Entrant Profile

Bobby Floyd

Location: Anchorage, Alaska United States

Company: Take Cover Company

Profession: Business Owner/Manager

Number of times previously entering contest: 1

Inspired by: The Take Cover explores the vulnerability of humans and the built environment and their inabilities to withstand the impacts of natural disasters.The establishment of the Take Cover would directly address this growing concern of Emergency Preparedness in a new era of storms and tornadoes that develop into historic and deadly strength within minutes or hours. The images of senior citizens being left at a rest home during hurricane Katrina will forever live in our memories. Those living in regions prone to flash floods, earthquakes, tornadoes or tsunamis should all have a Take Cover. Our society is always looking for new ways to reduce deaths from such disasters. The Take Cover is also a COVID-19 related product because it can become that protection device during a hurricane or tornado and when Disaster Shelters are filled to the maximum it also becomes a sleeping mat or seat cushion. The natural disasters caused by Climate Change are mostly water-related and are at our front doors and the Take Cover will provide a simple rapid- deploying flotation system for the disaster relief market that has not been addressed before.

2022 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
04/14 Take Cover Consumer Product Design 667 0

2021 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
04/25 Take Cover Consumer Product Design 1149 2