Hossin Abdeldayem
Defeating a Hurricane
Galal Abdelmessih
Cost of Meetings Counter
Mohammed Abdulaziz
Aqua-Solar Cell
Removing Blood Clots using Nano-Particles
Nitro-Turbo Engine
CO2 Dissociator (Future Artificial Tree)
Alec Abrams
Carbon Nanotube Solar Panel Design
Adebayo Adejare
Nanoparticle Water Filtration Method
M V Aditya Nag
Oscillatory Combustion Setup in Oil Fired Furnace
Mike Adrian
Handy Screw Caps for Soda Bottles
Juan Antonio Agirre
Automatic System of Emergencies for Vehicles
Ali Ahmad
Self Powered Electricity Generation System
Glen Alexander
Maximum Utilization of Structure for Communication
Soeren Algreen-ussing
Hermes-Pegasus.biz Cars
Shahram Alipourazadi
Stair Climbing Wheelchair
Federico Alves
Secure Power Supply
Marlin Anderson
Active Magazine Safety for Firearms
Jens Andersson
AVA - Video Telephone
Lenka Andrasova
Highway Police Service Vehicle - Calantha Fair
Andrew Anganes
FDTD Hardware Acceleration
Learning to Drive, Safely!
A Cheap, Web-Enabled Home Sensor Network
Peter Anthony
Collapsible Shelter System
A Lightweight Composite Panel Building System
Dave Ashman
Solar Clean Water SVD - Street Vending Dispenser
Mahmoud Assaad
Tire with Segmented Belt for Improved Performance
Sesha Atkuru
Digital Waist Line Measure Belt
Weight Watcher's Belt and Shoes
Alberto Avendano
Road Sonar Reflector
William Avery
Terra-Joules Electrical Plant
Saurabh Azad
Embodying Pragmatism: Car Parking/Solar Farms
Anush Badii
Water from Air for Humanitarian Relief Operations
Ahmed Badr El-deen
Electro-Chemical Machine (ECM) Sinking and Turning
Matthew Bailey
Human Powered Ornithopter
Mark Baker
Transforming Quantum Circuits
Paul Baker
Super Precise Weed Trimmer
Precise Control of Variable Pitch Propeller
Extremely Reliable Emergency Shutdown Valve
Dynamic Engine Valve Timing & Throw Control
Duane C. Balch
New Vehicle "Vector Car"
Srikanth Bandi
E-Smart Device for Rural Education
Af Barghouty
Tactile Touchscreen
Phil Barnes
Regenerative Electric-Powered Aircraft
Amy Baxter
Buzzy for Pain Relief
Vittorio Bearzi
Prefab Solar Wall
Martin Beck
Integrated Transportation System
Juan Carlos Bedoya Velasquez
Treatment for Third Degree Burns
Matthew Bennett
3D Models Making From 2D images
Andrew Berkun
Human Powered Motorcycle
Ken Biddle
Method for Lossless Energy Storage
Rahul Bihade
Step Feeder Equipment
Jacob Bizehr
Self-Propelled Electrotrimaran
Fuel-less Motor-Generator for Electric Car
The Combined Aero-Hydro-Turbine and Propeller
Teresa Blackwood
Bog Master
Track Runner
Joseph Blais
Refrigerator Heat Exhaust
Richard Blazecka
Angie Bodine
Universal Materials Recovery System
Shawn Boike
Advanced Super Tactical Aero Rotorcraft (ASTAR)
Body's Health Improvement Machine
America's Health Improvement Machine
Michel Bonard
Pitot Tube Replacement
Mark Branham
Improved Temperature Compensation for Wireless Communications
Dave Braverman
Networked T8 LED
Hal Bredbenner
Fast-Food Quick Order System
Dwight Brooker
A Device for Stopping Explosions at Nuclear Plants
Jeff Brown
DAMPS Technology MKIV Smart Boots
Stephen Brown
A Comprehensive Approach to Hydrogen Fuel
Robert Brown, Jr.
Flying Military and Commercial Aircrafts
Military/Commercial Bookwork Display System
Tethered Lifeline Support
Catbird Seat
Zero Degree Turning Building Periphery Dispenser
Discrete Imbiber
PIN Access Biologic-Biometrics Snapshot Profile
Phil Brox
Neonatal Transport Backpack
Richard Brunner
EZ Vac Sander
Heat Exchanger for Clothes Dryer
Catalin Bujdei
A Building as a Living Body
Luis Burgos Agudo
Topcric Opening and Closing Discharge of Solids
Frederick Burke
Mini Combo Turbine: 120 mpg Automobile
James Burrell
World’s Most Efficient Helical Wind & Fluid Turbine
Dan Byrd
High Altitude Wind Turbine
Mark Capron
Ocean Algal Afforestation for Energy, Food, Biodiversity
David Carr
Rail-gun Sabot
Remora Generator
Green Wedge
Fusion Powered Water Still
Improved Bandage Bobbin
Arthur Carter, Jr.
Tornado Prevention System (TPS)
Eliot Case
Green Energy as a Service™ (GES)
Roberto Cavazzoni
Active Filters Patent
Nagendra Ch
Supercritical Combustion
Pravin Chaubey
Eco-friendly Sanitation Technology
Elias Chavez Monarrez
Present Necessity
Bobby Chestnut
This Would Have Stopped 911!
Akash Chigurupati
Smart Surveillance Cameras
Synergy of a Car’s Computer and a Cell Phone
Brian Chow
Feather Rail (True Monorail)
Neil Christian
Solution to Lane Merging Problem
Robert Christie
Radio Locator for the Visually Impaired
Miles Christophe
Railways on the Road
Michael Cloran
Photonic Logic Simulator via c/c++
Jonathan Cole
Accelerating the Solar Transition
Paul Connor
Biometric RFID Adhesive Bandages
Desktop CNC Electroforming Machine
Full-Mouth Mechanical or Sonic Toothbrush
Luigi Conti
Variable Valve Lift System for Internal Combustion Engines
Tim Cooley
Electric Heated Gloves That Stay Heated
4 Wheel Drive EV Conversion for Everyone
Gustavo Cortes
e-vent, Reduce Energy Consumption
Juan Cortes
Step Master - Reborn
Mark Coster
G-Force Air Freshener
Charles Couch
Home Water Power Station
Jack Coulter
Ultralight SCUBA Diving Device
Larry Cox
Universal Knowledge Base
John Craig
Instant Mount Bicycle Brake Light
Jim Crowell
Construction's Future 2015
Solar Systems Future
Mark Curran
Adjustable Geometry Bicycle
Dwight & Jane Cushman
Mass Fatality Disaster Relief
Carey Dahlen
Grid Tie Boost Power Generator (GTBPG)
Gamal Darwish
Mobile Dental Bracket Table
Julia G. Davila
Multifuctional Portable Beds
Kassandra De Azmitia
Artistic Shade/Illumination for Parking Lots
Richard De Francesco
New Way to Get Broadband to Lost Customers
Sarah Angelina Delagostti
E2E Tech
Sadesh Devaki
Sensor Based Vehicle Horn
Weight Reduce School Bag
Stephen Dewar
WhalePower Computer Cooling Fan
Sukhvinder Dhanjal
Dry Sponge Cleaner for Hot Soldering Iron Tips
Varun Dhanwantri
WalkSafe for High Risk Heart Patients
Daniel Didrick
World's First Functional Artificial Finger
Jason Dietrich
Opto-Electronic Non-Volatile Memory Cell
Weiren Ding
Fully Internal Combustion System (FICS)
Nicola Dipalma
Vacuum Impulse Propulsion for "Flying" Vehicles
Gravitational Wave Transmission System (Concept)
Radovan Djukic
DC/DC transformer without inductive parts
Patrick Dougherty
FreeWheel Wheelchair Attachment
Stu Douglass
Lever Propelled Wheelchair
Mark Downer
Method of Fuel Usage
Method of Fuel Usage
Lonny Doyle
Doyle Rotary Engine
John Dreese
Laptop Zero-Energy Solar Backlight
Randy Dube
Continuous Structural Frame Reinforcing
Lucien Ducret
RS-185 Roto-Skinner
Pierluigi Duranti
Rudder-less Autonomous Unmanned Surface Vessel
Porferio Eliang
Plastic Bottle Cushioned Bench
William Engwer
SOLO Single Seat Vehicle
Anna Epelbaum
Integrated Vertical Windmill-Generator
Tony Sacksteder Equipois Inc.
Standing Support System for Surgeons
Lucijan Fajs
Helicoidal Single - Spiral Barrier
Jeff Farnese
Vacuum Tile Grid System
Rebecca Farr
Dynamic Aero-Shroud Oscillating Jet
Christophor Faust
REOSE Solar Panel House
Steve Feher
Air Conditioned Helmet
Myron Fendall
Portable Baterial Detector
Omar Fernandes Aly
Stress Corrosion Prediction Modeling Software
Eduardo Fernandez Lacruz
Bioclimatic Indoor Swimming Pool & Tropical Garden
Mike Ferrante
Portable Wind Powered Generator
Harvey Fiala
Inertial Propulsion Device
Matthew Flannery
Compact High Efficiency Satellite Terminal
Pedro Flecha
Cheaper Silicon Metal
Chee Woh Foong
Solar Oven with Heat Storage
Bill Forshey
ClearCirKits Electronics Construction Set
BeaconSeal - Cargo Security Seal
Paul Frenger Md
Robotic GRANNIE-Box Simplifies Glucometer Use
Marcia Friesen
Mobile App for Wound Care
Deepak G
USB TO USB Data Transfer
Turbojet Engine Protection Grill
Cockpit & Cabin Camera
Mobile Internet Communication System (MICS)
Push Button Hand Brake
Concept Mini Car
Kirankumar G
Picture to Text Conversion (Eliminate Typing)
Automation Of Transportation Sector
Mahmoud Galal
Electrical Cement: Building Without Cement!
Raymond Gallant
Energy/Power Ad Infinatum
Thomas Gallinelli
SMA Alloy for Canned Food Covers
Xochitl Garcia
Zn/Cu Vegetation Batteries
Moishe Garfinkle
Self-Securing Rail Spike
Wheelchair Drive-Assistance Device
Simulating a Full Keyboard for Text Messaging
Charles Gaston
A Truly Transparent and Trustworthy Voting System
Donatas Gatavynas
E-vehicles Plug
Robot Charger
Portable Foldable PV Charger
Andrea Gatti
Fault Tolerant High Speed Ethernet Train Network
Martin Gecik
New Design of CV Joint
Eugene Geis
Vitamin D While You Shower!
Dale Gibby
Deployable Solar Power for Practical Solar Cars
Howard Gibson
Mannequin to help locate drowning victims
Harold Gier
An SCBA with Integral Heat Stress Relief
Sheldon Gilden
White Glove Seeing Eye Phone
Metin Giousouf
Floating Solar Field
Jonathan Globerson
Greenerator - The Green Residential Generator
Ernest V Glover Sr
Robot For The Home: Doorbot
Richard Goldsborough
Crash Helmet with Thermoelectric Cooling and Heat
Robert-andrei Gonda
Solar Panel with an Active Core
Cosmic Airplanes (Spacecraft), Sub-Orbital Salvage
Nicolas Andres Gonzalez Rincon
SleeP - Bed for Insomnia Symptoms
Daniel Grabill
Projection Laptop With Detachable Touch Screen
Steve Greenthal
Waterdance Valve
Brad Griffith
Introducing CraftStickBending.com
Stanley Grimes
Sun Shade for Car
Lawrence Grumer
The Walking Charger™
Karl Guenther
Innovative Transit and Alternative Energy System
Renewable Energy Remote Power Station
Clayton Gumbrell
'PCB Guide’ – A Navigation Tool for Electronic PCB
Oki Gunawan
Intelligent, Secure, On-Demand Ride-Sharing System
Luv Gupta
Magnetic Micro-Bubbles Combat Cancer
Jeremiah Haler
Zero Pollution Engine™ (ZPE™) Secrets Revealed
Steve Hall
Automatically Load a Trailer on a Train Car
David Halverson
HHO Hydroxy Test Setup
Walter Hammer
Drill Driven Carpenter Pencil Sharpener
Gerald Hantusch
A Radiation-Doubler Sunshine Concentrator
Robert Harker
Full Color Solid 3D Image Scanner
Door Jamb or Hinge Mounted Pressure Tank Security
Rick Harrington
Trans Wind Energy Generation
Bob Harshaw
Patriot Flag Light
David Haskins
The VTOL Pulsed Turbine Transvector Jet Concept
Ronald Hawke
Prostate Enlargement Indicator
Corry Hella
Spherical Survival Container Kit
Shawn Hendricks
Stinky Chip
Guilherme Henrique Lourenço
Popular HouseWindSolar
Robert Henshaw
E-Path: Sustainable Transportation & Energy Network
Ronald Hernandez
PVC Rain Water Collector
Zvi Herschman
Implantable, Artificial Kidney System
Steve Hines
Helio™ Solar Tracker
Thientu Ho
E-Blocks: The "Lego" of Electronic Prototypes
Hien Hoang
iMD Blood Diagnosis
Ron Hoffman
MasterBrew Coffee maker controller
Kristina Honeycutt
Solar Water and Air Purification Balloon
Frank Houghton
Handheld, Portable Drum Sander
Paul Howard
YankeeDiesel – it’s not rocket science
Ronnie Hughes
Handy Handle 2
Hurricane Wipeout With NRC
Arttu Huttunen
Auxiliary Power to Electric Cars from Grid
Shuaib Ahmad Idrees
Making Use of the Weight of the Vehicle to Generate Energy
Mihai Ion
ION Windows
Douglas Ivers
Networked Adaptive Traffic Signals
Thomas Ives
Method to Identify Counterfeit Integrated Circuits
Yuval Izhaki
Green Power Debugger
Jim Jablonsky
Aortic Calcification Elimination System
Laxmi Jagdev
Using Mass to Get Energy
Jairo Jaimes
Bicycle Crank System with Dead Spot Elimination
Multifunctional Dental Apparatus
Nakul Jain
Automobile of the Future - Next Million Miles Free!
An Air Conditioner = A Mini Power Plant
Dangallage N Jayatissa
Better Way to Install Electric Water Pump
Energy Recovering Stove
Chris Jaynes
XVIVO Organ Perfusion System
Zdenek Jedlicka
Making Synthetic Fuel from Waste by Solar Energy
Kristoffer Jensen
Auditory Memory Model for Feature Estimation
James Jones
CubeSpawn, an Open Source FMS
Kulbhushan Joshi
All Energy is Good Energy (AEnGE)
George Jumper
Electric Commuter Car
Shama K.v.
Mini Turbojet Engine
Pooja Kadambi
Ischiban- Stroke Detection Headband
Alan Kaplan
A Simple, Very Low Heat Loss Window
Harvey Kaplan
The Kaplan “OWL” (Omni-Directional Wide-Angle Lens) Rotating “Holodeck” Camera
Implementable Multi-Component Solution to Capture and Contain Oil and Gases Escaping from Fractured Vertical Pipes on Underwater Oil Drilling Platforms
Rahul Kapoor
Digitization of the Wallet
Munawar Karim
40-Passenger VTOL/STOL Commuter Aircraft
Jason Kascenska
Swimming Pool Pump Controller
Thomas Kasmer
Hydristor Retrofit
Amal Kassab
Unmanned Electric Vehicle
Dinesh Kathaiyan
Smart Information Finder and Controller (SIFC)
Dan Keaton
Compact, Low Power Uncompressed HD Video Recorder
Michael Kelley
SpaceBot Cowboys
Eric Kendall
Platypus Cello Case for Student Musicians
Daniel Kerber
The World's First GMD 3-D Arcade
Reza Khan
Shock Absorbing Side Rail
Juergen Kienhoefer
Mobile Security Camera, AIRi
William King
Sail Carousel Wind Turbine
Michael Kirby
The Quiet Pillow
Gennady Kleyman
Sensiject Syringe
Axel Kloth
Image Analysis Processor Chipset
Carl Knoll
Safety Electrical Outlet
Ronald Kotas
Television Logo Eliminator
An Inproved Cell Phone and Telephone
A Dirigible that Should be Developed
Jason Kovatch
Road Trains: Practical, Inexpensive Mass Transit
Gopi Krishna
Voice Activated Alarm System
Speech and Touch Based Smart Home Infrastructure
Gireesh Kumar
Fuel-less AC Generator
Shyam Kumar
Automated Wheelchair
Robert Kwiatkowski
Protective Clothing and Coatings
Mike Lacroix
Canal Based Hydro System
Ellen Langsetmo
Passive Microwave Imager
William Larson
Automated Rail Joint Bar Inspection Fixture
Vadim Laser
Video Adapter for Laryngoscope
Ia Lashauri
Vacuum AVIA Wing and Propeller
Fuel-less Magnetic Generator
Martin Lawson
Double A Arm All Wheel Drive Motorcycle
Peter Lefferson P.e.
Floor Surface Safety Lamp
David Levine
Sodium Electrical Wire
Bradley Lewis
The Explorer (Backpack Gyrocopter)
Hugues Libotte
Eco Drive Coach
Jim Limber
Motion Aeroefficiency Amplifier
Stefano Linari
"Skin Bandage" and "Vein Tube"
Luis Gustavo Lira
Household Water Treatment System
Adam Livingston
Efficient Utensil Cleaner
Michael Longo
United States Rain Force
Larry Lueder
Flying Saucer Propulsion System
Bruno Lunelli
Compact Collimated Beam in Optical Spectrometers
Bc Macdonald
ElectriLite PersTranSys
Alistair Macfarlane
LED Light Sources
Linda Mackall
Outdoor Trash Can Bracket
Fm Maish
The Power of the Earth
The Future of Transportation: Dirigibles
Indranil Majumdar
Vehicle Accident Prevention System (VAP)
Gerald Manfredi
Oil Spill Containment Device
Harry Manvel
Light Sport Amphibian
Dan Marantz
Micro-Plasma Surgical Scalpel
George Marchetti
Clean Coal Wastewater Treatment
Paul Marino
Auto Leveling System
Frank Martin
Powerless "Green" Humidifier
Angel Francisco Martinez
TO:CMA Spherical Generator
Francisco Javier Martinez Garcia
Volodymyr Maslov
Maslov's Toothbrush
Gheorghe Matei
IPv4 Can Go On!
Larry Matel
Water Friendly Pavement
Gerald Mauboussin
Street Light Controller
Guillermo Maura
Battery Thermal Management System for Electric Car
Kato Mawesano Andrew
Automated Digital Power Meter (ADPM - Machine)
William Mcdonald
Electric Car Driving Range Extension
Bob Mcleod
Serious Games for Traffic Modeling
James Mcnay
Security and Tracking System for Cargo Containers
Cassie Mcqueeny-tankard
Hydrogen Green Lawn System
William Melnyk
Solar Reflector Heat Exchanger
Alec Melvin
Remote Clearance of IEDs by Surface Seismics
James Mendenhall
Energy for Small Communities
Tolga Metin
Self Balanced Servicing Tray
Wheelchair (Welomaxx)
Dave Michaelson
Equipment Proximity Warning System
Burt Miller
The Pungo Wine Preservation Device
Nathaniel Miller
Seebeck Radiators: A Car Heat Conversion System
Wayne Miller
Propulsion and Delivery (PAD) Mass Transit System
Dave Mills
Distributed Power Usage Monitoring
Fred Mirow
Ferrous Metal Detector for Spark Safety
Parametric Voltage Reference for Extreme Temperatures
Shailendra Kumar Mistry
Magnetic Road Sweeper
James Mitchell
Volume Hydrogen Production with Specialized Anode
John Mitchell
Robotic Assembly of Monolithic Domes
Robotic Farming within GroDomes
Raymond Mitchell
Propulsor Unit For Manual Wheelchairs
Cordell Moe
Clean Green IC Power
Robert Moffett
Silent Portable Inconspicous Wind Generator
Ali Moghadam
Endoscope with Protected Biopsy Channel
Sarina Moghadam
Tranesophegeal with Visualization
Niladri Bihari Mohanty
NIRBHAY: A Multi Agent Info Locker System
Giovanni Battista Montanari
Reconfigurable Network-on-Chip
Ivan Montilla
Evolutive Software Design Paradigm (ESDP)
Gianantonio Moretto
Railways Human Error Prevention by Forward Looking
George H. Morgan
Reduction of Harmful Combustion Emissions
Peter Morgan
Directional Emergency Exit Sign
Chris Morton
Megadose Vitamin Therapy for Acute HIV Exposure
Chemo-Electro-Deposition Mining
MERSEA (Marine Ecosystem Restoration @ Sea)
Helium Turbine Engine
Rocker Lowrise Earthquake Proof Building
Tamerlan Mouradov
Internal-Combustion Engine
Janusz Murakowski
Combination Control for Vehicles
Arthur Murdoch
Proposal for Solar Laser Optically
Lionel Murray
Motorized Television Mount
Archana N
Smart Vehicle Gadget
Abdulhak Nagy
PIMB (Pump Integrated Mountain Bike)
Niranjan Nair`
Laser Tipped Stencil Maker
Mobile Phone with Intercom
Krishanan Namboodiri
AIDS Awareness Program
Vinu Narayanan
Smart Electricity Billing System
Michael Nasab
Cool Grounding Pad
Alessandro Negri
Ultralight Based Electric Powered Lift Body
Kristin Neidlinger
Marko Nenadovic
Guardian Safe-Path System
Joel Neumann
Highly Efficient Wind and Water Turbine
Jack Nguyen
FDx Trolley
EZ Lift Tie Downs
Peanut Wrench
Somkid Nimnual
iCFS for Roadside Bomb and Terrorist Activity Detection
Clarence Nolan
Suspended Track R/C Toy Train System
Mark Norwood
Portable Magnetic Strip Writer/Reader
Anthony Noto
Pillow Purifier
While You Wear It... Wrinkle-Away
Arthur Noxon
Standing Wave Motion Detector
Maxwell Nyatsambo
Vehicle Electricity Creation and Transmission (vEcat) System
Merlyn Nyght
Repurposing Midwest Flood Waters
Interstate Median Bio-Fuel
Peter Nylund
ATS Tablet PC Stand
James O'reilly
The Verbal Internet
Reducing Medical Costs
Christopher Olsen
Family Bike Rack
Arthur Orchel
A Better Volume Control on Remotes
Itamar Orian
5 Stroke Internal Combustion (Otto) Engine
Matthew Orosz
Solar ORC Cogeneration for Underserved Areas
Joel D. Orth
RT-SOFC Room Temperature Nano Oxide Fuel Cell
Jose Ortiz
Low Cost Weather Radar
Mike Osenni
Photo Opportunity Device
German Osorio
New System Laser Printer
Garry Owens
Emergency Early Warning and Information System
Karen Owyeung
Lunera 6460 SERIES LED Luminaure
Sooraj P
Helicopter POV Display
Sagnik Pal
Optical Microscanners for Miniature Endoscopes
Hugo Palacios
Carrier Pro
Magnetic Repulsion Piston Engine (MRPE)
Shasta Palmer
Biometrics Bracelet or Ring
Lee Palmore
Intelligent Traffic Control with Stop Lights
Philip Panicker
RFID Lost Item Locator, Home Inventory Utility
Submarine Solar Desalination Plant
Ravi Paramanandam
Pneumatic Pump
Camilo Parra Palacio
L3 (Electric Bike)
Robert Patterson
John Pavon
Defensive Shield Against IEDs & Land Mines
Carl Peart
Solar Energy Collection & Transfer Satellite
Milen Penev
High Efficiency Energy Source (Quantum Battery)
Hector Perez
Super Energy Saving LED Light
Joaquin Perez
Solar Radiometer Power Generator
Fire Acoustic Detector and Smoke Alarm
Lighted Magical Geometric Display by Wireless
Hamstrings Rolling Weight Exercise Machine
Marcelo Perez
Portable Dry Dock for Recreational Vessels
Jose De Jesus Perez Bueno
Removing Toxic Metals from Water
Johnnie Perkins
Metronome Boom
Fire Suppression Screen
Tony Pettry
Everlasting Memories
Danh Pham
Adjustable Transparency Photovoltaic Panels
Wayne Pickette
Dumbwaiter Refrigerator, Safe and Earthquake Proof!
Brian Pinzon
Gravito-Magnetic-Lumina-Fusion Engine w/TSM
Jeremy Pitts
Hybrid Rotor Compressor for Natural Gas Extraction
David Pollard
OpenPower: Open Source Home Electrical Solution
Richard Ponziani
Electronic Intelligent Turn Signals
Larry Pope
Lifting Fuselage Multi-Use Aerospace Design
Cleiton Porciuncula
Energy System Based on Oscillating Pendulum
Samuel Prager
Coast-Based Wave Powered Generator
Lev Pribytkov
Centrifugal Separator Media
Antonius J. Priyambodo
Tire Cord Splitting Machine
Carlo Quinonez
Open-Source Microfluidic Interfaces and Controls
Rackmount "Lab-on-a-Chip" Server
Paul Radford-hancock
Gravity Mill
Navaneethakrishnan Raman
Alternate Technology for Street Lighting
Tino Randall
Electromagnetic Pulsing
Thennarasan Ranganathan
Third Eye for Crane Operators
Wayne Rasanen
One-Handed/Two-Handed Keyboard
Cory Raszeja
A Small Scale Hydropower System
Richard Ray Ratliff "tre"
Magna-car MC-01
Arun Raveendran
Density and Priority Based Traffic Control System
John Rawlins
Air Powered Gas Turbine
Tyson Rearden
Solar Desalination Tower
Amirthvarshani Rengarajan
Plasto-Ash Brick
Joseph Resnick
Assessing Neurodegenerative Changes in MS
Pedro Ribeiro
Douglas Richard
Dust Devil VAWT
Jim Richey
Personal Outdoor Robot Assistant
Tom Riley
Come, Explore the Moon
Anibal Rivero
Theoretical Electric Field Engine
William C. Roberts
AquaSonus Passive-Sonar Pool Alarm
Glen Robertson
Green Electromechanical Mechanism
Mark Rode
Innovative Liquid Methane Fly Back Booster Rocket
Glenn Roenigk
New Modulation Scheme
Kay Roh
Bicycle Handle Assembly
Christian Rojas
Device and Method to Slow Down a Hijacked Ship
Rabei Romulus
Autonomous Power Installations
Steve Roumeliotis
CoPilot Driving Aid
Krystyn Rozycki
Humanitarian Land Mine
Luigi Rubino
Energy from Waves - Seabreath
Francois Ruel
Elite Athlete Performance Modeling and Monitoring
Eric K. Rugg
Trailer Hitch with Rear View Camera
Erosion Control Mats Made from Discarded Tires
Swim Exercise Machine
Portable Multi-screen PC Workstation
Portable Emergency Shelter
Loop Handle Design
Amphibious Three Wheel Vehicle Design
Mark Rumreich
Universal Color Control for Room Lighting
Fred Rupinski
omni-IDE Device for Embedded Development
A microSNIFFER Monitoring Device
Stan Rusek, Pe
Super insulation for buildings
Allan Rydberg
Increasing Pedestrian Safety at Traffic Lights
Sivakumar S
Fitness Machine for the Next Decade
Ahmed Saber
Brakes Energy Generator
Adaptive Traffic Control
Humberto Sachs
Safer Nuclear Power Generation
Chander Saini
Closed Wing/V-Tail STOL Aircraft
Ioan Salomie
Ultra Fidelity Audio Amplifier (UFI)
Dynamic Graphics with SPIN 3D
Brian Salter
BioClean Dishwasher
Abdul Samad
Favouring the Movement of an Object in a Medium
Gillie Samuel
Virtual World National Parks
Alejandro Sanchez Valencia
Planeta Energy
Blaze Sanders
A Robot on the Moon
Scott Sandler
QuakeFinder Earthquake Forecasting System
Michael Sandstrom
Green Integrated Home Entertainment System
Xabier Sanjuan
Air Conditioner Waste Water Recovery System
Abhijit Santhanam
Detection of Tuberculosis (Noninvasive Method)
David Sarria Jiménez
GEDAYC Wind Turbine New Concept
Roland Sassen
Heartbeat-ID scanner
Kevin Schillo
Attitude Control and Aerodynamic Drag Sail
Scott Schober
Cell Tower Tester -The Squid
Tom Schossau
MultiKeratome Eye Surgery - Best Sealing/Astigmatism
George Schrader
IDS Integrated Distribution System
Jason Schuler
PD Bot - Affordable Police Robot
M. Allen Schultz
Nano-Frame Computer/Data Brick Re-Configurable
Patrick Scranton
Close At Hand
Karl Sefcik
Aircraft Planar Correction
Carl Seguin
Variable Volume Reservoir, Fluid Power Application
Laurent Selles
50% Water Saving in Agriculture
Sathis Kumar Selvarayan
Sustainable Solar Cookers
Ramprasad Sethuraman
Detection of Tuberculosis Using Immuno Sensor
Michael (micha) Shafir
Traceless Biometric Authentication
Shervin Shahidi
Smart Seat Pad For Posture Monitoring
James Shand
Ultrasonic Flashlight
Ronnie Shand
Rifle Silencer and Flash Suppressor
Amit Sharma
Multiple Floating Drums Helping People Lost/Stuck
Julian Sharpe
Tsunami Survival Capsule
Kevin Sheetz
Aircraft Wheel Hub Cap
Shantanu Shekhar
Car Collision Energy Neutralizer
Chang Shen
Reduce Impact of Railway Rail Thermal Gap
Intelligent Traffic Control System
Reed Shick
Passive Luminescent Solar Concentrator
Csaba Singer
High Altitude Hybrid Satellite
Aseem Singh
Single Wire/Object Transmission, and future of WPT
Davinder Pal Singh
Walk Assisted Universal Battery Charger
Gurpreet Singh
Electric Shock Prevention Device
Sargheve Sl
Zinkbag - My Portable Printer
Slavica Slatinac
Disposable Gynecological Dilator
Radek Sobczynski
Energy Generating Autonomous Sailing Craft
Danut Sobol
Asphaltic Layer Armed with PET Filaments and Fiber
Boat Sail
An Installation for the Termo-Formation of Multilayer Polymer Plaques
Amit Sohara
Nanotechnology in Memory Devices
Car Speed Control Through Bluetooth
Neural Signal Recognition (NSR)
Wireless Heart Attack Detector with GPS
Mark Sondrini
Power Pack Utilizing Nuclear Waste as Energy Source
Alden Sprague
Vacuum Activated Closed Loop System
Leonardo Stari
Wide Spectrum Organic Fungicide
Steve Stark
Precast Smart (Clean Water) Pervious Concrete
Panagiotis Stefanides
Heliotropio Stefanides
Stanley Stephenson
A 21st Century bed: The Nest
Shad Sterling
Topographical Control Panel
Donald Stone
K-9 Kabin
Rocker Crank Extension Bicycle
Daniel Sullivan
Microwave Plasma Remediation of e-Waste
Low Cost Automobile Infrared Collision Avoidance System
Warfighter Advanced Recording Device (WARD)
Ennis Sullivan
Changing the “Look,” America’s Structural Makeover
Simon Sunatori
Method for Producing a Coreless Frozen Pizza
Dual-Mode Lighting Device with Light Diffuser
Rotary Stirling-Cycle Combustion Engine
Backpressure Regulator using Magnetic Repulsion
Drip-free Interconnect with Unisex Connector
4-Chamber Horizontal Revolving-Door Airlock System
Shaam Sundhar
U B Kool
Heavenly Air
Fast Freeze/Frost Fire
Vikas Surya Krishnakumar
Payload Recovery During a Rocket Failure
Vikram Aditya Swaminadhan
The Energy Tree
Leonard Tachner
Mouse Controller for Home Medical Measurements
Alia Taliaferrow
Eco Friendly KE Electricity Generator
Jonathan Taub
V-Twin Powered Co-axial Helicopter
Proinvent Team
Computerized Auto Safety and Traffic Control
Aeolian Energy
Rotary Valves for Heat Engines, Pumps & Compressors
Massimo Tedeschi
Micro-irrigation Tech Pad
Pradip Thapa
Solar-Brayton Generator
Tom Thatcher
Vertically Acting Wind Energy System
Paul Tinari
Batteries Structurally Integrated in Automobile Frames
Device to Convert "Plug-In" to Inductive Charging
Design of an Integrated Dental Hygiene System
System to Convert From Traditional Vehicle-Association
Rick Torchia
Drone Surveillance Chopper
Paul Torrance
Rocket Launch Double Escape System
Jovan Trajcev
Antenna Design and Analysis
Uwe Trautenbach
Automatic Sheet Sorter
Matthew Travis
Economical Pulsejet Engine for Civil Aerospace
A Low-Cost IEC-Fusion Plasma Spacecraft Thruster
Mike Tripoli
A Self-sustaining Mosquito Larvae Killer
Mattia Tristo
Optimizing Structures
Joseph Trygar
Medication Cost Containment
Kimberly Tsai
Pod of Life: Natural Disaster Shelter
Nano Tune
Solar Generation - Output Smoothing
Kenneth Tunjian
Tomorrow's Power Today
William Twomey
Low Cost SIDS Preventer
Harmonized Intelligent Transportation System
Ed Ureta
Eye Spy ID Digital Camera
Mohd Usman
Foot Operated Valve
Cart Energy Converter
Sarangarajan V Iyengar
Security System & Post Accident Analyzer for Cars
Ingo Valentin
Hydraulic Hybrid - Hydrostatic Powertrain & Safety
Tom Vastano
Biomechanical Visualization of Human Motion
Weldon Vlasak
A New Method of Cardiogram Analysis
Peter Voin
Jar and Bottle Opener: QT-1
Bharathkumar Vuppala
Piezo Mobile
Lee Wainwright
DC Power Grid for Portable Structures and Homes
Smart Motorcycle Jacket
Solar Powered Warning Beacon
Bio-Feedback Machine-Washable Fabric
Solar Powered Safety Cone
Optical Fiber Implant Machine
Thomas Walker
Synergistic Magnetic Drive System
Chad Wanless
New Electric Motor Design for Electric Vehicles.
Monika Weber
?Screen Fast and Cheap Bacteria Detection
Michael Weir
Hot Air Dirigible
Peter Weller
Tow Truck Load Distribution System
Brent Wessels
Diapers for Dummy Dads
Donald White
The Cylinthruston is the Solution
Benjamin Wiese
Flat Screen Corner Bracket System
Corner Bracket System for Flat Screen Televisions
Don Wilkins
Tumor Buster
Carp Capture System
Christopher Williams
Automotive Speed Indicator
Gary Williams
StormSurge Decking
Achu Wilson
High Speed Emergency/Tactical Communication System
Mike Wisniewski
Smart Valve Box and Cover
Gavin Wolchina
Transformation Truck Box Cover
Liwah Wong
Fluid/Heat Flow in Fractured Porous Media
Michael Wright
Wireless Power for Aircraft
Half-Size Printers
Tao You
Forest Fire Protection
Panos Zaraphonitis
Stirling Engine as Application of THE DOT Project