Green Power Debugger

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Many of today micro-controllers circuit were developed for battery operation.

It is a hard task to debug the product for power consumption.

My idea is to develop a low cost power debugger - an electronic measuring system (software & hardware),a combination of a current sense power meter and analyzing software who can pin point the current consumption element in the design - whether it is hardware (static current) or software (who activate a hardware element).

The power debugger will use a a small micro controller as a data logger/sampler,and PC computer as a process & display element.

The PC software will display a real time graph of the HUT (hardware under test)power consumption including peak power,average and calculated time of life for the HUT.

Data can be stored in a file and the test result can be used as reliability test for the product lifetime of operation.

I am all ready start working on a design of the described low cost system - hopefully to have a test system that cost between 100~200 USD.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Yuval Izhaki
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    c++ builder ,IAR c compiler , evaluation board
  • Patent status: