Entrant Profile

Dale Van Cor

Location: Winchester, New Hampshire United States

Company: Van Cor Threads LLC

Profession: Business Owner/Manager

Number of times previously entering contest: 1

Inspired by: What inspires me is having the capacity to develop ideas and then to discover more in the process. This is my 10th patent issued/pending. I have 4 new types of mechanical threaded connections; each with menu driven software to engineer them; and fabricate parts they are applied to. My goal has always been to create engineering capacity to develop and test products that can be licensed.

I was developing my construction brick application that screw together using my Key threads. While testing multiple fastened bricks, I discovered a new process called Multi-Axial Locking that eliminates the need for glue or cement. The Key thread had to come first before this could be found. That adds to the capacity of what these keyed bricks can do and there will be more. This is what inspires me.