Military/Commercial Bookwork Display System

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A battery power handheld portable secure data-information audio-video playback bookwork monitor tool, USB cord, desktop PC, main computers and satellite combination and method for making life work simpler while fast forwarding developing technology advance utility for displaying electronic data-information that will replace today’s text printed on paper in a book, technical diagrams, technical and procedures manuals, publications and guidelines; accordingly, novel renderings envelop military and commercial-consumer marketing and commercialization strategies for impacting worldwide paperless long term monetary and environmental savings for stimulating the economy by creating new jobs and proofing business development goals.

It is to be understood this innovation is not limited to the exact construction method as illustrated and described, but that added changes and modifications may be made without departing from the spirit and scope as set forth. Significance: marketing for military and commercial needs, requests, requirements and wants include initial provisioning aircrafts including spares; military deployable consolidated records compact; aircraft flight lines maintenance mechanics carrying toolbox full of technical diagrams, text programs, technical manuals and procedures; hospitals with patient medical records advancing PIN Access Biologic-Biometrics Snapshot Profile system; contracting/purchasing officers with manuals, publications and guidelines; legal offices with manuals, publications, and guidelines; automotive repair shops with racks full of greasy repair manuals; business offices with personnel publications, manuals, guidelines; military and civilian classrooms/homework assignments with instructional paper materials; any university especially technology savvy research labs with data-information, etc.

Data-information visual output display system projects storage capacity of approximately 64+ Gigabytes, light weight, assorted colors, simple designs, two sizes - adult various screen sizes and child easily storable 5” x 5” x 1”, variable costs affordable for low-, mid- and upper-income households, no anticipated damage when dropped from approximately 6 feet, and network utility increases when enhanced by using a thumb drive/jump drive/any data-information storage device for mobility and versatility purposes.

An economical space saver innovation, deploying paper products formed as publications, manuals, guidelines, etc. are eliminated; therefore, this Green Technology envelops the paperless one-time purchasing method and requirement for the specific topic(s), single/multiple course(s) or detailed subject(s) matter Bookwork Monitor tool. Apparatus novelty is paperless, wireless and fastest worldwide data-information delivery-download-playback method(s) including change notices in book form including technical diagrams, programs, procedures, etc. for any military-remote unit/commercial Technical Order (T.O.) center, and is the best means for fielding worldwide data-information simultaneously within minutes versus the currently acceptable expensive fielding methods such as managing paper, binding documents, packaging books, manpower, postage, loading with shipments by aircrafts, trains, trucks from warehousing, etc.; thus this product is presented for cost cutting methodology with military and taxpayer budgetary benefit.

A refined ecological sustainer, illustrations depicts Bookwork Display apparatus for reduced dependence on non-renewable energy resources for operating, manufacture and composition is made of environmentally friendly durable rubber and aluminum materials. Apparatus strengths express the essential features for a student or adult and succinctly captivate your basic senses and simple imagination while fusing standard electronics in a basic design.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Robert Brown, Jr.
  • Type of entry:
    Team members:
    Robert Brown, Jr.
    Harry Paige
  • Software used for this entry:
    CorelDraw 12
  • Patent status: