Abinesh A
IoT Based Real Time Water Quality Monitoring System
Home Automation Using ESP8266 WIFI Module
Harini A
FIREBOT - Forest Fire Detection System
Kaviraj A
Low Cost Smart Glove for Health Monitoring
Venkatesh A
RFID Attendance System
Vijayendiran A G
FAIT - Farming using AI Technology
Smart Helmet for Miners
Fredric Abramson
Applying Genetic Science to Pinpoint and Lower Injury Risks to Athletes
Matthew Aguayo
Thermal Regulating Paint
Anne Albritton
The Resurrector - Portable EV Solar Charger
Alex Aldridge
Power Generating Mousepad
Electric Zipper Lock
Mohamed Alkalla
Bio-inspired Lightweight and Energy-efficient Planetary Drill and Sample
Maheswari Arumugam
Treating Ectopic Pregnancy with a Falloscope
Rodolpho Assumpcao
Vehicle Emissions Limit
Dan Atlas
High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Lanes
Adeniji Ayodeji
The Role of Science and Technology in Transport
Muthukumaran Azhagesan
Compact Vehicle Door Protector and Bullet-proof Auto Shields
Vehicle Door Protector
Personal Protective Nose Mask
Parental Weather Companion
John Bakas
CarBidet ® Car Bottom Washer
Paul Baker
Bolt-on Infinitely Variable Transmission Increases Fuel Economy
Peter Ballard
Open Source Smart Phone OS
Shyam Bansal
First Drug to Stop Disease Progression in Heart Failure Patients
Gautam Narayan Baruah
A Low to High Energy Signal Converter
A Warp Drive Motor
Cherish Bauerreich
Biodegradable Environmental Sensors
Rustam Bazarbaev
Solar Collector Heating System With Boiler
Anthony Bellezza
Power Generator
Sidney Shlomo Ben Dan
Gravity Induced, Buckyball Based Power Plant
Belkacem Benadda
Home Smart Energy
James Beregi
Transforming Transportation
Mattias Bergstrom
Flushable Minibots for Leak Detection and Prediction
Siddharth Bhagchandani
Juan Alberto Billet
PHONIX Security Tape
John Bird
Eccentric Overload Training Machine (Electric Weight)
Steven Bittenson
Teralase Compact Excimer Laser
Jacob Bizehr
Turbulent Propeller
Kenny Blemel
Solar Guardian PV Connector for Preventing Arc-Faults in Solar Arrays
Pat Blount
Occupied Classroom UVC Air Filter
Srinivasa Kumar Reddy Bodireddy
Waterborne Paints for Automobile Application
Luis Bordallo
Specific Drone for Night-time Forest Fire Extinction: Nitrofirex Project
Darya Borodikhina
Developing ShotSat to Solve the Problem of Space Debris
Nikolai Bortnik
Smart Sound Sleeper
Benjamin Boyarsky
Fistula Occluding Device
Botir Boysunov
Vertical Take-off and Landing Drone for Aerial Photography
Troy Brandon
POWERBLoK Ultracapacitor Energy Storage Solution
Hadley Brooks
Large-scale 3D Printing with Tubes
Jeff Brown
DAMPS Technology D Drives 5.0
Bengt Bruce
New Line of Washers for Laundromat
Furaha Bryant
BFR • Buoyant Freshwater Resuscitators™️
Denis Buffet
Electric Vehicle Powered by a Constant Speed Motor Through CVTs
Michael Burz
Zinc Sponge Battery
Kevin Busto
Tracking and Mitigation of Space Debris from LEO Satellites
Gus Caicedo
The Concert Hands System
Isabella Cano
Hydrostat - Hydration Monitoring Device
Ahmet Cetin
A New Maglev System to Increase Its Applicability
David Chaffee
Fetal Brain Oxygen Monitor
Raghuveer Chandrashekhar
Portable and Adaptable Device for Functional Joint Strength Measurement for Daily Health Monitoring
Elias Chavez Monarrez
The “Dare Mighty Things” Act
Ed Chen
The Truly Revolutionary “Impossible” Reactionless Drive
Juliana Cherston
The Well-Dressed Spacecraft: Electronic Textile Enhanced Thermal Blanket as Debris (and Cosmic Dust) Sensor
Putta Chidvilas
Advanced Wearable Artificial Intelligence Translator
Chenkuei Chung
Novel Pore Peripheral Plasmonic Mechanism of Metal-nanoporous AAO without Nanoparticles for Highly-enhanced SERS Detection
Deborah Chung
The Civil Infrastructure as a New Untapped Source of Clean Energy
Michael Cikraji
Jet Engine Electric Motorcycle Hybrid “Malevolence”
Giovanni Cipolla
Smart Charger
Gary Clark
Petron Plus Formula 7 Industrial Super Lube
John Clark
VForce® Shape Adaptive (Morphing) Technology for Rigid Sails with Increased Propulsion Power
William Colburn
Reactive Lubricant
James Collins
Aircraft Hydroplane Prevention System
Hydroplaning Prevention System
Edward Condon
Clean Water for the World
Aires Coutinho
SF2E -Sustainable Forest to Energy
Ais Technology Team Craig, Roger, Baseem, Jake
Automatic Identification System Heads Up Display (AISHUD)
Rick Crammond
Universal Flight Enhancement Spaceship Unit
Nalian Crawford
Mixing Apparatus
Tara Cronin
Sustainable, Renewable, Locally Generated Fertilizer
Jonar Cubillan
The Horus Green J-1 Hydro-Pneumatic Portable Spray Machine
David Dahl
Linear Slide Sensor
Dimitrios Dardalis
Rotating Liner Engine
Undurti Das
Test System for Diabetes
Pradeep Dass
Reusable Spacecraft for Payloads to LEO
Hypersonic Test Cell
Ned Davis
Zero Leak Magnetic Valves
Michael M Dediu
Preventive Medicine
John Defelice
Meili Technologies: Revolutionizing Vehicle Safety with Deep Learning Medical Emergency Detection
Stanley Demster
Peter Deppe
KUHMUTE, Universal Charging Network for Anything Smaller than an Electric Car
Pratik Desai
Applying Cascading Circular Economy for Desai Zimmerman Anaerobic Digestion (DZAD) Cycle
Florin Diaconu
Landing Gear With Soft Touch
Louis Difrancesco
COTS Aircraft Carrier CVL(x)
Burtis Dockery
World Wide Electrical Grid
Gheorghe Dragan
Instrument for Measurement of Human Mental Field and Bio-Fields
Alexandru Duca
Robots Used in Post Casting Processes
Howard Edelman
VahatiCor Coronary Sinus Reducer to Manage Refractory "no-option" Angina
Hassan Eslami
Kirat Wheelchair
John Ettridge
Ettridge Electric Carbon Brush Commutator
John Evans
A House Bush Fire Self-Erecting Cover
Larry Evans
Trajectory-Based, Aerodynamic Mud Flaps
Ammar Ewis
Wind Operated Lighting Pole
Roxana Family
Vehicle Cooling Enabled by Nano Coating
Dimitris Farros
Drone Firefighting
Andrzej Feliks
New 4 Stroke Engine
Don Feuerstein
Public Safety Weapon Control System
Randall Flann
RoFo S.D. (abbreviation for Self-rehydration Device) BevDisHeadgear Beverage Dispenser
Kamran Ford
Fog Free Saftey Glasses
Edward J Forrest Jr
Viewing Fiber Optic Connectors
Anthony Fresco
Wastewater Treatment and Biomass Decomposition via Solute ION Linear Alignment ION Beams
Monish G
Far Out Vision- LIDAR
Mark Gabriel
Gator - Instant Electric Plug-In Conversion for 18-Wheeler
Jennifer Gammond
Code Blue MedTech
Joseph Garland
Leading Edge Wrap
Anteneh Gashaw
Anteneh's C Wind Turbine
Step On Manual Pressurized Shower
Flash Flood Dispenser
Anteneh's Gojo
Pressure Sensing Football Socks
Wildfires Extinguisher
Max Thabiso Generator and Motor
Airbag Crop Field
Anteneh's Space Pulley Theory
Project Addis Ababa
Anteneh's Jerry Can
Tree Mask
Mustafa Ghazi
Arm Monkey Interactive Toy for Arm Rehabilitation of Children
Dale Gibby
Improved Rotorcraft
Richard Gilbert
Integrated Display of Vehicle Views
Prashanth Kumar Gopala
Smart Shield for Photovoltaic (PV) Panels
Christopher Gosse
High Impact Crisis Unit
Devon Greco
Narbis Neurofeedback Smart Glasses
Stephen Griffin
RISC Camera for Hyperspectral Image Endoscopy
Howard Gunn
SD-Secure Wireless Virtual Private Network (SD-SWVPN)
V Guruprasad
Electronically Invincible GPS and Communication Receiver
Steven Hacker
Smart Pathology Specimen Bottle
Smart Scalpel Handle
Ryan Hamze
MHIoTF Modular Hydroponic IoT Farm
Il Song Han
Emotion Recognition of Facial Expressions by Mimicking the Visual Cortex - Emotional Intelligence of Robots Caring for Babies
Amin Hasani
Human Friendly Mug
William Havins
Quickly Read Interface for Vehicles and Industrial Equipment
Aric Haynes
Offshore Closed Loop Latent Heat Energy Storage with Ocean Thermal Energy Capture
Page Heller
RF Fingerprinting for Industrial IoT Security
Robert Herman
Spring Loaded Vise Jaws
Concentrated Solar Power Generation Using Hydro-formed Parabolic Mirrors
Michael Holihan
Closed Loop Control for the Reduction of Soot in Diesel Fueled Engines
Leonard J Holmin
Revolving to the Stars
Jingwei Hou
New Perovskite Glass Composite Enabling Unbreakable Screens
Christopher Hudak
Escapod Trailers
Sky Huddleston
HCCI Fickett-Jacobs Cycle Internal Pulse Detonation Engine
Richard Hughen
Continuous Predictive Respiratory Monitoring
Moamen Hussein
Robotics for All
Alex Isakov
Super Survivable Silent Micro-drone without Propellers Gyro_6DoF
Alex Ivanenko
High-temperature Air-cooled Hydrogen Fuel Cells — a Solution for Zero-emission Aviation
Dhanasekar J
Design and Implementation of a Defect Identification Using Image Processing Technique
Yogesh Jaju
Adding Pulse by Controlling Impulse
Islambek Jamakeyev
Preliminary Design of the Aerodynamics of a Hypersonic Aircraft With the Reduction of Sonic Boom
Joe James
CRBBP Process: Cost-Effective CO2 Capture, Remediation & Bio-Products
Max James
Lionheart Biotechnology - Miniaturizing the Test Tube
Priya Jaswal
Aerial Agricultural Harvesting
Salim Javed
The Competitive Advantage of Nations’ Competitiveness
Zdenek Jedlicka
Briquettes for Heating
Dr Jv Muruga Lal Jeyan
Aerodynamic Design of Flow Analyzer with 9 Probe and 45 Pressure Taping Approach for Subsonic to Supersonic Flow
Luther Johnson
MakerLisp COR24
Danny Jones
Carbon to Hydrogen Battery
Yong Du Jun
Aviation Fuel Tank Lorry that Degases DO
Carlos Juni
Hybrid Trasmission System for Blending Torque and Power Eficiency Between Engines & Final Transmission Shaft
Opposed Piston Facing Heads Internal Combustion Engine, Compact Design
Sarvinoz Jurakulova
Medicinal Uses of Pomogranate Peel
Man Kal
Titan Textile Gear
Rejuvenator®- An Ultrasound Device
® e-Gravitor
Anthony Kamau
Harnessing Pressure, Kinetic or Piezoelectric Energy
Will Jeonghwan Kang
Portable Espresso Maker (Powered by Vacuum)
Vacuum Resistance Fitness Training Equipment
Shock to Ground Bumper (External)
Shock Absorber (Vacuum Powered)
The 5th Brake (Horizontal Brake)
Harvey Kaplan
Matter-Antimatter Reactor Prototype Test Chamber
Homopolar Liquid Vortex Magnetic Chelating Radioactive Particulate Decontamination Device for Fukushima
Nozimjon Khamdamov
Production of Electricity in Return for the Release of Groundwater
Johnathan Kiel
The J&R Project, Infectious Agent Disinfection with Nanoplasma
Bill Kitsch
Infrared Sourced (IRS) Heat Pump
Prajwal Kodihalli
Jeffrey Kohler
Passive Porous Tube Nutrient Delivery System
Maria Konstantinou
Trajectory Optimization by Artificial Intelligence for Remotely Controlled and Automated Construction Technologies
Karanjit Kooner
The Novel Squid Glaucoma microShunt
Milan Krupa
Advanced Hybrid Technology for ALL Semi-Trailers and the Trucking Industry
Michael Krzesniak
Non-invasive Method to Stop Tremors in the Hand
Valentin Kulikov
DrLUX Powerful Thermo-Phototherapy for Healing Purposes
Sudeep Kulkarni
Exam Proctoring 360'
Henry Kutlu
Robotic Watering and Sower
Tree Generator
Mike Lacroix
Reusable Space Vehicle Launcher
Combo Turbofan Jet and Restartable Rocket
Mark Lagamayo
Universal Solder Stencil (U.S.S.)
Mark Lamoncha
Visual Weight Tracking System
Andrew Lamorte
Driving Safety Improvements
Ellen Langsetmo
Easadeck Advanced EAS Emergency Alert Appliance
Gordon Lardi
Apple Watch Clip Case
Carl Lawrence
Responsive Traffic Signals
Hugh Lee
Microrobot Device for Treating Brain Hemorrhages
Bingquan Li
DURATRACK Two Component Waterborne Coating for Durable Green Bike Lane
John Lindsay
Drone Video for Responder Tracking in Active Events
Zachary Liollio
AutoBOI: Automatic Braking on Interference
Janusz Lisowski
iChessOne: The First FOLDABLE Electronic Chessboard
Helen Little
Gigabot X: Recycling Plastic via Pellet 3D Printing
Martin Lombardini
Tactical Aerial Kinetic Device™ TAK-D™
Phil Long
Portable Self Leveling Motorcycle Accessory Headlamp
Ronaldo Lopes
Conventional & Autonomous Modular Truck
Antonio Loquercio
Vision-Based High-Speed Autonomous Drone Navigation
George Kenneth Lucey Jr
Reducing PTSD
Jagadheswaran M
Antipinch Technology Using Image Processing
Mythili M
Fall Detection and Alerts in Hearing Aids for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired
Obstacle Avoiding Bot Using Arduino
Dr Vimal Kumar M N
Smart Saline Monitoring System
Marie Madsen
MOTI – The Future of Physiotherapy
Irfan Majid
Weather Radar Based Automated Landing System
Yessengai Makhanov
Artificial Eco-Tree
Vladimir Maliy
Shelf Assembly With Hidden Compartment and Multi Stage Lock
Vijay Mamtani
B-TMSG – DC (Biomass Gasifier-based Thermoelectric Module Static Generator DC Power)
Dan Mathias
ATOM 1.0 Humanoid Robot, Made in USA #1
George Mc Neir
Totally Electric Powered Solar Boat
Geoff Mccue
Non Pnuematic Tire
Shoe Insole/Insert
Charles Mcintosh
Direct Air Capture (DAC) of Carbon Dioxide with Ambient Air Purification
Stewart Mckenzie
Small Rechargeable Backup Battery for Appliances, Devices and Lights
Stijn Mertens
Smart Molecules Act as Computer Transistors
Thomas Messerschmidt
Simone the A.I. Fembot
Steven Minichiello
FPV Phased Array Drone Antenna
John Mitchell
Storm Wave Surge Mitigation
Drones & Reforestation
Damian Mlodziankowski
The Quantum Propulsor
Horea Mocanu
Wave’s Inertial Electric Generator
Alexander Molnar
Smart Apartment - The Foundation of a Smart City
Siba Mookherjee
Intelligent Gun with Microchip
Mark Moran
Valentine's Super-power
Chad Morgan
Rover Maintenance Dock
Muhammad Muqeet
Nanofiber-based Air Filter for Internal Combustion (IC) Engines
Zitela Mwale
All-in-one Auto Mining-machinery: Instant Mineral Mining & Processing [IoT-based Technology]
Sustainable: Aimful Nutri-fertilizer With 60% Deficiency-symptom/s Solver/ Remover
Sustainable “Giga-ntic Bulk Solar Power” Generation Auto-plants
Sustainable Slide-In & Slide-Out [Mechanism] for Full Protection
Wireless Electronic Mouse
Sustainable New Medical-Spectacles or Eyeglasses
Auto-Watch Multi-Scanner/Sickness Detection App
Advanced Sustainable Communication Aid IoT Based Technology
Sustainable Flying-Jet IoT Wireless Camera [Auto]
Sustainable New ATM Machine Banking Technological System [IoT Based] Using Fingerprint Activator System
Sustainable Auto-Machines for Scanning Infectious Diseases [Disease Control Checkpoints]
Mykola Mykhalevych
System Hybridization Vehicle into an Extended "Mild Hybrid"
Neeraj Nagaraj
Sweed Water Bottles
Devan Nair
ALIFE AIR (Zero Emission Fuel)
Mohd Nizam Bin Najib
Patient Care Monitoring System
Smart IoT Urban Farming using Soil Based Aquaponics Powered by Energy Harvester
Predictive Maintenance Using Machine Learning
Oishabonu Narzullaeva
Michael Nasab
Radiofrequency Ablation System for Scientific Research and Educational Applications
Elnathan Ata Nathan
Smart Biopyr System
Ronald Newton
Wristwatch Temperature Monitor with Visual Alarm
Pocket Bathroom Scale
Chinenye Justin Nwaogwugwu
Skillpul Online Training for Specialty Chemicals Formulation and Manufacturing
Maxwell Nyatsambo
Bielectric Truck/Bus
Okpamen Obasogie
Branch Lite
Alvin Orbaek White
From Waste to Energy Materials Such as Carbon Nanotubes and Hydrogen
Victor Oribamise
Smart Orthopedic Implant to Enhance Bone Growth
German Osorio
Generation of Molecular Hydrogen
Tarik Ozkul
AI Supported Robotic Diagnostic Treatment System for Vertigo
Muralidharan P
Smart Home Automation Using NODEMCU
Santo Padula
eWheel End for Tractor/Semi-Trailer Tractive Power and Power Generation
Ronald Pannekoek
Floating Airplane Runway For Optimum Take Off And Landing
Donut Electrical Storage Device
Dax Patel
Personalized UV Disinfectant Torch
Jeff Pearson
VentBoard - Ventilated Headboard
Philip Perera
Design and Development of Simple, Portable, Self Wind Powered, Automated Mechanical Clutched Bucket System for Water Pump
David Perez
Extinguishing Wildfires
Guillermo Perez
Monitoring and Protecting an Ecological Area
Cornstarch Mini Pottery Machine
Walt Perko
Home Hobby Side Business
Virgil Perryman
LN2 Plus Heat for Propulsion
Andrei Petrov
Tidal Metal Greenhouse
Photosensitive Sensor
Wesley Pettinger
Multi-Link Internal Combustion Engine
Liza Pierce
Multi-Ducted Angled Rotor System
Michael Potter
Real-Time Pathogen Detection Technology
Pranav Prasanthan
EMEC Power Pack
Mark Prescott
Odorless Litter Box Enclosure
Sanjay Puranik
Space Junk Destruction Plan
Larger Wheel Car Design Idea
Mansoor Qadmi
Invention Regarding Autonomous & Smart Ships
Xina Quan
Wearable Continuous Blood Pressure Monitors
Alejandro Horacio Quevedo
Sun Solar Protection Device for Vehicle Windows
Subhaa R
Machine Condition Monitoring (MCM) for Real Time Prognostics of Machines
Udhaya Kumar R
Multifunctional Soil Testing Device (MFSTD)
Joseph Rachwalski
Electric Energy
Bhavin Radadiya
E-Air Conditioner
Muhammad M Rahman
Damage Tolerant Anticorrosion Coating for Steel
Andrew Rankin
Caldera - Electric Vehicle Charging Simulation Platform
Large Scale Spark Plasma Sintering for Silicon Carbide Armor Tiles
Muhammad Rashad
SUNPave: Tomorrow’s Energy Today
Derrick Redding
Betterfrost Ultra-Low Energy Defrost & Defog System
Muhammad Hashir Rehan
Electroverse 90: Sensor Assisted Electric Vehicle with Individual Wheel Rotation in 2D
Douglas Richard
Dual-Pitch Counter Rotating Blade
Ricardo Rodrigez Aranciva
PATAGONIUM: Multi-chamber Blood Pressure Cuff with Selective Connection
Jorge Romero
Self Running Air Mining and Purification Device
Steven Rosenberg
Asteroid Deflection Mission
Muon Enhanced Luminaire
Star Shield
Herschel Ruben
Compressent Desk Chair
Jayyasri S
IR Based Home Automation
Lakshminarayanan S
Accident Detection and Alert System
Sureshprasad S
IoT Based Smart Attendance Monitoring System Using RFID and Camera
Vinith Kumar S
Fleet Monitoring System and RFID
Mohammad Saberian Boroujeni
A Practical, Innovative and Sustainable Technology for Transforming PPE Waste Into Civil and Construction Products
Akylbek Sadykov
"Kind Nanny" for Kids
Guekala Edze Sagesse
Patient Management Software
Abhinav Kumar Sah
To Support Outbreak of Pandemic Caused by COVID-19: A Low Cost Lightweight Modular Design of a Semi-autonomous Wheelchair
Nelson Salas
Enhanced Vector Thurst Propulsion System for VTOL Flying Vehicles Development
Shourya Salvi
“Swavalambha” ABS Recycled Plastic Adjustable Prosthetics Finger
Uba Sani Kibiya
Hybrid Solar Freezer
Dinesh Sathyamoorthy
Long Range Locator Beacon
Scott Schober
Personal Tracker Detector
Tomooki Seki
Power Generation Device Using Brownian Motion
Jared Semik
Eternium Long Range Multi-role Fuel Cell Electric Aircraft and Fuel System
Osundahunsi Seyi Ayodele
A Solar-Powered Generator with Zero Mechanical Drag Effects
Vladimir Shapovalov
New Rotary Engine Using Detonation Combustion
Sukritee Sharma
Rudra - A Smart Health Assistant Robot
Jeff Shattuck
Plastics Recovery in Oceans and Rivers
Pavel Shehter
Multi-Fuel-Water Rotary Engine
Nikhil Vijay Shende
Desktop Design Tool Kit (DT2)
Lance Sherry
Contrail Market Exchange to Incentivize Airlines to Reduce Global Warming
Ali Shtarbanov
FlowIO Platform
Scott Silvenis
Creative Caring
David B Smith
Save 10% of Gas or Diesel Fuel with ValueGauge
Mark A Sokalski
Sowda Range Extender
Don Sommers
Hydrogen Fuel Generation
Steve Stark
Advancements in Flying Discs - Sports & Recreation
Panagiotis Stefanides
Meaning of “LOGARITHM,” Relating It to Discrete Geometry
Mukhriddin Sujunkulov
My Ultimate Goal is to "Help People"!
William Sullivan
Soy Based Adhesive
Dhiren Swami
N-connect Concept for 2050
Balint Szent Miklosy
Dog-Leg-Like Car Jack
Anita T. Broach
Air-Clenz™ Equipped Vehicles Quickly Remove COVID and Other Airborne Pathogens from Interior Air
Air-Clenz™ Enabled Monitors and Laptops Clean Exhaled Air of COVID and other Airborne Respiratory Pathogens
George Tackles
Ultralight Eyewear
Emilio Taltique
Table Shear Back Gauge
Mohamad Qayyum Tamam
Improving Diesel Engine Emissions with Real-Time Non-Surfactant Fuel Supply System
Chin Tang Sam
Portable Clean Room/Contamination Control Area [Local CCA ]
New Adventure Sealant Scraper
Unimo Team
Car for People with Disabilities and Limited Mobility
Chris Theodore
Astron Omega 1 Rotary Hydrogen Engine
Athip Thirupathi Raj
Swarm Control and Extensible, Transformative, Spacecraft using CubeSats as Modular Building Blocks
John Thompson
Fire and Lightning Protection Coil
Serguei Tikhonenkov
An Internal Combustion Engine without a Crankshaft
Nataliia Tiron Vorobiova
Ballast Water Treatment System
Kamoliddin Tokhirov
The Miracle of Lightning
Mukhtar Tuyakbayev
Aircar = Electric Car + Helicopter + Plane
Adrian Tymes
Electrically Accelerating Tiny Shredded Debris (EATS Debris)
Orhan Uestuen
Hydrogen Generating ORBAGEN
Can Baran Unal
Underground Solar Power Plant
Eduardo Uriguen
Autonomous Electricity Generator
Ranjith V
IoT-Based Real Time Water Quality Monitoring System
Dmytro Vakulenko
Oranta-AO, New Application Blood Pressure Monitor
Johan Van Niekerk
External Combustion Engine
Chemical Pipe Joint
Blake Vanier
The Vanier Contour
Paul Vanvalkenburgh
Laminated Bamboo Car
David Varner
Electric Drive Module to Retrofit Any Vehicle to Pluggable Hybrid
Greg Vart
Lightweight Steel for Body-in-White and Battery Enclosures of Electric Vehicles
Carlos Vazquez Y Pena
Solar Aerostatic Condenser for Global Water Harvesting in Remote Populations and/or Arid Areas
Nataliia Vigilianska
Electric Arc Pseudoalloy Coatings
Kowsalya Vijayan
Smartest Way to Rent a Car - Automated
Jheyson Villavisan
MOM- Smart Wearable Device for Continuous Monitoring of Fastened Helmet Use
Damien Wade
PEG, the Portable Stove
Andrew Walters
Cordless Box Wrench
Hongwu Wang
Mouth-Guard: Wearable Saliva-based Biosensor for Heart Health Monitoring
Linfei Wang
DOWSIL™ TC-6015 Thermal Encapsulant
Bhimashankar Wangaskar
Advanced Passive Cooled Battery Pack
Irving Weinberg
Repairing Damaged Brain Tracts with Noninvasive in-office Combined MRI/Neuromodulation/Drug Delivery Device
Thomas Welker
Revolutionary Rotary Engine
James Whiteford
Energy Harvesting Uninterruptible Power Supply
Maxwell Wieder
Celcy - the Automated Nespresso of Food
Yannick Willemin
Red Series Additive Fusion Technology
Alvin Wirthlin
Low-Cost Laboratory-Grade Refractometer for DEF Fluid Quality
Hank Wu
DOWSIL™ TC-4060 for Powertrain Electrification
Hsuan Hsin Wu
A Low-Cost Precise Landing Method for Drone Logistics
Fitri Yakub
Flood Mitigation Strategy for Network Transportation in Urban Areas via Implementation of IoT
Shinichi Yamamoto
Novel Silicone Adhesive for Reliable ADAS System
Donald Yates
Clean Air for a Better Environment
Shlomit Yehudai Reshef
A Home-use Diagnostic Pad for Early Detection of Women’s Diseases
Sainath Yeotikar
Free Energy Power Bank
Jeong Yeol Yoon
Smartphone-Based COVID-19 Test
Jaloliddin Yunusov
Futuristic Internal Combustion Engine
Bashar Zapen
ImPulse - A New Paradigm for Pediatric Cardiac Surgery Training
Panos Zaraphonitis
Extremely High Transmission Ratio With 3 Moving Parts
Power Transmission From a Shaft onto a Frame to a Shaft Onto an Endlessly Rotating Carrier, Independently of Carrier Rotation
Rasulbek Zaripov
Using Drones to Deliver Small Things for a Short Distance
Fevzi Zeren
Old-Age Exercise Chair
Ling Zhong
ECOGROUND Waterborne Adhesives for Sports Surfaces
Jing Yuan Zhou
Zhou Unicycle
Zhou Engine
David Zornes
Buoyant Container-Sets EACH Fill With Hydrogen & Oxygen Gas from Water-Electrolysis at Bottom of Tower Generating Electricity
Multiplying Hydroelectric Dam’s Water Forces Many Times To Generate Electricity
Scotch Yoke Mechanism Forced into Motion by Water Waves Generating Electricity from Buoyant Float
Rotating Tires Generate Piezoelectricity by Providing Built-In Piezoelectric Transducers in an Array of Flexible Elements
Hydropower NOT Requiring Outside Power Source, Just Kinetic Energy Buoyant Balls Siphoning Liquid
Water Droplet EZ Shell Envelops Bulk Water Generating Positive/Negative Electricity on Carbon Monolith
Wojciech Zwolak
Motor With an External Piston and Flexible Cylinders
Concept of a Space Vehicle-Robot with an Inertial Cable Drive