Vacuum Impulse Propulsion for "Flying" Vehicles

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(Also, “VIP,” “Vacuum Lifting System,” “VLS”)
The system illustrated in the accompanying diagrams is intended as a supplement to the basic design of current VSTOL systems, specifically intending the practical implementation of such systems for use in consumer aircraft. The supplement is simple, involving the placement of air passages in the exhaust chambers of turbojet engines for the creation of vacuum through inlets placed within the upper chassis of the craft.

The theory behind the system’s function is twofold: (1) the induction of vacuum through an intake inlet of small cross-sectional area (relative to the cross sectional area of the exhaust) should produce a significantly high impulse of air about and through the inlet, and (2) should approximate the thrust of a turbofan system (upon the assumption that the impulse of air through the relatively small cross sectional area of the inlet approximates thrust) without the additional mechanical and fuel system load of additional vertical turbofans. The system can also be used for stabilization of the craft via the placement of controllable valves within the inlets.

Though conceptual at this stage, such a system is an attempt allowing a craft to be lifted and maneuvered using negative rather than positive pressure differentials, producing movement by “pulling” the atmosphere about the craft rather than “pushing” it. However, the use of negative pressure differentials in this way should be implemented as a supplement to positive differential methods exhibited most prominently in military VSTOL craft for now as its effectiveness relative to positive differential methods is as of yet undetermined.

It is also believed that this method offers greater overall fuel efficiency relative to the additional placement of vertical turbofans within such a craft due to the reduced mechanical load on the engines, albeit with a much smaller loss due to reduced expansion of system exhaust consequent the induction of relatively cool external air into the exhaust chamber via the vacuum inlet(s).

The first diagram illustrates the basic placement of propulsion mechanisms in the intended vehicle form factor, showing the turbofans, vacuum intake inlets, and exhaust outlets for conventional VSTOL, with arrows indicating the direction of airflow through these. The second diagram illustrates a close up of the inlet mechanism, with arrows indicating direction of airflow (white) and the motion produced as a consequence of this (grey).

One possible augmentation for the system (not illustrated) may be the placement of some vibration dampener so the airflow doesn’t resonate at the vacuum inlets. On one note, I apologize for the inaccuracy of the turbojet innards in the second diagram, but mean to visualize the gist of a basic schematic for purposes of illustrating the function and placement of the intended system supplement.

I’ve tried to make the above description sufficiently clear, and the diagrams in accord with it in a way that best illustrates the concept. If this hasn’t been accomplished, I’ll continue to advance upon the design and its visualization over time until this end (and that of its function) is achieved.


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  • Name:
    Nicola Dipalma
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    My Family, my education, and the work of Physicists and Engineers the world over.
  • Software used for this entry:
    Pencil and Paper
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