EnerSysNet [hereafter ESN] is in the sustainable energy business. Our lean, green machines turn forest waste into refinery feedstock. ESN will build, own or lease, and operate a network of mobile energy conversion [MEC] systems producing renewable liquid hydrocarbons [RLHs] directly from renewable woody biomass. The RLH produced can be sold to petroleum refineries where it is turned into gasoline, diesel or kerosene at the rate of 155 liters/barrel, displacing petroleum-based equivalents. Alternatively, the output can be used to fuel power generation equipment.
The MEC – a small, transportable self-contained processing plant based on unique, patent-pending technology – requires no external electricity; converts available feedstock in situ without any adverse environmental impact; yields high volumes of ‘green’ pollutant-free hydrocarbons, while minimizing capital, operating, and transportation costs. It can operate at logging sites, sawmills, pulp mills, and timber farms, including remote ‘off-grid’ communities.
EnerSysNet MEC systems will produce renewable liquid hydrocarbons in situ from sustainable forestry byproducts. ESN has two target markets:
1) petroleum refiners, and
2) power generation.
ESN offers a cheaper, cleaner renewable fuel that works within current infrastructure. For petroleum refiners and power generation utilities that want to reduce fossil fuel dependence, maintain stable energy prices and reduce environmental impacts, ESN’s RLHs are energy- and chemically-equivalent to 90%-refined petroleum products; are not subject to crude oil market volatility and are carbon-neutral with near zero PPM sulfur. RLHs enter the market as a premium blendstock with highly competitive pricing and production costs. Each MEC can replace over 11 million liters of petroleum-based gasoline, diesel and jet fuel annually while releasing near zero PPM sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. Since the fuel is derived from contemporary biomass, it would be ‘carbon neutral’ compared with fossil fuel.
ESN offers a renewable fuel solution that is cheaper, cleaner and works within current infrastructure. For petroleum refiners and power generation utilities that want to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels, maintain stable energy prices and reduce environmental impacts, ESN’s RLHs are energy- and chemically-equivalent to refined petroleum products, competitive with crude oil above $48 per barrel, carbon neutral and release virtually no sulfur dioxide emissions.
ESN’s RLH product is compatible with today’s petroleum-based economy and can easily adapt to future liquid transportation fuel requirements. Power generation facilities such as electric utilities, saw mills and other wood processing plants can displace fossil-based fuels with RLH and use existing liquid fuel firing systems, further reduce air emissions and incur no operational efficiency cost.
Compared to other liquid energy offerings, the ESN MEC’s advantages include:
1) significantly lower capital investment
2) a rapid commercialization timeline
3) low and sustainable operating costs
4) large product volumes
5) a distributed, mobile platform
6) proprietary IP
7) output product pricing indexed to refined petroleum
8) managed capital scalability within operating revenues
9) diverse and expanding market segments
ESN's lean green machines address a multimillion dollar market opportunity to the benefit of the timber industry, the communities where they operate, and the global environment.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Jim Colthart
- Type of entry:teamTeam members:Gary Scoggins
Jim Colthart - Patent status:patented