Take Cover

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The Take Cover is a patented D 834753S concept with approved Trademarks and is a Type IV body conforming flotation system to be used during disasters such as tornadoes, tsunamis, flash floods and earthquakes. Use of this invention will provide immediate life-preserving response when faced with natural disasters, and it will prevent many injuries and fatalities. The amazing simplicity of the Take Cover is that it deploys from a simple padded square to a T-shaped configuration providing almost complete body coverage. The patented design of the Take Cover is only comprised of four components: neoprene material, flotation padding, web straps and Velcro.

We have all been taught to take cover when a tornado might occur by getting into a bathtub or a closet and to protect our body with a mattress. Mattresses are heavy and awkward to move for adults and impossible for children or the elderly to handle. A different clear and present danger now exists and it comes in the form of natural disasters. In terms of the United States alone, our target markets or regions are primarily populated by millions. The Take Cover is an innovation born out of need and reflects the reality that natural disasters have and will continue to happen due to Climate Change. Millions of potential consumers or individuals visiting or residing in the Gulf Coast, Tornado Alley, Dixie Alley and the entire East Coast. The one myth that you hear so often on the news is that people refuse to evacuate. In most cases the reason is purely economic, seniors and children with no means or way to go. Regardless of what country, city or village this is a reality for many. Survival sometimes comes in the form of a simple solution.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Bobby Floyd
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