Millions of people and tons of cargo are daily transported by the air daily all over the world. Still, the safety of air transport is questionable due to the number and the frequency of accidents reported worldwide.
The survival of the passengers or the crew is with an utmost importance since the human factor is invaluable.
This proposal is to present a solution to minimize the fatality rate of human factor in air transport.
As per the statistics, most of the airplane accidents are caused due to pilot errors, mechanical errors, weather, sabotage or other mechanical errors.
The exposure to fatality due to any cause of accidents is considerably high when the flight is in the cruising phase.
The possibility of damaging the fuselage due to the root cause of the accident is very low. For example, an engine failure or a fire in a fuel tank in a wing, though they are critical, those do not directly damage the fuselage.
Hence, in most forms of accidents, there is a big chance of survival if the fuselage can be disengaged from the remaining structure when an accident happen and safely landed.
To minimize the fatality rate, I propose to implement a system to disengage the passenger area or crew area once an identifiable cause for an accident happen or in the near vicinity of an accident and then to safely land the fuselage.
To do this,
1. The separable highly durable passenger/crew compartment should be introduced.
Features proposed:
a. A light weight composite metal or carbon fiber closed shell
b. This should be able to plug-in or plug-off the remaining structure of the aircraft
c. Should have a self sustaining system including at least O2 and electricity for survival of the people inside for a few hours.
d. In a cargo aircraft, this can be the cockpit itself
2. The structural design of the airplane has to be modified so as to facilitate plug-in/plug-off of this passenger compartment to the remaining structure of the aircraft.
3. A system to be implemented to eject the passenger compartment once a root cause for an accident is identified by the computer system or manually
Features proposed:
a. The compartment should have mechanisms to be isolated immediately from the remaining systems of the aircraft by enclosing the chamber
b. A elector-mechanical ejection system
4. The safety mechanisms to be implemented in the passenger compartment to safely land the compartment on the water or on the land.
Features proposed:
a. Parachutes can help to slow down the unit
b. Floating mechanisms like life rings to be integrated
c. A mechanism to absorb the shock if directly contacted a solid surface ( when parachutes are not capable to slow down)-rubber rings
This concept can by applied to any any kind of aircraft, helicopter or even for aerospace vehicles which currently do not have such a system.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Indika Prasad
- Type of entry:individual
- Patent status:none