Solar Powered Warning Beacon

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Views: 4167

We're attempting to fill the need to illuminate containers dropped onto flatbeds being driven on highways throughout the world without any lights. Presently all trailers have lights on their top perimeters making them visible, but no such lighting exists on containers. This invention addresses that and may be useful in other areas as well. The rare earth magnets embedded inside the strip holds it tight to metal containers. The protected flexible solar film charges two small coin cells also embedded in the strip. Charging to full capacity in less than 3 hours outdoors with or without direct sunlight, the unit stays lighted constantly through a 10 hour dark period. Using a current-saving method feeding a single led attached to 300 durable PMMA plastic optical fibers with their tips welded into 3M reflective fabric forming large diamonds and lines, the strip is able to withstand all types of weather conditions and a great deal of abuse. Since there are no LEDs or electronics exposed at the surface only the clear silicon rubber layer, the strip can withstand impacts directly from a hammer without any adverse affects. Strength is necessary when considering lifting heavy containers that might bump into others while stacking. The strip should last 5 years before replacement with no battery replacements necessary.

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  • About the Entrant

  • Name:
    Lee Wainwright
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
  • Patent status: