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The growth of technology is witnessed every day and everywhere. From rural to urban areas we have technological innovations working and growing. There are medical experts in cities who treat and diagnose diseased people. But people in urban areas do not stand a chance to get treated by medical experts, because the medical experts hesitate to travel to villages and treat the people there.

In order to reduce the human effort in treating and diagnosing of diseases, a virtual environment called V-Doctor is created which checks for diseases and prescribes medicines accordingly. The main aim of the project is to offer medical services to people in urban areas across the country at free of cost. The process is that, when the determined output value from the sensors is different from the predefined value, the computer acknowledges it as an abnormal value or a disease and offers treatment (i.e.) it prescribes medicines. Here the computer acts as the medical practitioner which is capable of finding out disease. We use AVR controller to process the data, various bio medical sensors like Blood pressure sensor, diabetes sensor and temperature sensor are used to gather the sample from the patients. A software program using visual basic and C program to print the medicines prescribed.

Across 3 districts in Tamilnadu (Thiruvallur, Dharmapuri and Villupuram) we conducted a survey to know the frequent diseases that are affecting various ages of people. As a result of the survey is seen the four common disorders are Fever, Diabetes and Blood Pressure.

1 – 10 Fever and Cold
10 – 20 Skin disorders
20 – 30 Sleeplessness, Head ache
30 & above Joint problems, Diabetes, BP

Medical Facilities in Indian States

State No. of Villages No. of Towns Medical Facilities
Tamilnadu 1072 267 30 %
Maharashtra 880 220 56 %
Kerala 468 117 45 %
Goa 20 6 86 %
Mizoram 30 7 82 %
AP 856 202 42 %


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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Balaji M S
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    AVR Studio
  • Patent status: