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Electric power distribution has changed little in over 100 years. The wires, switches and other devices have been standardized and codified. Sustainable power generation, electric power based transportation and the emphasis on carbon emissions demands transforming the present “dumb” power system.

Our innovation is The P-LAN that provides a better electric power system that supports the major contemporary and future enhancements. P-LAN stands for Power Local Area Network and it converts our dumb distribution system into smart and flexible at lowest cost. P-LAN uses Artificial Intelligence contained within a “smart” panel door that replaces the stamped steel door on virtually every power panel installed within premise wiring systems. No wiring changes, no new codes and no additional skill sets are required. The attached sketch illustrates this conversion. Little to no alteration of the public power grid is required because P-LAN uses mostly the existing on-premise system to effect change.

The panel circuit breakers are replaced as needed with “P-LAN controllers” that are physically the same size as these breakers. Devices plug-in or bolt-in, and as the sketch illustrates there is no exterior change in appearance. However, the needed gain of function is embedded within these controllers along with communications as needed. The feeder and branch circuit wiring is not required to be changed outside the panel. “Smart homes” use specialized devices to support added functions. An example is the Amazon “Alexa” devices that have already sold over 100 million. The P-LAN uses similar devices as Alexa. Modified Terminal Devices monitor and control loads on a two-way basis.

EV adoption has a voracious need for charging power that exceeds today’s grid capacity. As an example, you want to charge your EV with power from your solar roof system but the sun shines while your EV is miles away. With P-LAN, the battery powered devices owned and housed on the premises are collected into a power “reservoir” that is charged during peak solar power generation periods and then this “reservoir power” can charge the EV at night. The P-LAN integrates all electric battery powered devices into a two-way source and load for the network to build the reservoir without having to buy dedicated batteries beyond what is contained in the various consumer appliances. The EV itself, E-mowers, electric tools, and hedge trimmers are connected and controlled using AI to learn optimized charge and discharge.

The P-LAN builds an intelligent two-way charge and discharge system to address load needs throughout the entire power grid. Communications devices and sensors work together. For example, over communications through the cellular grid P-LAN can use real time sensors and weather forecasts to precisely determine wind and solar power availability. P-LAN can manipulate both loads and on-premise power sources to match grid needs. The EV battery can become smaller while also providing more power through this optimization. Grid renewal is achieved by using EV’s to not only become just another load but a huge source of power when needed. P-LAN optimizes the effective use of all.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Stanley Demster
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  • Software used for this entry:
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