Most of the people use headsets while walking, driving, running, or when sitting in the office. If someone calls out your name, there is less chance that you might hear it. This happens most when inside an office, especially in a call center. Also while walking on the road, there might be railway crossings/pedestrian crossings and you may fail to hear the honk sound of the train/vehicle. Many accidents have occured because of this. Even in office, when you are listening to music with your headphones, you also fail to hear the fire alarm if there is an emergency. These are considered to the main disadvantages of using a headset.
A computer app or an Iphone/Android app (since many people nowadays use iphone or android phone to hear music) can be developed which has voice recognition capability. Similar to voice commands, certain audios can be pre-loaded. For example, your name, fire alarm sound, rail horn sound, vehicle horn sound. This app should be opened automatically whenever a head set is inserted. By creating such an app, you will never miss when someone calls you inside office or on the road and you can also drive or run or walk safely without compromising the listening of music.
A simple app can eradicate the disadvantages of using a head set.
A simple app can save lives.
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About the Entrant
- Name:Manikandan Mohan
- Type of entry:individual
- Software used for this entry:Apple developer Kit
- Patent status:none