DURATRACK Two Component Waterborne Coating for Durable Green Bike Lane

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Views: 3134

Nowadays, more people are choosing biking either as an alternative mode to transportation or as an outdoor activity for recreational purpose. The cycling trend was particularly boosted during COVID-19 pandemic as evidenced by the soaring sales in bikes and accessories. Unfortunately, the cyclist fatalities have also increased 35% over the past ten years. As one of the highest priorities, municipalities keep looking for ways to improve the safety of vulnerable road users. Studies have shown that addition of bike lanes can effectively reduce the bike crashes up to 49%, and green color filled bike lanes can bring extra benefits, such as identifying potential conflict areas, increasing visibility of cyclists, discouraging illegal cars driving or parking on bike lanes, and enhancing motorist yielding behavior. It is worth noting that while most of bicyclist injuries happen at intersections, more than 60% of the fatal crashes occur at non-intersection areas. Therefore, it is imperative to build and maintain a complete network of green bike lanes for the safety of bicyclists.

Typical technologies in the market for durable green bike lanes are two component cold plastic based on methyl methacrylate, hot melt thermoplastic and two component epoxy. However, the costly installation (>$10 per square feet) because of labor-intensive process makes them unaffordable at large scale for municipalities. For cold plastic or epoxy, the installation involves multiple steps from masking road surface, mixing components, pouring out the mix, squeegeeing or rolling to spread, to removing all masking tapes. For thermoplastic product, it normally needs to coat the road surface with primer first for better adhesion, and then use torch or equipment heated at 400-500 °F to melt down plastic. In addition, cleaning solvent like Acetone and unpleasant odor are often complained by both contractors and neighborhoods.

DURATRACK two component waterborne coating offers a new solution to the durable green bike lane market. It has no odor, low volatile organic compound (VOC), is easy to handle with and clean up with water. The DURATRACK coating comprises of two resins R-100 and AEH-100. R-100 polymer is 100% acrylic, providing excellent weathering resistance and quick drying performance. AEH-100 polymer is a novel carrier of epoxy molecules, which are imbibed inside emulsions. This special design enables the coating system to have a lower viscosity, longer pot-life, better UV durability than typical epoxy coatings. The reaction of R-100 and AEH-100 finally presents a tough acrylic epoxy hybrid coating of excellent adhesion to road surface and wearing resistance. Another distinct feature of DURATRACK is it can be applied with equipment for conventional one component waterborne traffic paint. Achieving high build and wide coatings in one pass by machine significantly lowers the installation cost (up to one third) compared to other durable technologies. Recently, 35,000 square feet green bike lane was installed in Philadelphia in just three nights. The city official said, “…DURATRACK product will be a game changer…”, “…finally allow us to use green bike lanes more widely, and provide a safer street network for all users in the process.”



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  • Name:
    Bingquan Li
  • Type of entry:
    Team members:
    Bingquan Li
    Eric Greyson
    Laura Vielhauer
    Seth Roberts
    Thomas Winterberg
    Karlie Godshall
    Stephanie Long
    Joseph Grant
    Kenneth Smith
    Carly Haller
    Arthur Leman
    Joy Gallagher
    Jeff Millman
    Robert Bills
    Jamie Sullivan
    Janet Tesfai
    Andrea Greyson
    Kiran Baikerikar
    Dow Chemical Company
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  • Bingquan is inspired by:
    Each year, over 7,000 pedestrians and bicyclists are killed, and more than 140,000 are injured on American streets. Vision Zero, a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, has proven to be successful across Europe. In the US, it’s gaining momentum in major cities, with 52 communities having committed to Vision Zero.

    As early as in 2000, FHWA approved a series of experiments on colored pavement for bike lanes at a variety of US cities and concluded that the experimental green colored pavement was satisfactorily successful. Unfortunately, 20 years after FHWA’s experiments, we still have not seen the wide adoption of green bike lanes, except some green boxes at intersections or crosswalks, largely due to the unbearably high installation cost of durable products.

    DURATRACK product has changed the landscape of the technologies for durable green bike lanes. It enables municipalities to complete a high-quality bike lane network within an economical budget. We hope DURATRACK technology can help cities to speed up to reach the goal of Vision Zero.
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