HHO Hydroxy Test Setup

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Using water as a clean economical fuel source has been the dream of mankind for centuries and it now appears this dream has become reality.

On-demand fracturing of liquid water (H2O) to release its Hydrogen (H) and Oxygen (O) components into a combustible gaseous form can employ a variety of methods and techniques. One such technique was pioneered by Stanley Meyer back in the 1980s using a method whereby simple tap water, without additives, is subjected to high voltage pulses within a stainless steel tubular type cell reactor.

Other pioneers, Tay-Hee Han and Christopher Eccles, in about the same time frame developed similar water decomposition methods using high voltage techniques employing dielectric type cell reactors.

The released combustible gaseous hydrogen and oxygen from these reactors has come to be known by such names as Hydroxy, HHO, and Brown’s Gas however the exact characteristics, properties and potential of this gas are only now being formulated.

Many successful replications of the above methods, as well as similar techniques where conventional electrolysis of water uses a pulsed high current, are appearing world wide as is evidenced through numerous internet forums and Youtube videos, many of which are “Open Source.” In fact, there are a variety of shops and garages springing up that outfit conventional automobile and truck internal combustion engines (ICE) with “supplemental HHO systems” that have proven to increase petrol mileage.

Fundamental to hydroxy reactor performance is efficiency or the Coefficient of Production (COP). If the COP is greater than 1, that is, the reactor can produce more energy than it consumes (COP>1) then excess energy is available for other uses. In other words the reactor can power itself while providing surplus energy.

Although COP is not easy to quantify in a system of this nature due to the many variables involved; an evaluation test setup can be constructed as presented in this technical brief that will provide a means to put “real numbers” into many of the unknowns.

This “HHO WaterFuelCell Evaluation Test Setup” can be an invaluable aid throughout a project’s design, development, production, test and evaluation phases.

Briefly; integrating a personal computer based platform with a low cost reconfigurable software package such as MACH3 (originally developed as a CNC control program); modern test and measurement equipment including Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWG), Oscilloscope and Data Acquisition System (DAQ); along with an internal combustion engine – AC power generator combination (ICE-GEN) provides a versatile platform. Test waveforms to drive the reactor are easily generated via the AWG. Output power is determined by loading the ICE-GEN including the para-ortho hydrogen characteristics.

Attached figures show the test setup configuration along with a typical example of a “Meyer/Eccles hybrid” type tube cell reactor. This reactor was developed in anticipation of a US Congressional Bill for the “$100M H-Prize Competition” back in 2006; however an open competition never did materialize.

In 1995 the BBC aired “Equinox - It Runs On Water” narrated by Arthur C. Clark.

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  • Name:
    David Halverson
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