set S1 and e, f, g, h – Set S3 [Movable].
A Start Up [SU] Source Level Detector Controls the On/Off Switch of the System.
The AZIMUTHAL Tracking reciprocates between East [E] and West [W]
via North [N] in a Clockwise and Anticlockwise Rotation.
[Orientation Marks (E, N, W, S) are Optional – used here for description of the System].
The ALTITUDINAL Tracking Reciprocates [UNFOLDING] between A and B or D and C.
The ALTITUDINAL Tracking Starts when the AZIMUTHAL Stops.
Angles of Sets are Orthogonal to each other [90 Deg].
Set S1 of angles A, B, C, D is “Fixed” to the Ground.
AZIMUTHAL Tracking Set of Angles a, b, c, d [S2 – Photo 1]\: Reciprocates on a Vertical to the Ground Axis.
ALTITUDINAL Tracking Set of Angles e, f, g, h [S3 – Photo 1]: Reciprocates on an Axis Perpendicular to the AZIMUTHAL Axis of Rotation.
The Plane formed by these two Axes follows the AZIMUTHAL Reciprocations.
Control is achieved by Logical Combination of Angles, via Boolean Algebra,
for Clockwise, Anticlockwise Reciprocation or STOP.
ALTITUDINAL Motion Starts when AZIMUTHAL Stops.




CLOCKWISE ROTATION : A.b + C.d +D.b + B.d + C.a + A.c

ANTICLOCKWISE ROTATION: A.a + D.d + C.c + B.b + D.a + B.c

STOP: A.a.b + C.d.c + B.d.c + D.a.b


CLOCKWISE ROTATION: D.[ h + g + f ] + A.[ h + g + f ] + B.f + C.f

ANTICLOCKWISE ROTATION: C.[ g + h + e ] + B.[ g + h + e ] + A.e + D.e

STOP: A.e.f + D.e.f + B.e.f + C.e.f

Error STOP: A.B+B.C+C.D+D.A+A.B.C.D

“ANTIPODAL” formation of two such Tracker CONFIGURATIONS, could apply for use on a Satellite to Scan the Whole “SPHERE” around it.
*Patent (Similar Theme) Expired, 71.495 [ Panagiotis Stefanides] ACTIVATED POWER SOURCE DISPLACED IN SPACE, TRACKING - 1983 Athens ( Greek)].


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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Panagiotis Stefanides
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Machine Language
  • Patent status: