Continuous Predictive Respiratory Monitoring

Votes: 18
Views: 1793

Linshom (“to breathe”) is first to deliver continuous predictive respiratory monitoring to the patient bedside and home. We eliminate the morbidity, mortality and cost due to unrecognized respiratory compromise in healthcare with the first PREDICTIVE respiratory device vs. the current RESPONSIVE systems used today.

Our patented and FDA cleared device provides an operating room quality respiratory profile including Respiratory Rate (RR), Tidal Volume (TV), Minute Ventilation (MV), Inspiratory-Expiratory ratio (I/E) and Apnea detection that are all delivered continuously and in real time. Current technology is too large complex and expensive for the patient bedside or home. Linshom is the only device, outside of the OR and ICU, capable of practically delivering Tidal Volume (TV) to the patient bedside. TV is the volume of air moved with each breath or the quality of respiration. Respiratory rate alone is inadequate to predict respiratory decline, but RR plus TV can predict respiratory decline events 12-70 minutes prior to an emergency.

We enter a $1.9B (US) market via IRB approved study in partnership with Brigham & Women’s Hospital (Harvard) in Q3-2022. Linshom holds issued patents (10 countries) with new filings ongoing. Linshom’s CPRM solves the problem of unidentified respiratory depression events (RDE) and can intercept these catastrophic problems before they occur and result in codes, ICU transfers and sometimes death.

The value of continuous respiratory monitoring has been proven and published by Dartmouth demonstrating a 65% reduction in rapid response team deployment and a 48% reduction in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) transfers. This resulted in a $58K savings per patient not transferred to the ICU and a $1.5M savings annually is a small, 33 bed, orthopedic surgery (hip, knee) unit. Extrapolated to more, post-surgical beds, the savings are dramatic. However, this solution is NOT deployed universally because the equipment is large, expensive, training intensive and not practically deployable on a large scale. Linshom has solved this with a small, inexpensive respiratory sensor that can be deployed on a large scale. Wide deployment of an inexpensive sensor to the patient bedside will save lives and reduce morbidity and expense.

Unlike alternate technologies (pulse oximetry and capnography), the Linshom sensor is not compromised by motion, light or supplemental oxygen administration making it a robust solution for respiratory monitoring during medical evacuation (civilian or military).

There are 48 million operative cases and 28 million ambulatory surgery patient cases in the United States annually. These 76 million patients require anesthesia and most have NO postoperative respiratory monitoring post-surgery. This translates to a $1.5B potential market where $466M is served with our first product (FDA cleared) and $1.1B is served with our second product. There are 137 million ER visits with 39 million due to injury and 12 million resulting in hospital admission. Respiratory monitoring is appropriate for ~half of this population or a potential market of $1.3B where $ 400M is served with our first product and $.9B with our second.



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  • Name:
    Richard Hughen
  • Type of entry:
    Team members:
    Linshom Medical:
    CEO: Richard Hughen
    CTO: Ronen Feldman
  • Profession:
    Business Owner/Manager
  • Number of times previously entering contest:
  • Richard's hobbies and activities:
    Triathlons, hiking, reading
  • Richard is inspired by:
    The Linshom Medical respiratory sensor was invented and designed in response to a patient injury (brain damage) that was avoidable if there was a continuous respiratory monitoring solution that was widely deployed.
  • Software used for this entry:
    LabView and C
  • Patent status: