Entrant Profile

Wui Keat Yeoh

Location: Singapore, Singapore Singapore

Company: Nanyang Polytechnic

Profession: Educator

Inspired by: I have 2 young children, the younger one being 19 months old. Both my wife and I went through many interrupted sleeps at night during their first six months, regularly waking up to check on them to ensure they are sleeping fine and having no fever, when they are sick. These left us feeling tired and lethargic throughout the day. Worst still, our works or chores are being distracted by the constant worry of their well bring when they are asleep in the day. As such, I was looking for a non-contact and non-intrusive monitoring system that can relieve me of this problem but couldn't find any suitable commercial solutions at all

2021 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/27 Smart Baby Sleep Monitor and Alert System Medical 1858 25