Igor Abakumov
Desinfecting Case "Villo"
Ray Abel
Xogo - Accessibility for Everyone
Adria Abella Villafranca
hDrop - Electrolytes, Hydration, and Temperature Tracker
Shivaramakrishna Aedula
Joystick- Ergonomic Video Game Controllers
Hossein Ahmadian
An Optimized Three-pass Perforated Element With End Resonator Chamber Muffler
Novel Force Balance Accelerometer
Gleb Akselrod
World's Smallest Lidar Sensor
Richard Albright
Role Alvarez
Multistage Combustor
Houssem Eddine Amor
Disposable Wireless and Batteryless Lab On Chip for Self-performed Screening/Analysis
Dimosthenis Anagnostou
HVDC Airborne Powertrain Protection
Ashwin Anand
Chill Breeze Smart Bed
Peter Andrekson
High-Speed Communication in Space
Fabiyan Angikath
New Technologies in Sustainable Hydrogen Production from Hydrocarbons and Waste Plastics
Frank Ardezzone
Replaceable Valve Assembly (For IC Engines)
Ed Atchison
Multipurpose Skid Steer Robot
Orlando Auciello
Transformational New Long Life Nanocarbon-Based Dental Implants
Jose Aveleira Mata
TodoDesk - Pen Holder Connected with Display for Gesture-driven Task Management
Antonio Avila
How a Toothpaste-like Gel Revived Bullet Proof Vests: a Win-win Solution
Juan Carlos Avila
Operational Control and Maintenance Platform for Road Safety
Boyan Bahnev
Hybrid CoAxial Engine
John Bakas
CarBidet ® Car Bottom Washer
Khaled Bakhtiar
Miniature Turbine Jet Engine Design & Manufacturing
Olufemi Balogun
Design of an Auto Crediting Module and Scheme for Prepaid Energy Meters
Sebastian Bandycki
Project Pr0be
Caitlin Barber
LifeMonitor: A Continuous Vitals Monitor for Prehospital Care
Leon Barnard
Walk-on-Transport-Pods (Rack & Gear System)
Gautam Narayan Baruah
A Hypothetical Low to High Energy Signal Converter
A Warp Drive Motor
John Baxter
Practical Low-emissions Pre-mixed Diesel Combustion System
Stefan Beauregard
Homeless Support App
Brian Bentz
Tissue Imaging for Improving Surgical Outcomes
Emanuele Bezzecchi
INFARMER: A Virtual Veterinary for More Ethical Animal Farming
Dorab Bhagwagar
Keeping Cool - Thermal Management for High Performance Computing
Sachin Bhide
STELLA SUITES - Reason Why People Will Buy Electric Cars
Valentin Biffiger
Automatic Paragliding Emergency Parachute
Robert Bishop
A Non-Newtonian Electromagnetic Rocket Thruster
Himanshu Bisht
Depth Thread Plug Gauge
Automated Self-propelled Water Trash and Oil Skimmer
Top Loading Stapler
Jacob Bizehr
VIMO-Vibration and Inertial Electro Mobile
Nahed Bizzari
Melvindale Autonomous Car
Edouard Bonnefous
Spherical Chamber Engine
Benjamin Booher, Sr.
AscenZ Friction & Brake - Benchmark Friction Composites
Luis Bordallo
A “Specific” Drone for Nighttime Aerial Wildfire Fighting: the Nitrofirex Project
Christopher Borroni Bird
Afreecar E-kit: Provide Sustainable and Affordable Mobility and Power for All the World's People
Fabio Botelho
Pediatric Trauma Innovative Training | Petit-VR
Clive Boyd
Haptic-Sight 3D Perception for the Visually Impaired
Thomas Brady
Solving The Disposable Plastics Problem
Dow Brain
CATCH ALL - Harvest Concept
Timo Bressmer
Low Cost Marine Current Power Plant
Osvaldo Buccafusca
Close-range Object Detection for the Visually Impaired
Denis Buffet
48 V Electrified Axle to Assist the Main Vehicle HV Motor
Shuaibu Bukar
Automated Disposal System (Smart Dustbin)
Robert Laxton Burdon
Hexaflex Honeycomb Heat Shield Panel
Robert Laxton Burdon
Dynamic Spaceframe
George Butler
E-Z Flag Bracket
Juan Jose Campas
Cinta de Transporte a 90°
Keith Carlock
Photographic APRO ( Artificial Parallel Reality Orb)
David Carr
Improved Enclosure for a Liquid Metal Antenna
Replacing the E-3 Sentry Aircraft
Jorge Cervantes
Technology Open Professional Racing
Chaudhari Chahatkumar
Sustainable Cooling System for Nuclear Power Plant
Raymond Champagne
The United States of America is Not Ready for the Effects of Climate Change and the Future Demand for Power
Chenkuei Chung
High-performance Novel-morphology Al/PDMS TENG for High-sensitivity Force-sensor and Self-powered Application
John Clark
VForce® Morphing Wind Turbine Blades
Bill Colburn
Portable High Pressure Bidet
Rick Crammond
Universal Body Enhancement Spaceship Unit
Trent Crouse
Air Testing and Ultraviolet Cleaning Stations
Jonar Cubillan
Educational Toy: The Portable Tree J-1
Radcliffe Cutshaw
Medical Tracking System
Gowthamraj D R P
Blockchain in Voting
Sastry Dasigi
A Far-UVC Solution to End the COVID Crisis
Frederick Davis
SafRSEATS (Mass Transit Vehicle Seat Belt Restraint System)
Terry Davis
IoT Authentication Using LSA
Luiz Felipe De Moura
Luca De Vivo
LIMBER Unibody Prosthetic Leg
Stanley Demster
Wearable Oxygen Concentrator - Oxygen Pads
Samuel Denard
Manus: A Natural Hand Controller
Roberto Depaschoal
Instant Swapping Systems for Electric Vehicles
Eric Deschamps
The Pivoting Axle Technology Propels Vehicle Dynamics into a New Era of Opportunities
Aditya Deshpande
SERS-Suspension Energy Recovery System
Sachchidanand Dhar
Aircraft Fuselage with Flat Bottom
Electric Vehicle - Dual Charging
Aerodynamic / Hydrodynamic Streamlining Method
Barry Dieser
SCOG - Shipping Containerized Oxygen Generator
Burtis Dockery
Worldwide Electrical Grid
Wolfgang Dr Winkler
Power-to-Gas Improvements with E-Hy BOX
David Dranchak
VFI-689M / Cavitation Resistant Vortex Force Monovane Centrifugal Turbopump Rotor Assembly
Dylan Drotman
Electronics-Free Soft Walking Robot
Chen Duan
Solar Power-Assisted EV Battery Balancing System
Michael Durack
Hairpin Motor Using Aluminum Hairpins
Doug Dykaar
Large Area Silicon Electronics
Mateus E R Da Costa
FMS Trajectory Control With Modularized Cloud Systems
Corey Eiden
The Home as an Energy Ecosystem
Khaled Elnems
MINI Spider Car Cover
Charles Englehart
Fraying Cable Detector for High Tension Power Lines
Andy Eskenazi
ExoStick, an Innovative Walking Stick Solution to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
John Ettridge
Rotary Magnetic Motor
John Evans
Tubeless Mortar Low Acceleration Launching System
Tom Eveler
Fully Customizable Noise & Vibration Damping Material from -54°C (-65F) to 204°C (400° F) Using Silicone
Sotiris Evgenidis
ENDELIS: A Medical Diagnostic Tool From Space for Effective Cardiovascular Risk Stratification
Joe Facciano
High Efficiency Internal Combustion Engine
Mohamed Farid
New Era for UAVs
Harvard Farrant
High Efficiency Cascaded Airfoil Wind Turbine (CAWT)
Anis Fatima
Sustainable Manufacturing for Metal Products: Energy as a Sustainability Indicator
Jerome Feig
Minoxy Microclimate Enclosure
Andrzej Feliks
New 4 Stroke Engine
Marcelo Fernandes
Advanced Ceramic Diesel Engine Cylinder Liners
William Fielder
Self-Winding Generator™
Renewable Water, Power, and Agriculture™
The Other Hydrogen Economy™
Hollow Turbine™
3D Precision Irrigation™
Hollow Generator™
Electric Power Storage Power Plant
Buoyant Rotor™
Renewable Water and Power
Giovanni Fima
Exercise Treadmill with User Biometrics and Child Safety Lock System
Arne Fjalling
Combined Hydro Turbine and Fish Passageway
Bob Flesher
Next Generation Cell Separation and Recovery
Shawn Fox
Virtual Reality - Robot Walking Training Device
Jo Freeman
Adjustable Fire Hydrant Wrench
Anthony Fresco
Solute ION Linear Alignment (SILA) Particle Accelerator for AI and Bitcoin Energy Requirements, Rare Earth Production et al
Lais Fujii Dos Santos
Fits Perfect
Kay Fuller
POPSafe™ Tracheostomy Tube Sets - A Life Saving Device
Shanmugasundar G
Automated Guided Mobile Robot with Image Recognition
Srinivasan G
PPE KIT Cooling System with an application of Thermo Electric Coolers
Jonathan Gael
A Global IoT, Automotive, Manufacturing and Defense Network Protocol that Reduces Energy and Pulse EMF Pollution
Disha Gajjar
KnowTice - An IoT Based Display Controller Board Which Can Be Configured Remotely
Natalia Galin
Rotary Vane Engine without Mechanical Synchronisation
Jean Pierre Gallo
Dionysus Project
Somnath Garai
Ideal Railing /Guard For 100% Prevention of Cars Falling from a Hilly Road
Prevent Flood by Crossing Sea Guard Wall of Sea Wave
Mario Garcia
Truck Air Drag Generator
Sean Garry
Next Generation Laryngoscope
Anteneh Gashaw
Anteneh's Jerry Can
Sound Canceling Offshore Wind Turbine
Anteneh's Overgrazing Shield
New Power Lines Safety Mechanism
Anteneh's Green Printer
Anteneh's Stairs Ramp
Electrical Engineers Safety Shoes
Solving The Hurricane Problem
Niger Gratitude Pipeline
Anteneh’s Mask
Anteneh's Overfishing Shield
New Efficient Wave Power Generator
Anteneh's Carbon Capturing Space Rocket
New Microfiber Strand Design
Anteneh's Ventilation Against COVID-19
Anteneh's Safa
Anteneh's Side Car Collision Diverter
Hurricane Redirecting Detachable Cover for Homes
Caribbean Sargassum Problem 4.0
Caribbean Sargassum Problem 8.0
New Bird Repellant Wind Turbine Invention
Anteneh's Firearm Bin
Safe Bulb to Solve Light Pollution of Insects
Caribbean Sargassum Problem 3.0
Caribbean Sargassum Problem 5.0
New Efficient and Cost Saving Wind Turbine
Caribbean Sargassum Problem 7.0
Anteneh's V Vest
John Gaudreault
Clip to Improve the Performance of Face Masks
Giorgio Gaviraghi
Metabolic Tower
The Ring
Parcel Transportation System
Niranjan Girhe
Smart Traffic System
Luis Fernando Gomez Gonzalez
Cosmic Scale: Bringing Muography to Industry
MyBlood: A Portable Autonomous Device Capable of Performing Inexpensive Blood Tests Anywhere
Brian Goodman
Ferromagnetic Field Engine
Dr Rahul Gore
India's First Smart Self Sterilizing N100 Face Mask for Covid-19 Protection
Richard Gotch
3D Printing Boosts SiC Inverter Performance
Bob Gramley
LifeSense ESD for Early Stage Detection of Disease by Smell
Jeremy Grata
Non-invasive Blood Glucose Meter and Blood Chemical Analyzer
Jose Gros Aymerich
Low-cost Propulsion Method for Target Drones and Related Equipment
Helena Guimaraes
Improving Consumers' E-waste Disposal Awareness by Using Pre-existent Advertisement Algorithms and Online Shopping Websites
Hakan Guner
Formational Production Model
Sneha Gupta
Integrated Workplace Solution (IWS)
Eugene Haffner
Renewable Water Source
Aaron Hall
Self Destructing Plastics via Embedded Enzymes
Kent Hall
Moveable Spaces in the City
Carl Halvorsen
Boron Fusion Reactor
Jia Ting Han
Scootie - A cost-effective Wheelchair Transforming System
Harshit Harsh
Alternative Energy Source for the Future
George Hawkins
Bury the Carbon. Bag it.
Page Heller
Proactive Wireless Security by Endpoint Security Inc
Guy Hendel
Automatically Detecting & Wiping Stolen Mobile Devices in Under 10 Seconds!
Scott Hines
Float Thermometer - Baby Bottle Application
Steve Hines
Energy-Conserving Flashlight
Microwave Water Heater
Water Wheel Electrical Generator
Niels Hokke
Zero Energy Development
Leonard J Holmin
MAREO III: Jogging to Mars
Frederik Hornung
Hopper Mobility
Stefan Hristozov
Unmanned Systems Bulgaria
Hui Ying Hsu
Ton Ton
Beep Beep!
Sky Huddleston
HCCI Fickett-Jacobs Cycle Double Acting Internal PDE
Vasilatos Ianis
Avatar – Electric Vehicle
Mo – Wheelchair Combination
Alex Isakov
Teleportation of Physical Objects
Janet Jackson-coty
Paintbrush Grip
Rijo Jacob Thomas
CryoRAC: An Innovative Cryogenic Air Conditioner
Jose Manolo Delfin Jalandoni
Atmospheric Reaction Aerodynamic Motor
Ingo Janthur
Rotary Piston Pump and Motor for Gases and Fluids
Philippe Jarrin
The UniText Standard - An Order of Magnitude Improvement of of Management Efficiency for Sustainability
Diji Jayakaran
Novel Concept Technologies Enable God-like Features in Humans
Novel Method for Sanitization & Sterilization Of Viruses & Other Pathogens
Zdenek Jedlicka
Cogeneration of Heat and Electricity
Damir Jelaska
Optimization of Electric Motor Operation of Full Electric Vehicle
Nick Jiang
XtremeKinetic Minimal Shoes
Al Joniec
Low Temperature Green Energy Power Generation
Carlos Juni
48V MHEV System for Selecting, Dosing and Transmitting Torque and Power Between Engines & Final Transmission Shafts
Opposed Piston Facing Heads Internal Combustion Engine, Compact Design
Premnath K
Vision X - Assistive Smart Glass for Blind People
Rushiraj Kadge
Horizontal K Type Configuration
Man Kal
NextGen Shopping Carts
Ransomware Detection Protocol
Global Agricultural Repository
Steve Kalish
Apparatus and Method for Donning Hygienic Gloves
Kunal Kashyap
Motorcycle Lifting Trolley Jack
Tomiris Kasymova
Who Even Wants to Interrupt Their Well-deserved Rest?
Panagiotis Katsoudas
Comet÷TOW: Comet Towed Ion Propelled Spacecraft
Lydia Keaty
Auto H20’s Automatic Portable Automatic Water Bottle Filling Station
Ekeh Kelechi Courage
Keltric High Voltage Power System for Electrostatic Motor
David Kessler
Inductrack Cars and Inductrack for Roads
Mohammad Khan
Snow Spoiler Concept
Birol Kilkis
A Pumpless, Composite Layered Modular Solar Photovoltaic and Thermal System with Thermoelectric Generators and Heat Pipes
Steven Kim
High Performance Silicone-based Material, Enabling Breakthrough Foldable Consumer Display Devices
Jesa Kodiyatar
Paperless Education
Charalampos Kosmas
Lunar Cargos: Oplonas & Macedonas
Jess Kriehn
New Radon Detector Solves Previous Design Pitfalls & Communicates with EPA!
Michael Krzesniak
Non-invasive Method to Stop Tremors in the Hand
Dr Arun Kumar
FRACTAL ECG - Worlds First Fractal Geometry-based Electro Cardiogram
Siva Kumar
Project Acoustic, the Sound Harvester
Sanskriti Kumari
Odor Free Compost Can
Rahul Kumbhare
Hidden Gun Defense System
Vincent Lamberti
Chemical Identification by Magneto-Elastic Sensing (ChIMES)
Carl Lawrence
Electric Aircraft Propulsion System
John Laws
Portable Chair Shade Device
Tim Lecrone
Automated Material Loading System
Francisco Leme Galvao
Urban High Mobility System
Zhao Yuan Leong
SMART (Specific Measurable Monitored Actuated Recorded Telemetric) Agro-Theranostic Systems for Controlled Environment Agriculture
Na Li
Solventless Silicone Release SYL-OFF™ SL 184 Coating – Effective Mist Reduction Enabling Maximum High Coating Speed Productivity
Zhengda Li
Prefilming Airblast Fuel Nozzle Conceptual Design
Hakan Lidbo
Hearo - Internet of Sounds
Zachary Liollio
Linear Motor Projectile Excavation
Floating Parking Barge for Vehicles
Grigori & Oleg Lishanski
Vibrating Platform for Lifting and Moving Loads
Helen Little
Gigabot X: Recycling Plastic via Pellet 3D Printing
Artem Logunov
Possibilities of Vibroacoustic Research and Diagnostics of Vehicles
Erik T Long
D3 - Control and Deorbit Spacecraft without Rockets
Antonio Loquercio
Learning Extreme Flight
P D Madden
Creating a Better Tomorrow by Repurposing Coal: Converting Coal & Waste into Renewable Hydrogen
Frank Madeka
Cellular Wind Turbine Tower
Vincent Maes
Swimming Pool Safety Buoy
Rustam Makhkamov
Medical Products for Improving the Quality of Life of Seriously Ill People
Rasul Mamashev
Earphone Cable Management Tool
Avinaash Manivelan
Design and Simulation of Disaster Mitigation Robot Using Machine Vision
Gedalyahu Manor
Robotic Electric Powered System for Operating Electric Powered Farm Machines Along It, While Moving from Row to Row
Counter Rotating Tillage Machines
John Maris
Aerodynamic Optimization of Wind Turbines
Robert Marsh
Hybrid Garbage Truck
Henrique Martins
Portable Treatment and Desalination Module
Yauheni Marushka
Active Care and Health Car Chair Pillow
Dan Mathias
ATOM 1.0 Humanoid Robot Project
Martin Mathis
Road of the Future
Oliver May
Hexaviation Snowflake
Saoirse Mcconnell
NDB Universal Lifelong Self-charging Green Battery
Geoff Mccue
Shock Absorbing Tech for Footwear
Richard L Mckie
POD MOD / Power On Demand MODule
Steven Merrill
Development of an Open-Source 3D Printed Above Elbow Prosthetic: For Outdoor Recreation, or Developing World Work
Luis Alberto Migliorero
Application of the Biefeld Brown Effect using Musha Takaaki Formula
Colin Miller
A Significant Cleaner and Lighter Internal Combustion Engine
John Mitchell
Using Wave Energy Converters during Storm Surges
Munara Moldobaeva
IoT based Real-time Water Quality Monitoring System
James Morehead
Trailer Emergency Mat
Dionysios Mylonas
Method for Horsepower Measurement of both Conventional and Electric Vehicles
Raghu Ram Raj N
Autonomous Self Driving Car
Samerender Nagam Hanumantharao
First-in-Class Therapeutic Pain Drug Designed from Proteins
Ganesh Nagnurwar
Automated Vegetable Jam (Thela)
Vatche Najarian
Next Generation Gas Turbine
Firas Najjar
Plasma Solid-State Engine
Elnathan Ata Nathan
Automated Hydroponic System
Dr Alla Naveen Krishna
Design and Production of Pellets from Forest Waste
Koushik Neogi
Voltaic Shoe - Power The World Through Walking
Roderick Newstrom
Clean and Efficient Radial HCCI/LTC Engine
Jack Nguyen
Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Battery Pack and Methods to Charge Fast
Brian Niddery
LFT Zero-Emissions Small Transit Bus
Eric Nilsson
Climate Change: Planetary Orbital Misalignment
Sebastiano Nipitella
Turbolaser Ion Gun
Recovery Enterprise Hi-Tech with Shuttle Explorer
Christopher Nohrnberg
Car Seat Horn
Mukhammadali Nosirov
Door Disinfection Device
Peter Ohai
Design and Development of a 1.5kVA Dynamic Fuelless Generator (DFLG)
Chris Olufeso
Game Changer Crib for All Care Givers, Including Parents With Disabilities
Ala Eldin Omer
Low-Resource Microwave Sensing Platform for Oil Quality Control Applications
Goodness Opara
CraioVault ™ (Ultra Cold Vaccine Delivery Vault)
Victor Oribamise
Sergey Osn
Diagnostics and Predictive Condition Analysis System for Engine
Tarik Ozkul
Early Warning Saves Lives
Manickavasagam P
Smart Crossbreed E-bike
Sevvel P
Rideable Carry-on Electric Vehicle
IoT Controlled Smart Multidirectional Wheelchair
Smart and Automatic Waste Segregator
Voice Controlled Wheelchair
Anil Paila
Portable, Lightweight and Low Cost Wheelchair
Sachin Pajgade
Automated Cost Effective Device to Save Lives During Vehicle Road Accidents
Paul Passarelli
Oceangoing Garbage Eating Mechanical 'Whale'
Kshitij Patil
Sustainable Light Electric Airship (SLEA)
Laura Paul
Emergency Traction Control Device
Milen Penev
Electric Baby Stroller
Donna Pepper
Pressure Suit Gloves
Guillermo Perez
Life on Other Planets
Infrared Data Association (iRDA) with Laser Beam
Underground Transportation Security System
Smart UV Robot
Smart Power Consumption
Health Monitoring in Home with IoT
Indoor Air Quality and Garbage Monitoring System
Car Wallet Pays for Parking
Diagnosis Skin Diseases with AI
WEEE Smart Plant
Walt Perko
RoboGuts™ S.T.E.A.M. Education Program
Virgil Perryman
Residential & Consumer Scale: The Next Generation
Shakeel Pervez
New HOPE - Power Generation & Water
Don Petracek
Acoustic Guitar Amplifier
Eric Pettersen
Next Generation Green Lubricant Technology
Anshuman Phadke
Advance Driver Assistance and Monitoring System (ADAMS)
Wayne Pickette
Integrated Weapon Security, Unauthorized Use Prevention System
Larry Pope
Change the Way We Fly for the Better
Vishakh Pradeep Kumar
Gravity-compensated Robotic Arm
Alex Presutti
Litterbug: Plant-able Packaging
Bryan Prucher
Stackable High Torque, Low RPM Module Motor Assembly
Sanjay Puranik
City BC and City AC
Reuse Wastewater of Blue Dye to Clean Water
See-through Heavy Vehicle
Howard Purdum
Stop Global Warming with World's Most Efficient Engine
Vamseekrishna Pvs
Effective Al-MMC for Dynamic Wearable Parts
Vicente A Quinones
Flying Car Highway
Jeganathan R
Renewable Energy Fan
The Ignire
Pathmavasan Radhakrishnan
Automated Flower Picking Robot
Muhammad M. Rahman
Multifunctional Bionanocomposite Fruit Coatings
Ganesh Laxman Ramanathan
Draughtsman Vernier Compass
Victor Ramirez
Interactive SmartWindows for Autonomous Vehicles
Andrew Rankin
Recycling of Lithium Ion Electrodes
Rare Earth Metal Recovery using Ionic Liquids
Ramesh Rao
An Advanced Automation Solution to Separate the Stem and Calyx From the Red Chili Pod to Retain Pungency and Color
Atreya Rastradhipati
Cohive- a Co-operative Community Hive based Isolation Facility
John Read
Thermionic Transistor
John Robert
Golden Hour - Heart Protection System
Timothy Rodman
Schroeder 2030 Initiative
Leonard Roque
Portable and Cordless Pulsed Germicidal UVC Lamp System
Marc Rosenmayr
Aira FreePower - Advanced Wireless Power
Michael Rother
Electric Multi Use Landscape Equipment (E-MULE)
Robert Rowells
Carbon Neutral Commercial Aircraft Propulsion
Matt Russell
Landfill/Brewery Gases as Alternative Fuels
Talaybek Rustamov
Super Class Auto Transport
Karthikayan S
Automobile Speed Control using Received Signal Strength Identification System
Aadithya Pandian S P
Wave-Generator Powerhouse
Drew Sandlin
An Autonomous Mower
Jacob Sarver Verhey
Oceanic Autonomous Rover
Chirag Satapathy
HydroDry - A Glove-based Dry Iontophoresis Device
ECD - Energy Conservancy Device with Three-way Power Transmission
Federico Schiavio
Wealth Generator
Jeffrey Schmidt
Use of Local Magnetic Fields to Protect Space Habitation
Dean Schumacher
Anti Germ Dome
Juergen Seiler
Camera Array for Multi-Spectral Imaging (CAMSI)
Kenneth Seise
Prop It! Doorstop
Dave Seline
withINSPIRED Motivational Clothing
Azman Senin
Rail Autonomous Inspection Vehicle (RAIV)
Sawni Setia
Multipurpose Laptop Heating Prevention Solution
Muhammad Shahzad
Robust Road Lane Detection using Studs Based Night Image
Khalid Shamsher
Fusing Artificial Intelligence and Robotics for Ag Management System
Akarsh Sharat
Confidential Screen Protector
Ankush Sharma
Novel Smart Rainwater Management and Replenishment
Vriksh-shaped(VS) Infiltrator
Olga Shevchenko
Green Grubs Incubator
Lawrence Shing
Wind Turbine Recycling and Repurposing
Alexey Shvetsov
System for Managing the Route of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Muhammad Rehan Siddiqi
Watch Ur Back 2.0
Solar Deployed Rotating Buildings
Michael Siegel
Oil Cleanup and Remediation through Compost
Olja Simoska
‘Smart’ Wearable Sensor for Continuous Monitoring of Wound Healing
Naga Gurudev Singamsetty
Design of the E-VTOL (Designing of Vehicle That Works With Vertical Take Off and Landing, in Small Areas, Without Runway)
Saurabh Singh
Retrofitting Old Bicycles into Electric Bikes for Rental Services
Sumeet Singh
VAYU Tower Cooler
Suraj Singh
AI Powered Mobile Jammer Mounted Drone
Ronit Singh Choudhary
SAHIYOG - Innovative Bed Design
Yengkhom Kamaleshwar Singha
Constant Displacement Variable Power Engine at a Given RPM
David B Smith
Save Time, Fuel, and Emissions with ValueGauge
Krista Smith
Activity Assistant
Amit Sohara
Airport Disease Scanner
Yasmin Srivastava
Breakthrough Polyurethane for Comfort Applications
Anatoli Stanetsky
Rotary Vane Internal Combustion Engine
Panagiotis Stefanides
Geometric Approach to Gravity Force Variation With Height
Matter Masses in Linear, Spiroidal Rotational Motion and Attraction, in Space Within Aether
Roberto Stickel
Glider Towing eDrone
Amal Sudarsanan
EasyCAN Screen: A New Horizon in Cancer Diagnostics
Atilla Sulker
MagShark - Using Augmented Reality to Revitalize Early STEM Education
Ennis Sullivan
FasTran Urban Mobility
Sihao Sun
How to Keep Drones Flying When a Motor Fails, without GPS
Simon Sunatori
COVID Buster: Sanitary Single-Handle Water Faucet
Danet Suryatama
Development of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) for Passenger and Heavy Duty Transport
Prince Svipira
Smart Grid Integration using Net Metering
Balint Szent Miklosy
Duck-Like Propulsion for Electric Watercraft
One Handed Patient Transfer
Avinash T
Numerical Analysis of Semi-tangential Ogive Bullet
Anurag Talekar
Design and Analysis of a Possible Concept of the Lunar Lander's Landing System
Peter Tarlton
Selectable Suspension Knee Braces
SelectFlex 3.0 Keyless – The Next Generation of the World’s Only Arch Control Insole
Vishesh Tayal
Blockchain Platform For Decentralized Applications
Cris Thomas
Smart Module for Healthcare and Asset Monitoring
John Thomas
"Solar Flare" Rocket
Lalith Thugudam
Organizational Resource Trading (ORT)
Ajay Tiwari
RBCs as Viral Baits
Stem Cells Can be Used for Immunizing All
Jolo Tolentino
The Armature Project
Terrence Tormey
The Next Generation of Eye Exams for the USA and ROW
Manoj Tripathi
2D Materials Origami: The Tiniest Nanochips for Future Computation
Mridul Trivedi
(FMS) Fuel Measuring System for 2 Wheelers
Petro Tsarehradsky
UV Shield COVID and Virus Protector
Mitchell Tung
Halo Speculum -- Invented By a Female for the Female
Usman Umar Dagona
Mini Spying Wireless Car
Tom Valentin
Dynamic Hydrogel Used to Make ‘Soft Robot’ Components and Lego-like Building Blocks
Dale Van Cor
High Strength Keyed Bricks With Recycled Plastic to Build Anywhere
David Varner
EV Power Supply Standardization
Shiva Vencat
Renewable Low Sulfur Low Carbon Diesel from Agricultural Waste
Neal Verfuerth
FUSION™ Solar-powered LED
Cécile Vienney
UNIQUE Treatment for Vertebral Fractures, Osteoporosis and Cancer
Nicolas Vigier
The Future of Urban Mobility
Land Aquatic Park with Desalinization Plant
Harry Wainwright
Light Therapy S.T.E.M. Kit
Brandon West
Space Based Accelerator
Fire Containment System
Maxwell Wieder
SueChef - Autonomous Kitchen Robot - Freezer to Oven Remote Cooking
Gavin Wilding
AutoRing Is an Early Warning Detection System for Cars, You Will Be Notified Within Seconds of a Thief Breaking in via App
Saul Wiseman
Parabolic Airstream Inline Diffuser
Airless Integrity Tire
Dickson Wu
NOVOLab - IoT Lab-scaled Open Loop Wind Tunnel
Xiangwen Xiong
EEM Aviation Infrastructure System of High Safety & Security, Carbon Capture, Clean Energy, High-quality Air and Stealth Tech
EEM Smart Traffic System, EEM Roads System for Building New Roads, Renewing & Renovation of Old Roads
Shree Chandra Y
VAYU-The Power House
Aniket Yadav
Retro Reflection Panel
Fitri Yakub
Smart Sensor Network System
Robert Yancey
Apparatus for Concentrating Parasitized Red Cells for Testing
Donald Yates
1000 Containers Per Hour Port Crane System
Hamidreza Yazdani Sarvestani
Bio-inspired Multi-functional Ceramics for Aerospace Applications
Wui Keat Yeoh
Smart Baby Sleep Monitor and Alert System
Alejandro Zagoya
Future Design Suspension System
Ali Zareiee
Hawk21 360 VR Drone
Michael Zeldich
Artificial Reasonable Subjective Systems
Dehui Zhang
Tracking 3D Motion with Transparent Imaging Stack
Jack Zhang
Double Thin Clear Layer Mask - New Generation of N95 Mask
Jing Yuan Zhou
Turbocharged Zhou Engine
Zhou Unicycle
David Zornes
Heat Engine - Solar or ANY Heat Source
Irwin Zucker
Carbon-Neutral System for Demand/Supply Balancing of Solar and Wind Electricity Generating Installations
Wojciech Zwolak
Fiber Laser Pumped With Electron Beams From Carbon Nanotubes
Concept Spaceship With Inertial Drive