"Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another"- Albert Einstein.
Humanity has always challenged itself to lead the ongoing race of developing Sustainable Energy Resources, and because there is a sure shot need of developing sustainable energy resources in the near future and even now, the mindset of great Researchers and Scientists has channelised itself entirely into creating something new, forgetting that there is still a way of generating a tremendous amount of energy from the present in-use resources.
Every year millions of gallons or fuel is used in the aviation industry and about 40% of it is lost in the unnecessary wastes (noise and emissions) on every flight taken.
The idea of installing and fusing Airborne Wind turbines onto the Aircrafts used in aviation is the smartest yet efficient way of recovering the losses Aviation Industry incurs every time a flight takes off.
1) Energy Recovery and Generation from In-flight Aircrafts
By installing the Turbines onto the wings and near-the-tail regions of the flying aircraft, from the time the aircraft takes off to the time it lands the Turbines will be in-use and generating(or more precisely recovering) the energy that would have else been lost in thin air.
This would recover and even generate energy output upto 80-100 MWH(approx.) which is a large number.
2) Energy Recovery from Landing Aircraft:-
The energy produced by a plane’s braking system during landing - currently being wasted as heat produced by friction in the Aircraft’s Disc Brakes - would be captured and converted into electricity by motor-generators built into the landing gear. The electricity would then be stored and supplied to the in-hub motors in the wheels of the plane when it needed to taxi.
There currently is no Technology available in the market that would recover the energy lost unnecessarily from the aviation industry and thus just by fusing these readily available technologies into the aviation industry will account for a better energy source, one that will have immediate effects on the energy industry. As it is believed by me that,"The technology exists now, we just need a vision to rearrange the pieces to get a more desirable outcome"
() Saving on aviation fuel (saving money, of course);
() Cutting emissions;
() Reduce the noise planes make while taxiing.
1)Obstacles in aircraft landing and takeoff
2)Effect on Primary Radar(radar may confuse the turbines with aircraft.)
1.Reducing the overall height of turbine, so that the radar cannot see it due to high ground clearance.
2.Reducing the number/orientation of turbines so that the radar display picture is not cluttered with unknown images.
3.Providing the radar with computer software so that the turbines are not shown on the radar display and changing aircraft movements to avoid overflying the turbines.
Thus the energy generated could be used to power the aircraft systems and the surplus energy could be used to power the Airport Systems and nearby Houses.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Karanvir Singh Chhabra
- Type of entry:individual
- Software used for this entry:3ds Max and Photoshop
- Patent status:none