Portable Baterial Detector

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Views: 4490

Introduction, A fast and efficient method to detect dangerous bacteria is a very important need. A bacterial outbreak such as E. coli and salmonella causes illness and even death.

By using a CCD camera, LEDs and a modified face detection algorithm, a low cost and portable device can be built that save hundreds of lives per year.

The present method used to detect bacteria is time-consuming and not very reliable in preventing outbreaks. At present, samples are taken to a lab, prepared and test it. The results could take days while food shipments continue. Testing is done infrequently and has missed potential outbreaks which persist until an investigation can be done in the source is found.

Concept development:

1) Bacteria give off a fluorescent light when exposed to a given wavelength of UV light. By using UV LEDs and a CCD camera, the expose bacteria will respond and give off a fluorescent response with a particular wavelength pattern.

2) Using filters with the camera lens, all but the for rest and wavelength light being searched for reaches a CCD detector.

3) Using well-known algorithms such as the skin detection model, the RGB of each pixel is converted to his representative spectrum; the fluorescent light curve can then be analyzed with well-known algebraic techniques.

3a) If using a spectral camera in which the light curve is already detected, more time can be saved.

4) Store data of each bacterial curve that is detected as compared to a database of collects the, known bacteria to determine the type of bacteria that is present.

5) Statistical analysis techniques can then be applied to determine the amount of each type of bacteria that is detected.

A quick, low-cost method of detecting dangerous bacteria could lessen infections and save lots. This technology is based off of well-known and proven algorithmic techniques used to determine skin by analyzing the RGB of a CCD camera. This project will design and build a prototype that would bring the fight against disease to a new level.

The market for this device would include: CDC, FDA, food packaging and distribution center, hospitals and healthcare centers.

With the algorithm and prototype completed, benefits of this device would greatly out weight any cost.

Thank you,

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Myron Fendall
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    Matlab, C
  • Patent status: