This odor free technology, the controlled aerobic biological distillation process where microorganisms convert raw organic materials (kitchen waste, yard waste, animal manure and human feces) into a high yield, high value, organic pesticide, organic animal feed, or organic fertilizer. The technology will eliminate costs associated with landfilling, reduce methane greenhouse gas production, provide a healthier life for all and create viable organic products that will generate large additional revenues for the project. This technology can be tailored to produce herbal drugs and cosmetics through enhanced refining and the introduction of different bacteria into the bio-fermentation.
All products produced will be EPA and FDA approved organics that can be used for organic pesticide, organic animal fees, and certain medical applications, fuel, adult beverages and cosmetics. All fermentation is done by the specific strains of bacteria and yeasts. At no time are there any emissions or products that need to be remediated or landfilled.
The two byproducts of the aerobic digestion process are 99% liquid Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) a moist solid that when dried can be used as organic animal feed or a fertilizer that contains Bacillus subtilis.
Bacillus subtilis, an extremely common bacterium. It is found in soil, water, air, and decomposing plant matter. Bacteria in the Bacillus genus are spore-forming, which means that they create a thick wall which surrounds their DNA and other internal cell structures. In this way, they are very hardy and impervious to extreme temperatures, chemicals, environmental factors, even some types of radiation. This makes them excellent for use in industrial processes.
Bacillus thuringiensis, or simply Bt, is a naturally occurring soil bacterium that, when sprayed on plants, is toxic to certain pest insects. For years, farmers and home gardeners have used Bt as a microbial spray pesticide to control caterpillars, certain types of beetles, as well as mosquitoes and black flies. This product will not harm bees.
Depending on the input waste the process takes from 7 to 30 days to start the continuous process. The system is capitalized in less than 2 years.
Cities like Seattle WA have now legislated that kitchen waste can no longer be landfilled. This technology is the least expensive of competing composting technics, very little labor and energy requirements. A 100 ton a day facility can be located on less than an acre of land.
When used to remediate animal manure the process recycles bio-solids and liquids eliminating the need of disposal through land application, surface disposal, or incineration. Improperly managed wastes contribute nutrients and disease causing organisms to both surface water and groundwater. Pathogens, antibiotics and hormones, present in manure, are broken down through our unique aerobic distillation process and 60% of the water in the manure is recycled for agricultural purposes. E.G. The manure from a dairy milking 200 cows produces as much nitrogen as is in the sewage from a community of 5,000-10,000 people, This technology eliminates problems arising from manure collection, storage, treatment, and utilization.
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- Name:Michael Siegel
- Type of entry:individual
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