Multi-Purpose Bag

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When you are shopping at the mall you generally avoid brittle items (glass items, pots) because you don’t have a good bag with you. Otherwise you will use multiple bags for multiple items. Tthis might increase space and number of bags and unfortunately waste. Also while shopping we divide our shopping by not our likes but by no. of bags we have, safety of items in our bag, space in our bag. If we don’t have any option we skip such items. Instead of using this I have a solution for this, the Multi-Purpose Bag. You can use this for shopping anywhere, anytime, any season and by anyone. So shopping everything in a single bag is possible now...


This Bag consists of three sections as shown in figure. Section No. 3 is used for keeping vegetables or items which contain little amount of water or your wet raincoat/umbrella, because the material used for this section is resin, pyridinium or melamine complexes, polyurethane, acrylic, fluorine or Teflon(Waterproofing material) to avoid contact with other section(items). 2nd section (Middle one) is for keeping brittle materials (Glass items) this made of hard materials to avoid breakage. 3rd section is to keep any material in it.

Advantage of this bag is you can extend any section by requirement by adjusting clip inside it. That means if you are buying only vegetables then you can extend 3rd section to full bag. When you are far from your place then it is not possible for you keep more bags along with you, so what you do?? You skip items for next time. You can use this bag for travelling purpose too.. Other material used for this is generally cotton (for printing purpose). This bag has been ergonomically design. The length, height, weight is ergonomically standard for use of different user.


This Bag can be used for shopping any season, anywhere, anytime.
This bag can be used as travelling bag for keeping oily/water content food items.
This bag used for keeping Brittle items.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Yogesh Kumbhar
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    CATIA V5 R19
  • Patent status: