Entrant Profile

Shawn Hendricks

Location: Huachuca City, Arizona United States

Company: Retired

Profession: Retiree

Number of times previously entering contest: 6

Favorite design and analysis tools: Microsoft Paint

For managing CAD data Shawn's company uses: None

Hobbies and activities: Swim, read, cook, hike, kayak, blog, tour, photo

Online communities: facebook

Inspired by: Interactions - Jeff Goldblum in the Fly says, "I connected a molecular sequencer this to a" something "that" and that is the way I like to think of things. We already have pieces and parts but lack their assembly.

2019 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
03/13 Mosquito Stopper Consumer Products 1554 0

2011 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/16 Unbutton Consumer Products 3882 0
03/16 Stinky Chip Electronics 4219 2

2010 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
05/22 Cardio Inflator Medical 4566 2
05/16 Cell phone cloud routing Consumer Products 4052 0
05/06 Fireball Safety and Security 4048 0
03/15 Hot water toilet primer Sustainable Technologies 3930 0