We need to redeploy the human workforce for sustainability. A lot of work is not profitable per present economic standards:
- Recycling
- Design for long term maintainability
- Maintenance and repair
- Human work force for agriculture instead of petrol based machinery or chemistry
- Low carbon transportation with extra care and attendees
- Extra human force for logistics with less packaging
- Recycling obsolete computers, downsizing of software's resources requirements
- Moving forward in further technological flight requiring massive investments ...
A smooth transition will need to happen:
- Progressive increase of price of primary materials, of petrol, of strategic metals or matters
- Financial Incentives from public leaders
- Low taxes for local and circular economy with low environmental impact
- Higher taxes for rare or polluting materials or activities
I would like to offer the UniText Standard to gain an order of magnitude in human efficiency to face these new quantitative challenges for sustainability.
I spent 36 years observing, trouble shooting, experimenting, managing complex projects in Industry.
The UniText standard is a basic molecule of management, that can create local villages of trust and safety, though asynchronous and remote, and divide by one or two orders of magnitude collective efficiency.
Bureaucracy and paperwork doesn't have a high efficiency, it generates by itself extra paperwork and bureaucracy, and can even turn circular on itself without consciousness of it by many actors, which seems expensive compared to the Lean Management of the minimal actions to obtain the right result in an orderly and timely manner.
A lot of time is spend in decision making, in asking other people partial decisions to consolidate higher decisions.
The UniText basic molecule of management can aggregate smoothly with other molecules and build this collective efficiency obtained at high individual cost by the Japanese excellence in Lean Management.
The right implementation of the UniText standard would liberate human workforce to face the extra work and massive investments for the Sustainability challenges.
The UniText Standard can be implemented as a shared portal within a coherent ecosystem, where you can discuss, decide, document, follow-up, track, and report against normative references.
The UniText implementation can also connect different portals, with shared interface area for the common interaction activity.
I published a paper related to documentation in System Engineering:
http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1234/paper-08.pdfat CESAME Lab from Ecole Polytechnique ParisTech.
I have a Blog: www.LesAmisDeUnitext.fr mostly in French...
The UniText Brick shows the Lean Management attitude of intellectual workforce:
- Why, from where, What, Where to go, by Who, and discussion, suggestion, decision, realization check...
- Action tracking for global timing and exhaustivity
- All stakeholders points of views to be confronted and taken into account.
- Document view
- Project view to justify access rights
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About the Entrant
- Name:Philippe Jarrin
- Type of entry:individual
- Software used for this entry:WAMP, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, Ajax
- Patent status:pending