Kaizen-Plastic Recycling

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The consumption of bottled water is ever increasing. India is amongst top 10 bottled water consumers. Thus, tremendous plastic waste is generated every day at public places like railway stations.

This plastic waste is segregated manually which is quite erroneous. Impurities in the segregated plastic creates major problems for the recyclers. 1 PVC bottle in a batch of 1000 PET (type of plastic polymer) bottles can ruin the entire melt. Current technology for segregating plastic is very costly. Moreover, this plastic waste consumes tremendous volume during transportation, increasing transportation cost and so the carbon emission.

We have a designed a machine which will detect the type of plastic bottle and segregate it accordingly, and will also crush this bottle. Thus, our machine will segregate the bottles at source and also reduce volume of the waste.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Yashanshu Jain
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Solid works
  • Patent status: