Entrant Profile

Christopher Frank

Location: Atlanta, GA United States

Company: Georgia Tech

Profession: Engineer/Designer

Number of times previously entering contest: 1

Inspired by: Among human activities, transportation is the second largest contributor of all fossil fuel consumption. If
nothing is done, mean sea level might increase by 95 cm in 2100 and sink half of Bangladesh. In addition to
greenhouse gases (CO2, water vapor), aviation is responsible for other emissions like unburned hydrocarbons,
oxides and fine particles. The resulting pollution jeopardizes the fauna-flora balance and favors the spread
of diseases. Moreover, according to Airbus' Global Market Forecast, the number of aircraft in the sky
will double over the next 20 years. Therefore, our team is focusing on developing an innovative concept that can potentially meet future societal needs. In particular, the presented system aims at reducing the consumption of natural resources, improving the quality of life of airport neighborhoods, and making air travels more affordable.

2017 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
04/09 Profitable Rim with Induced Motion Aerospace & Defense 2002 5