Optimized Piston Motion Engine

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Summary :
The present invention relates to transmission mechanism for an internal combustion engine which will improve the internal combustion engine's efficiency and power output by enabling very fast combustion with improved characteristics.

The invention is a novel mechanism Patent Pending at USPTO (USSN 13/971,554) just replaces the conventional connecting rods by new ones that concludes three parts for each in which resulting piston motion very fast near Top Dead Centre (TDC) compared to the conventional mechanism; Fig 1 shows piston position for both conventional and invented engines for the same stroke.

Also the resulting connecting rod angle oscillates with very small portion near TDC compared to conventional mechanism; Fig 2 shows Connecting Rods angle for both conventional and invented engines for the same stroke.

Invention Brief:
The solution completes the technological content of internal combustion engines with essential enabler "Piston Motion Optimization." The invented arrangement exclusively based on mechanics radically improves the engine capabilities in terms of performance, fuel efficiency, and pollutant emissions reduction. Novel is the controlled joint added through the connecting rod and slides for optimized piston motion hence higher efficiency.

Fast piston speed near TDC enable shortening the combustion burn duration to be about 0.25 of the burn duration in conventional internal combustion engines, this will enable internal combustion engines using CR (Compression Ratio) of twice of what used in conventional one, resulting in improved thermal efficiency as same as improved rational efficiency, and will enable the use of lean-burn combustion strategies and significantly reduce the oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions without facing the problems of unstable combustion.

Another problem solved by using the present invention is to avoid engine knocking phenomena when operates internal combustion engines at high load and/or high CR.

On another hand the smaller angle near TDC for the primary connecting rod will results on improving the mechanical efficiency by reducing the piston side load to small portion of what in conventional engines, as known form many references the piston-cylinder in these conventional engines concludes about half of friction losses.
The resulting engine by using the present invention is proposed to solve all of those issues by improving the combustion characteristics and shortening the burn duration as the benefits of fast piston motion near TDC.

Technology Proposition:

• Enable lean-burn strategies with down-speeded engines without offsets the fuel saving potential and with stable combustion.
• Enable Ultra-boosting with downsized engines without compromise the Compression ratio.
• High efficiency gains with minimal engine change.
• No contradictions with the latest engine technologies developed to serve the conventional engines, the new mechanism is piston-crank type.
• Using the same production and manufacturing technologies used for the conventional engines, minimized change cost for engine manufacturers.


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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Mohammad Abazid
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    CREO (Formerly Pro/ENGINEER)
  • Patent status: