Disposable Wireless and Batteryless Lab On Chip for Self-performed Screening/Analysis

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  • Screening and Lab analysis are performed at Lab with an expensive equipment, (Maintenance, periodic calibration, difficult to operate)
  • Samples are manually tagged, analyzed by a health care professional, and results are entered manually (Lack of digitization Risk of human errors).
  • Analyses are done hours in some cases days after sampling (Waste of time, Bacterial activity may interfere with the results)
  • Shipping / preserving potentially bio-hazard samples has a cost.

There are some emerging solutions to accelerate the process called Point of Care, but they are appropriate for hospitals/Labs but not for an occasional use at home in fact:

  • Only the sensor is disposable, the reader is too expensive and permanent.
  • The device is bulky, heavy, and expensive for shipping,
  • Point Of Care are targeting, Doctors, nurses, hospitals, Labs (Economically viable for multiple patients/reusable, but too expensive for a single/occasional use at home).


  • Our ultimate goal is to provide an alternative solution, accessible for all (Low cost), easy to use analysis/screening kits at home (preventive instead of curative),
  • The analysis/screening kits we are aiming for are a combination of sensors and processing unit (Miniaturized wireless and battery less Lab On Chip).

Note: As a proof of concept the sensor and the processing platform was prototyped separately, Next step will be the integration of the sensor with the processing platform.

1) Part 1: Sensors (Two electrodes: Refrence and working electrode each one 1x1mm)

We will start with urinalysis: Urine pH level is an important indicator of the metabolism (Acidosis, urine tract infections, dehydration, Kidney failure, etc.), we already designed a miniaturized pH sensor using micro fabrication technics, results were published and can be found here: https://espace.etsmtl.ca/id/eprint/1870/2/AMOR_Houssem_Eddine-web.pdf

The next challenge of our start-up (ForeverSensors) is to secure an R&D budget and Hiring witch will help us to accelerate the development of other Electrochemical/Biosensors:
Cholesterol monitoring, Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/302922065_A_novel_electrochemical_biosensor_for_detection_of_cholesterol
E.coli detection, source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214180419301795
Hormones level (source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25558874/ )
Allergen detection (source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S095656631930079X)
Cancer screening (Long term) (Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0165993619302468)

2) Part 2: Reading/Processing platform (Figure03: Prototype 6x8 mm)

We designed a miniaturized wireless and battery less processing unit able to interact with a smartphone (Prototype: Figure 03):

  • Contactless (Wireless communication protocol similar to credit cards, No contact with potentially bio-hazardous substances: Blood, Urine, etc.),
  • Disposable (Battery less: RF energy harvesting)
  • Low-cost (Smartphone is used as a processing platform instead of an expensive processing unit),
  • On the fly configurable memory storage within the device (Name, Date, results, etc.), digital information (Less risk of human errors)
  • Compact (easily shipped everywhere at very low cost),
  • Easy to use (Self-performed test: Simply Tap and display results)


The biosensors market is anticipated to grow up to 33.7 Billion by 2026 (CAGR 8.1%) Source

We are committed to provide the most advanced, miniaturized, wireless and batteryless lab on chip to fulfil the increasing need for preventive screening/analysis at home.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Houssem Eddine Amor
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Altium Designer
  • Patent status: