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We want to see the robots of the future! How can robotic companions or assistants help us thrive in this new normal? This design utilize robotics in a unique way, as a personal assistant and something else entirely!


Prototype of collaborative robot arm that assist with tasks like pick-and-place an object, hold a board while I'm soldering the components, keep the keys and give them to me when I request them. Even assist people with disabilities or with Parkinson's disease, and using only a robotic arm and voice commands with "MATRIX Creator." Here you will find the minimum "Hardware" and "Software" required, the steps to follow to create an assistant with "Snips," the programming code of the board and the tests.


  • Raspberry Pi 3 B+
  • MATRIX Creator
  • Micro-USB power adapter
  • Micro SD Card (16 GB & class 10 speed)
  • Micro-USB Cable
  • USB Keyboard & Mouse & HDMI Monitor
  • Internet connection
  • A diymore Black ROT3U 6DOF Aluminum robotic arm (maximum extension: 45 cm) and six servos MG995 (Stall torque: 8.5 kgf•cm with 4.8 V, 10 kgf•cm with 6 V)


  • SD Card Formatter: To easily format our Micro SD Card
  • balenaEtcher: To easily flash our compressed Raspbian Stretch image
  • MATRIX kit image which includes Stretch + MATRIX packages (2.18 GB)
  • Node.js: Dependancy for Sam CLI Tool (Windows 64 bits)
  • Git Bash: requirement asked by Node.js
  • Snips' Sam CLI Tool: Creates & manages Snip assistants on your Raspberry Pi

NOTE: I'm currently planning the second version of "GUILLENGAP Robot Arm," and I want to add: 1) image recognition with OpenCV or another, 2) a drawer to store and keep important objects, and 3) organize a personal agenda.


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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Guillermo Perez
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Node.js, JavaScript, Python
  • Patent status: