Entrant Profile

Jason Kascenska

Location: Poughkeepsie, NY United States

Company: ASM America, Inc

Profession: Engineer/Designer

Number of times previously entering contest: 3

Favorite design and analysis tools: I have always used pen & paper, as an idea can come to me anywhere, and usually not near a computer. I have also used MS Visio for years, but would like to learn to use COMSOL.

For managing CAD data Jason's company uses: unsure

Hobbies and activities: electronics, muscle cars, alternative energy

Online communities: IEEE

Inspired by: Life inspires me to make things easier, more convenient, more accessible for the disabled, and just the challenge to be able to say, "Yes, I made that".

2011 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/30 Swimming Pool Pump Controller Consumer Products 4075 1