The Central Problem: People and production companies in the agricultural and livestock sector lack the generation of an important input such as organic fertilizer (ecological agriculture) with food supplements to improve their production.
The Causes: 1. Violation and non-compliance with legal frameworks, including municipal and regional ordinances; 2. Lack of environmental education for garbage management (solid waste, in this case dry leaves) cause a problem for society in general.
The Consequences: 1. Gradual decrease in the investment of the national and international productive sector in the agricultural sector. 2. Low productivity and demotivation of the national and international business community. 3. Inefficient planting affecting crops in the agricultural sector. 4. The livestock and livestock sector shows a decrease in the production of milk and meat. 5. Weight loss and low resistance to diseases by livestock. 6. Exaggerated accumulation of solid waste (in this case dry leaves) due to the fact that, being a rural area, there are gigantic trees.
Objectives: 1. Gradual increase in investment in the national and international productive sector in the agricultural sector. 2. Increased productivity and motivation of the national and international business community. 3. Efficient planting in terms of crops in the agricultural sector. 4. Increase in the livestock and livestock sector in terms of milk and meat production. 5. Weight gain and resistance to disease by livestock. 6. Reduction of solid waste (in this case dry leaves). 7. .Increased production of agroecological fertilizer.
Focus of Action: People and companies in the agricultural, livestock and livestock (fish farming) sector in the area need mechanical equipment that provides them with greater efficiency and at low cost, the necessary complements for the production of fertilizer with organic characteristics (agro ecological), which allows them to generate balanced feed and pure air in a mixture such as (nitrogen and oxygen in mixture) for the accelerated growth of fish in the fish farming sector.
Value Proposal: Produce at the lowest cost and with the greatest possible efficiency to supply the local, national and international market, with organic fertilizer (agro-ecological) for the sector: agriculture; mixture of food supplements for the sector: livestock and livestock; methodologies. In order to improve the quality of the goods and services that our potential customers can provide to the society that requires them, thus complying with better techniques and management of the technology proposed here, applying the circular economy and respecting the environment, thus treating the decreased use of agrochemicals, directing them to the use of ecological agrofertilizers, in addition, monthly talks will be given to the community on a better adequate management of solid waste with the purpose of educating citizens about the protection of the environment.
Income Flow: As a team we have thought that the most effective way to reach the market is to study what the basic requirements of our early adopters are. Provide our products through Advertising 2.0, Web, Radio Broadcasting and direct sales to potential customers.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Jonar Cubillan
- Type of entry:teamTeam members:Ingeniero de Diseño y Líder de Equipo:
Jonar Cubillan
Asesores Académicos, Técnicos e Indutriales:
Ingeniero: Patrick Morton
Dr. Richard Marquéz
Msc. Mercilino Quinto
Técnico: Jose Cubillan
Licenciada: Caridad Irazabal
Ingeniero: Jocaris Cubillan
Ingeniero: Joasun Cubillan
TSU: Yanmiver Jímenez
Dra. Anubis Hernandez
Msc. Yomaira Hernandez
Economista: Sixto López
Msc. Nery Farfan
Licenciada: Miriam Calles
Dra. Mirian López
Maestro: Manuel González
Dr. Gabriel Sanchez
Ingeniero: Rafael Rodriguez - Software used for this entry:Powerpoint
- Patent status:none