
Votes: 18
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The Battelle CardioHub is a small wearable device that automatically reduces stress using neurotechnology instead of pharmaceuticals. Our device monitors subperceptual biosignals from your body, detects physiological stress events, and automatically delivers neurostimulation to activate your body’s natural stress-reducing responses.

The key concept is that your body, when stressed, tells your nervous system to evoke the fight or flight response. This constricts your heart vessels and increases heart rate, among many other responses. To counterbalance this, your body also has the ability to relax and rest, aiding in recovery, digestion, and sleep.

While natural, your body’s fight or flight response can become an issue is when the stressful conditions are prolonged. This could be a result of many contributing factors, such as obesity, smoking, diabetes, or even your family history. Heart Disease is a chronic and progressive condition caused by prolonged stress to the body’s cardiovascular system. It is the leading cause of death in the World: 17.9 million deaths in 2019. Early stages are largely asymptomatic. High blood pressure is an early indicator that may lead to worsening symptoms such as chest pains or shortness of breath.

Our system automatically recognizes stress and triggers your recovery response to counteract the potentially damaging effects of chronic stress. Imagine being able to control hypertension without pharmaceuticals. Imagine wearing a device that promotes healthy heart conditions to help stop permanent damage to heart cells after a heart attack.

Our patented CardioHub has been reduced to practice and is currently being tested on human subjects, specifically for cardiovascular stress applications. Our technology is also being considered for addiction recovery and human performance applications. This Battelle technology is expected to transform the standard of care for all stages of Heart Disease.

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  • Name:
    Krista Smith
  • Type of entry:
    Team members:
    Rick Brooks, Russell Kittel, Krista Smith, Nicole Steele
  • Patent status: