The lifting fuselage design has been around since the 1920's. It was shown by NACA (NASA) and through military competition in the 30's to be superior to the tube and wing design. Incorporating the most recent airfoil designs, composites and engine improvements, this design would easily cut in half the current airline fuel costs per passenger or pound of cargo and out perform Boeing's BWB fuel savings by 25%.
The simplicity of the design will cut cost in materials and production as well as increase stability and safety. The efficiency of lift and reduced drag will allow for safer, low speed takeoffs and landings while being able to cruise at higher speeds with little drag penalty. A 40 year aerospace veteran and Circulation Control expert assured me that even these numbers would increase with the use of this technology. The stability of this design will also eliminate the need for expensive computer systems and extra control surfaces as is necessary for the B-2 bomber and most likely the blended or hybrid wing body being tested by NASA. My proof-of-concept RC has lost power 3 times in flight. Every time it landed on its wheels on its own. Coming in straight and level, and at lower speeds, could just come in handy if all systems are lost in flight.
Safety will also be increased by having the engines placed at the tail of the airfoil body virtually eliminating engine bird strikes. This engine placement also uses the body and vertical tail sections to reduce engine noise around airports. As mentioned, takeoff and landing speeds would be reduced to 100mph or less thus reducing the threat of serious injury where accidents usually happen. The placement of the engines, away from under the wing fuel tanks, almost eliminates the threat of fire in a hard landing or runway overrun.
All these issues and more are improved with this design. With the materials and technology now available to build this far superior plane, why are we trying to improve the current models in tiny and expensive increments? Because of testing already done on earlier designs plus testing on similar NASA, lifting fuselage designs, such as the X-43 and X-51 project, this plane could be certified in 10 years. Airlines could start replacing the old inefficient planes in 20 years. Within 30 years, most of these old planes will have replaced. The economy would be improved along the way with the production of thousands of these better, safer and more efficient planes. I'm workin' on it.
The attachments are #1 future airliner, #2 proof of concept RC.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Larry Pope
- Type of entry:individual
- Software used for this entry:CAD
- Patent status:none