Next Generation Green Lubricant Technology

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This entry presents a novel technology that successfully, and inexpensively, converts bio-renewables into 93% to 100% bio based, high performance, long lasting lubricants. Oil feedstocks such as soy oil, canola oil and/or mixed methyl esters are added to powdered molybdenum disulfide which are processed following my patented technology (US Patent 8,211,329).

In brief the various oils are transformed into superior lubricants in a 55 gallon vessel using electrical, magnetic and shear forces - followed by centrifugation. The treatment process only requires a pump to fill the vessel, magnets, electrical power and a centrifugal pump that automatically adds the molybdenum disulfide and provides intense shear forces. The centrifuging is a follow-on step to remove virtually all the molybdenum disulfide so a 99.99% Plant Based Lubricant is created. These treated oils have outstanding heat transfer rates, superior lubricity, increased corrosion protection and very long use and storage life. It is important to note that a simple mixture of oil and molybdenum disulfide prepared with our technology does not show improved performance characteristics. An early soy based lubricant treated with this process has retained it's enhanced lubricant properties, even after a decade of unheated storage in Colorado.

By compounding with various viscosity modifiers, thickeners and/or pour point suppressants a variety of extremely effective lubricants have been produced. All of these lubricants possess exceptionally low Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) ratings (1 g/l).
Using this technology a new aerosol spray oil was created, which has an NSF International H1 rating (Incidental food contact permitted, certification #COO445448). This aerosol spray oil is used in cafeterias, delis and as a general purpose lubricant. Also, a Fortune 500 company private labels the anti-seize created by this technology.

A host of lubricants are available including various greases, an almost indestructible Progressive Die Grease, an anti-seize compound, pneumatic oils and a very effective transformer fluid. Research on new products continues with major focus on CNC coolants, Motor oils, Cleanroom manufacturing, EV battery cooling and robotic lubrication.

This technology system permits licensing overseas. Production with the basic system can be up to 16,170 gallons a week with semi-skilled workers working three shifts. Output would then be run through a suitable capacity centrifuge . Scale up using multiple vessels is easiest followed by increasing vessel size and continuous flow (more difficult) operations. The centrifuged oil can be stored in an in-process tank for later centrifuging.

Food processing equipment can be used to add bio-based thickeners, viscosity control additives or pour point additives to produce greases, anti-seizes and the like.

It is believed that most petroleum based lubricants can be replaced with green products using this technology. Farmers around the world can contribute to protecting the earth's climate by providing precursors for green lubricants that can be produced locally using this technology. Every pollution causing lubricant that can be replaced by plant based lubricants is a small victory for a cleaner earth.

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  • Name:
    Eric Pettersen
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  • Eric is inspired by:
    Leaving a legacy of actually having done something practical, however small, to help save our planet. Lubricants are a necessary evil - even if they pollute. These lubricate as well, if not better than conventional lubricants, without polluting. The range of applications are staggering as is the amount of pollution they can prevent. If farmers can grow precursors, have them crushed and turned into oil and then convert them to lubricants with our technology the world will be a cleaner place.
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