iMD Blood Diagnosis

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In recent years, the medical device industry has bloomed and continues to spread out every day. The people's health is most important and a priorty for scientists and engineers. Every day, they have a new discovery to use in the pharmaceutical industry, but one thing we cannot deny is that we are not perfect in finding a good result about what causes cancer or other fatal diseases caused from hmna blood.

Until today the medical devices and medical researchers have not created a viable product for the people to use to prevent the causes of the disease before they go to a specialist. Here is example in my family. We have lost three relatives in a year from cancer or stroke. First one died, got blood cancer, second died from uterine cancer and the third died of high blood pressure. Those three people got a very last message from the doctor that they are going to die in very short time because the patients came to see the doctor at the very last minute and it was too late for the doctor to monitor.

Most of us have to go to see the doctor's clinic for medical examinations often or several time in a year. But there is a problem for someone who is very shy and does not want to go see the doctor. How do we solve these problem? If we can come up with a new medical device for the people to test his or her own blood at home and send the results to the doctors to review and take care us before it too late, is it impossible? No, I believe today's modern technology information could put them together and can help.

I was thinking about it very deeply and came up with a new device that I think can help us to monitor our own body blood system to prevent desease. I call the device iMD Blood Diagnosis, a future medical device that needs more development and research.

Below is the guideline. Please see the pictures described for more details.
1. The doctor's diagnosis (use for blood code and FDA appoval)
2. Information Technology (Nano-LED beam for 3D holographic)
3. Engineering science (material and electrical)
4. Chemical industry (pharmaceutical engineering research and development)
5. Education (public and consumer)

I believe there are more things involved but nothing is impossible.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Hien Hoang
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