Mohamed Uvaise A
Maze Ninja: The Autonomous Maze Solver Micromouse
Sabarish A
Smart Waste Sorting Bin
Samitha A
Heart Disease Prediction From Retinal Images Using Machine Learning
Nailya Abdulhalikovanailya
Fully Solid–state Batteries
How to Create Fully Solid–State Batteries
Lightweight Roof Made of Natural Material That Will Last for Centuries
Suad Abu Hamid
Production of Biodiesel from Used Oil
Anmol Agarwal
A D.I.Y Pull-back Micro Racer using Wind-up Spring
A Cost-efficient Blender Mixer for Milk and Summer Beverages Made Using a High Torque D.C. Motor
Ferromagnetic Metal Segregator from Waste Material
The Binary To Grey Code Convertor (Modified Version for Youth)
Feroz Ahmed
Boundary Layer Ingesting (BLI) Ducted Fan for Silent Flight
Alan Alappatt
Well Cleaners Early Warning System (EWS)
Jason Herman Alfi
Gold Fiber: Innovating with Banana Fiber
Francisco Jesus Anazgo Barrantes
Easy Maintenance Grounding System
Irina Anisimova
Mobile Application "Perfect Lady"
Orlando Auciello
Transformational New Long Life Nanocarbon-Based Dental Implants
Chuck Bagg
Quiet Ice Maker
CBAG (Configurable Buoyancy And Geometry) Airship
Tamerlan Baisart
Green Box: Drone-based System for Collecting Garbage in Hard-to-Reach Places
Khaled Bakhtiar
Sustainable Aviation Fuel Testing Lab – Portable, Cost Effective and Easily Available using Specially Designed Micro Jet Engine
Jean Daniel Baki
Device Intended to Warn in an Auditory or Visual Manner the Driver of a Motorized Vehicle that He has Reached or Exceeds the Speed
Jesus Balderrama Corona
DRYFLIPS: Sandals With Removable Toe-drying System
Bruno Baldino
Roastitnow, Fully Automated Roast Chicken Vending Machine
Debjyoti Bandyopadhyay
Carbon Capture and Utilization System for Vehicles
Abhishek Bansal
Novel ß-Vidal Diagnostic Health Care System for Irregular Breathing Disorders And Cardiac Health
Novel ß Grid Resilient Single Household Electricity System
Gerald Barnett
Cryodynamic Ballast System
Andrew Barrowman
No Wear Fluid-friction Clutch
Gautam Narayan Baruah
Relativity Experiments on a High Speed Human Centrifuge Device
Luciano Batista
High Power Micro 3-phase MOSFET
Irina Baymuratova
New Offers for Ophthalmologists
An Effective and Simple Method of Preserving the Quality of Vision During Long-term Work on a Computer
Sam Belkin
Optimal RF Receiver
New Drugless Medical Technology
New Technology for Skin Rejuvenation
New Drugless Medical Technology_Hill Keratosis
Linear RF Mixer
New Drugless Medical Technology: The Arthrosis Treatment
Dynamically Tunable RF Filters
Carson Benner
Autonomous/Remote Control Operating Light (ARCOL)
Jose Luis Bermudez De Castro
Cold Engine
Christopher Beskar
Stavatti SM-920 Commercial Airliner
Andrea Biasio
Domestic Desalination System
Hybid Motor
Gerald Blackwell
FuelBlast Radial ICE
Siddhi Bodhe
Ore Secure Helmet
Udit Bondia
Harmony in Innovation: Designing Sustainable Solutions for a Better World
Herve Borrel
Air Quality Booster with No Hardware
Thomas Brady
Solving the Disposable Plastics Problem
Sherman Braithwaite
Atmospheric Control
Charlie Bright
Fast, Non-Ringing Dynamic System Transients
David Brown
Hovercraft - Small Version for U.K. Use
Modified Hovercraft and Small Automobile
A Better Use for Nuclear Submarines and Oil Tankers
Leonid Bunegin
Intra-Nasal Intracranial Pressure Monitor
Chuck Burch
A Practical Single Stage to Orbit (SSTO) Rocket
David Byram
Carry-on Baggage Verifier
Richard Calderon Bailon
Development of a Lab-on-a-Chip for the Separation and Microencapsulation of Erythrocytes in Alginate to Mitigate Storage Lesions in Blood Banks
Jose Antonio Cano Gomez
IBOTMART: Automated Basket Disinfection and Stacking for Supermarkets and Chain Stores
Showermix: The Eco-Friendly Handheld Shower with Integrated Body Wash and Shampoo Dispenser
Alan Carvalho De Assis
Heads-Up Display for Motorcycles and Other Vehicles that Require a Helmet
Cayetano Castellano Yuste
Anti-Climb Roof: Perimeter Defense System
Roberto Cavazzoni
Self-Compensated Active Filters
Rohan Chanana
Smart Umbrella: Harnessing Rain and Sun for Sustainable Energy
Laser Decryptor
Yuhsuan Chao
Enhanced Noninvasive Liver Fibrosis Assessment with a Novel Shear Wave Focusing Device
Terry Chappell
Simple Means to Reduce Engine Emissions
Aashish B Chaudhary
Interactive Robotic Dustbin for Kindergarten Classrooms - KINDERBIN
Ed Chen
The Sektet Coil — Unlocking the Double Loophole in Physics
Xuan Ni Chen
Pose Estimation and Auto Calibration System for Monocular Camera
Arcadi Chirita
Image Recording From Remote Distance at the Signal Intensity From the Object Less Than Minimal Sensitivity of Digital Camera
Miguel Chito Oliveras
Wise Doctor AI - Interactive Test Control and Medical Assistance System
Samar Choudhury
Port Cylinder Deactivation Technology
Troy Cognata
Thermal Interface Material (TIM) Fusion
Bill Colburn
Solid Hybrid Motor
Alejandro Cordero
Affordable Satellite IoT Network
Ashley Crossman
Self-Cleaning Steam Toilet System: A Sustainable Approach to Bathroom Hygiene
Jonar Cubillan
Portable Assisted Breathing System Schilling-Pack J-1
Sam Currier
NETrolyze: A Novel Immunotherapy for Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Nigora Dadabaeva
SterilizeX is a High-Efficient UV-C Technology for Enhanced Disinfection
MedDiag: Liver Cirrhosis, Pancreatitis and Ischemic Heart Disease Diagnostic Tool
Tom Daily
The VTOL Flying Hopper
Alex Dalton
Daltonomous - Cyber-Physical Defence for Autonomous Systems
Guido Danieli
ROSES - RObotic System for Endovascular Systems
Parama Datta
Foldable Parabolic Dome Solar Dryer
Sankha Datta
Swirl Flame LPG Canteen Burner
Anthony Davidson
Improving Electric Vehicles
Ned Davis
Leakproof Valve to Protect the Environment and Enable Hydrogen Fuels
Vivek Dawange
An Improved Thermal Management Design of Lithium Ion Battery Packs for Improved Performance and Safety
Juan De Rada San Martin
Pressurized Disinfection and Heating System for Storage Beds and Mattresses
Yetkin Degirmenci
Watch Tower: 360° Ground-to-Air Detection System
Ana Del Valle Romero Quijada
Bioabsorbable Breast Implant for Lipofilling Procedures
Kiruthika Devi A
Intelligent Symptom Tracker: Telehealth Monitoring APP
Robert Dexter
Pneumatic Drum Brake Monitoring System
Marm Dixit
Optimizing Lithium-Ion Batteries for eVTOL Applications
Shubhay Dongare
Battery Health Tester
Antoinette Drago
Moving Flood Waters to Drought Ravaged Areas Create a Line of Defense Against Wildfires
Dylan Drotman
Neublox - Electronics-Free Air-Powered Circuit Building Blocks for Robotics Education
David Droz
Internal Combustion Engine Waste Heat Energy Recovery System
Carlos Duarte Benitez
Neuraminidase Cleavage Scanner
Franz Dyck
Electric Quadricycle
Hardley a Davidson Hippy Mobile
"Y" Tri Engine
Clean Fuel and Organic Fertilizer
Methane Furnace
Wind Powered Electric Generator
Davish E
Plant Pots With Built-in Sensors
Ryan Eggebrecht
Robotic Inspection of Distillation Column Trays
Abdel Fattah Elgendy
Enhancing Wheat Seed Membranes via Low-Pressure-Vacuum Plasma Treatment for Salinity-Resilient Strategic Crop Cultivation
Khaled Elnems
E - SEED Educate
Tunji John Erinle
Revolutionizing Pandemic Response: Parametric Design for Cost-Efficient Drone Solutions in COVID-19 Inspection and Monitoring
Tansel Ersavas
Ro-Pet: The Ultimate Companion
John Ettridge
Range Extender for Electric Vehicles
Chukwudi Ezebuilo
Design of Capless Main and Crank Journals of an I.C. Engine Featuring Active Liner Lubrication
Habibullo Fayziyev
Obtaining Bioplastic Products From Reed Raw Materials
Andrew Filo
Sailing to the Moon In Search of Water
Randall Flann
RoFo EIGHTEEN-WHEELER BevDisHeadgear beverage dispenser
Edward J Forrest Jr
A Future-Proof, Best Practice, Open-Architecture (Vendor Neutral) Means to Inspect and Clean Fiber Optic Surfaces
Ben Fowler
Controlled Environment Transport Containers
Anthony Fresco
AVL Racetech I.C.E. and On-board H2 Generation via Solute ION Monopole Motor (SIMM) Generator and Electrolyzer
Francisco Jose Fuertes Moreno
Tharun Teja G
AI and IoT in Grand Care
Eswara G R
PLGA-mediated Targeted Drug Delivery System for Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease
Biochar Based Intelligent Filtering System for Textile Effluent Treatment
Detection of Adulterants in Milk - Nanomaterials Based Sensor Design
Nano Sensor-based Real-time Detection of Sodium Hypochlorite for Enhanced Water Quality Control
Roberto Garcia Carretero
DTM - The Best Lifesaver for the Home #EvolutionHangLife
Vanshika Garg
Medicine Reminder Robot
Anteneh Gashaw
Anteneh Jerrycan
Akash Gholap
BrushVac Fusion Machine
Allen Keys in a Single Tool
Multi-key Holder
Solar-Wind Hybrid Street Lighting System
Pranab Jyoti Ghosh
A New Kind of Wind Power Generation
Jacques Gilbert
Building Integrated Carbon Capture (BICC)
Liviu Grigorian Giurca
Turbo Wing - TW Propulsion for a New Class of Vertical Take-Off and Landing Aircraft
Rukiren Analsee Gk
Clay 3D Printer
Federico Eduardo Gonzalez
”COCOON PELV” Personal Electric Light Vehicle
Brian Goodman
Bullet-Less Electromagnetic Field Pistol
Electromagnetic Field Sword
Christopher Gosse
Safe D Strap
Francis Graham
Photonic Cyclogyro-Like Spacecraft
Elias Greenbaum
Electrolyzers that Live Outside and Underwater: A Path to Safe, Resilient, Gigawatt-Scale Clean Hydrogen Production
Dr Charles Greene
Powercast’s 25-Year Maintenance-Free Building Automation Sensor & Controller Technology for HVAC & Lighting
Stephen Griffin
Dual Use Laser Fiber: Surgical Intervention and Spectroscopy/Imaging
John Griffiths
Marine Debris Collecting Underwater Robot
Kishor Gulve
Automated Multi-Mechanism Robot for Efficient Ring Handling and Deployment
David Harness
New Material Property: 4D Spacetime Energy/Mass Density From QED 0D->4D Einstein-Maxwell Tensor Integrations
Frank Hartley
Non-Contact Cardiopulmonary Monitor
Rod Hartwig
Continuous Low-Dose Delivery of Lenalidomide
Abdulkadir Baba Hassan
Intelligent Wheel Safety System: AI-Enhanced Tire Safety and Sustainability with Wheel Airbag Technology
Michael Hasselbeck
Ultralow-power Standoff Acoustic Leak Detection
Jianchao He
Design of a 24-Channel Lightweight EEG Acquisition System Based on FPGA and ARM Dual-Core Heterogeneous Architecture
Gary Henthorne
Added Three Phase
Jesus Hernandez
Assistance and Rehabilitation System for Patients and Disabled Persons
Manuel Hernandez Tarraga
Device for Reusable Packaging and Adjustable Cushioning Components
Michael Holihan
Control System and Method to Mitigate Reverse Oil Flow to the Combustion Chamber on Deactivated Cylinders
Kumaraswamy Hollav
Common Issue Recorder During Travel
Leonard J Holmin
SPACE FINS II: Swimming to Mars
George Hulse
Limitless Energy from Low Energy Nuclear Reactions
Team Aviators International
Amphibious Miniaturized UAV: Revolutionizing Autonomous Air and Water Exploration with Advanced Electrolocation Mine Detection
Adrian Irimescu
Spark Anemometry for Efficient Power Units
Alex Isakov
Digital Time Machine
Rajan Iyer
Machine Coding Algorithm IT Presenting AI Design Physics
Javier Izquierdo
Vehicle as a Sensor to Map the Quality of the Roads
Abhivadan J
Night Vision Assist System
Sureshkumar J
Innovative Alveolar Organoids: A Synthetic Fibrinogen-based 3D Scaffold For Advanced Drug Screening
Gregory Jacob
Simple Device to Expand Prevention of Dental Cavities
Gagan Jain
Haul-e: Sustainable Electrification for the Masses
Sudhir Jain
Semiconductor Factory in a Box
Sameer Jindal
Maximising Usage of Sustainable Material in Automotive Product Development Using AI
Brandon Johnson
ShotHawk Active Shooter Response
Steve Jones
S4 BACnet Ecobee Integration
Carlos Juni
Hybrid Transmission System for Blending Torque and Power Efficiency Between Engines & Final Transmission Shaft
Opposed Piston Facing Heads Internal Combustion Engine, Compact Design
Deepadharsini K
Solar Powered Smart Jacket for Urban Commuters
Manaswini K
Contemporary Dum Biryani Cooker
Sumalesh K A
Power Theft Monitoring
Olena Kalashnykova
Neuro Tyrimai, UAB
Yusup Kamalov
Development of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine Based on the Darrieus Principle
Using Low Potential Termal Energy to Produce Electricity
How to Increase the Efficiency of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine
Kazunori Kanairo
Proposal for Brake Materials Considering Mechanical Friction Coefficient μm
Vitali Karpeichyk
PigPug Health
Elia Kaufmann
Champion-Level Drone Racing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Gokul Kb
Open Source Wearable Infrared Thermometer Ring to Enhance Work Efficiency
Samuel Kerem
A Multifunctional Personal Health Monitor with an Activity Tracker Embedded into a Pet Leash
Katie Kerrigan
Thin-film Thermoelectric Cooling Device
Mohamed Keshk
RDB55 - Rim-driven Brushless Thruster for Underwater Applications
Rahul Khanna
Drone-based Crop and Livestock Monitoring
Muhammad Khatib
High-Density, Soft Bioelectronic Fibers for Minimally Invasive Sensing and Stimulation
Sepehr Khavari
Personalized Pharmaceuticals with CRISPR and AI
Johnathan Kiel
Nanolightning-BioEnd: A Self-sustaining Nanoparticle Coating That Eliminates and Prevents Biofilm in Water Systems
Nimrod Kilim
K-Optics Optical Educational Kit
Fra Juan Klees
Motion Detector
Milan Krupa
Engine for Sustainable Personal Air Mobility… NOW
Sustainable Personal Air Mobility… NOW!!!
Nickolai Kukhtarev
Sync High-voltage DC/pulsed Power Source on Smart Pyroelectric/Photogalvanic Materials
Rushikesh Kulkarni
Miniature Liquid Level Controller
Gokul Kumar
Contactless Doorbell With Security System
Mounees Kumar
Innovative Sustainable Technology: Integrating Renewable Energy and Eco-Friendly Materials for a Greener Future
Mirudhun Kumar S
Car Dent and Scratch Detection
Luis Labori
Reactor for the Implementation of Methane Pyrolysis by Microwave
Hyeonwoo Lee
Mixed Reality Headset for Laser Safety Eyewear
Chase Leibowitz
Jitsik MetaDrive XR - Mixed Reality Driving Simulation
Francisco Leme Galvao
Bio Mimetic Surface Finish for Friction Drag Reduction
Michael Leonard
Opacifying Acrylic Polymer Technology to Enable Road Markings with Reduced Titanium Dioxide Content
Xiang Li
Night Vision Assist System
Maohua Lin
Bioinspired Soft Robotic Jellyfish: Innovations in Marine Monitoring and STEM Education
Luis Gustavo Lira
Passive Solar-Convective Dehydrator System
Assistive Bottle Opener
Fangzheng Liu
Astroant: a Miniature Symbiotic Robotic Serving on the Outside Surfaces of Spacecraft, Rovers, and Landers for Inspection and Diagnostic Tasks
Harshini Lk
AI Based Drone Application for Agriculture
Harshal Lunawat
Crono: Digital Time-switch to Drive Automation
Zack Lyon
A Novel Versatile Low-cost Platform for "At-Home" Effective Treatment of Pelvic Pain in Women
Abirami M
SmartTrack – Advanced Indoor Navigation and Monitoring
Dhaarani M
Intelligent Symptom Tracker: Telehealth Monitoring App
Dharani M
Gas Leakage Detection and Smart Alerting System
Gowtham M
Smart LPG Gas Monitoring and Automatic Booking with Alert System
Hemasri M
Smart Precision Agriculture Technology
Madhumetha M
Fingerprint Door Lock System using Arduino and Smartphone
Sathika M
Cosmetic Silica Upcycled From Rice Husk as Natural Alternative to Microplastic Powders
Seenivasan M
Environmental Monitoring Smartwatch for Air and Water Pollution Detection
Kanishkhaa M S
Smart Charging Scheduler
Jonathan Madonia
Automated Lighted Crosswalk: Enhancing Pedestrian Safety and Accessibility
Tariro Mafohla
Anti-Roll Device for Quadbikes and Related Machinery Called Retroex Props
Kaustubh Mahandule
To Reduce Traffic Congestion Using Predictive Analysis and Smart Traffic Management
Mohammad Mahdavi Gorabi
Maritime Search & Rescue Software Management
Software Program for the Promotion of Countries in the International Maritime Organization
Douglas Malewicki
How can we Creative, Civilized Humans be so NON-CREATIVE?
Feruza Mamataliyeva
A Device That Receives Energy From Lightning
Vijay Mamtani
W-HMS (Wearable Health Monitoring System)
Pratik Mane
Digital Twin of 3D Printer
Allyson Marianelli
RHOBARR(TM) Barrier Dispersions Platform
Gheorghe Matei
Subject-Oriented Programming Universal Software Model
Dan Mathias
ATOM 1.0 Humanoid Project with AI Power
Noriyoshi Matsumi
An Advanced Functional Binder for Silicon Oxide Electrodes Used in Li-ion Batteries Enhances Electrochemical Performance and Durability
David Mccracken
Immediate Cure for Chronic Severe EBV Infection
Thomas Mcnally
CTOL and XSTOL Convertible Payload Transport Aircraft (CPTA)
Thomas Mcnally
Flying Motorcycles
Akshara Menon
DOZZ- Auto-adjusting Smart Pillow
Luis Ricardo Mercado Mendoza
An Easy, Cost-Effective and Comprehensive Plan to melt an Iceberg for Fresh Water
Zachary Merrill
ADAS: Truck Steer Tire Blowout Crash Avoidance System
Infant Left in Car Passive Warning System
Al Messano
Development of an Innovative Medical Imaging Platform
Muhammadali Mexriddinov
Akash Mhais
Delta Robot
Electronics Learning Kit
Jerome Miastkowski
Aeroplicity - CMMC Compliant/Zero Trust Browser
Jesse Midgett
Safe2Ditch Technology
Amorphous Surface Robots
Roman Milczarek
LiqFric - The Future of Friction - Time for a Model Change
Mirabdulla Mirsodikov
Identification of Natural Objects in Sentinel 2 Multispectral Images
Shivam Mishra
Efficient Vertical Axis Water Turbine (EVAWT) for Flowing Water
Shivani Mishra
Design and Development of Special Purpose Machines for Mango Pulping Process Modernization Using Solar Power
Girish Modak
An Innovative Economical Staircase Climbing Wheelchair
Nijitha Mol M
Automated Wheelchair with Massager
Juan Antonio Molina Agea
Alexander Molnar
Smart Kitchen Faucet
Ferroelectric Based Alternative Multitype Energy Harvester
Peman Montazemi
Finally Quiet! Dental Noise Cancelling System
John Montello
World's Most Powerful Handheld Laser
David Montes De Oca Zapiain
MAD3: Software Toolkit for Robust Predictions of Plastic Anisotropy in Metals
Siba Mookherjee
SIBAYU Air Cleaning System for Automobiles
Lewis Motion
Cost-effective High-performance Sustainable Lightweight Automotive Body Structures
Amanyisye Mwalulesa
GreenTech Revolution, Engineering a Sustainable World
Oishabonu Narzullaeva
Md Shaikhul Hadis Nazat
The Ultimate Weapon Concept: Photonic Gun
AI-Enhanced Universal Blueprint Generator for Electrical and Electronics Engineering (AI-UBGEEE)
Vegashini Nb
Mono Wheel Seated E Vehicle
Ionela Neacsa
Smart Ecobin: Recyclable Household Waste Storage and Transport System
Viswanath Nemani
Smart Canvas to Design an Optimum New Product Through Regenerative Process
Chi Vinh Ngo
Laser-generated Anti-icing and Anti-fogging Transparent Materials
Nakul Nibe
Electronically Operated Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand
Marcos Novoa Sarria
Anti-Gyroscopic Effect Wheel: A Patented Innovation for Motorcycles and Vehicles
Ikponmwosa Obasogie
Waste Plastic Bottles to Drone Frames
Okpamen Obasogie
LayMaster 3000: Revolutionizing Pipeline Construction in Challenging Terrains
Victor Oribamise
Kquika, Inc. - Disrupting the Aviation/Aerospace Industry Through AI with Cutting-Edge Machine Learning Technology
Muhammad Orolov
EyeGuard: The Smart, Discreet Eye Health Monitor for Every Glasses Wearer
Tarik Ozkul
SolarSCAPE Enables Building Giant Parabolic Solar Collectors on Desert Sand with Low CAPEX
Mouleeswaran P
Integrated Software Solution for Proactive Environmental Footprint Management
Sundari P
Controlling Mouse Motions Using Face and Eyeball Movements
Arvind Palanikumar
Valved Asthma Inhaler - an Inhaler Device for Synchronized Airflow and Medication Release With Enhanced Efficiency
Kenneth Palmestal
CabiBUS Sustainable Mobility
Sotirios Papamatthaiou
Lab-on-a-Chip Genetic Test Device Identifies Viruses Within Three Minutes
Shokhrukh Pardaev
Kidney Guard
Seth Patriquin
Ballistic Liquefied Inert Gas Wildfire Suppression System
Joakim Pauli
Charging Service for Commercial Vehicles
Harshad Pawar
Precision Braille Printer with Threaded Motion Control
Guillermo Perez
Workholding Robotic Arm for Electronic Workshop
Gaming Joystick For Disabled People
Missile Defense System By Laser
Bottles Anomaly Detection Using Artificial Intelligence
Nuclear Fission Plant with Lasers and Plasma Fractal
Lukas Peterson
Star Power Aircraft
Masha Petrova
Modern, Fast, Accurate EM Simulation Software for Antenna and Radar Design
Martin Phelan
EndoSurge: Radiation-free Intervention
Larry Pope
Civilian Alternative to the JetZero BWB
Isaac Porras
100% Solar Powered Off-Grid Tiny Home
David Pradera
Conditioning Machine for Personalized Nutritional Supplements Connected to the Computerized Medical History
Matthew Primous
Future Multi-Hybrid Car
Sanjay Puranik
Banana Peel Paper
Implementation of QRST for Trees
Magnetic Braking System for Automobiles
Eric Puravs
A Food Aid Delivery Drone
Xina Quan
Wearable, Non-invasive, Continuous Blood Pressure Monitors for Maternal Health
Sherzod Qushakov
Semi-transparent Solar Panels for Greenhouses
Dinesh R
Solar Synergy: Harnessing Solar Power for Carbon Capture and Conversion
Keerthana R
Hydro Power Generation in Water Circulation Method with Chalasani Turbine at the Place of Need Like a Village, Town or Industry
Manoj R
Sensor Based Alarm in the Oil and Gas Industry to Alert Any Threats
Muthushree R
Biosensors Assisted Urban Waste Water Treatment Plan with Improved Efficiency
Varun Parthiban R
Customization and Optimization Of Cardiac Stent Design in Bifurcating Carotid Artery for Patient-Specific Applications using CFD & Machine Learning Algorithms
John Rabasco
ACRYSOL™ RM-735BF: A Biocide-free & Solvent-free Associative Rheology Modifier for the Waterborne Architectural Coatings Industry
Cristian Radu
Closed-Loop Intensive Care Infusion Network
Muhammad M Rahman
Three-dimensional Printing of Natural Wood
Shanmuga Ramana N
Hybrid Drone-Based Surveillance System
Alex Ramirez Serrano
Highly Maneuverble Drone for Urban Search and Rescue Operations
Hybrid Multi-legged Reconfigurable Robot for Search and Rescue Operations
Rohit Ramnath
One Part Epoxy Changes from Red to Clear Under UV Light
Someshwar Ranjan
SmartScope: Real-Time Probability-Based Shooting Assistant
Bret Raymis
Magnetic Flow Batteries for Mega Watts of Renewable Long Duration Energy Storage
David Reid
The Illuminati Project
Rejin Reji
Aqua Cleaning Machine
Manoj Rewatkar
Improving Hardware Efficiency with Architecture Design
Daryian Rhysing
Next-Gen Plasma Based Propulsion
Sergio Rios
Defense System: Advanced Solution for Mosquito Control
Tim Ritter
High Entropy Lithium Sulfur Battery
David Roberts
Planetary Defense - Interstellar Object Sentinel
Steven Rosenberg
CO2 Exhaust Converter for Vehicles
Michael Rosenfield
Phantom Driver
Robert Rowells
Replacement Firearm for Non Front Line Troops
Ambuja S
RFID Based Attendance System Using Arduino
Archana S
SMS Warning to Nearby Hospitals, Ambulance and Neighbors After Vehicle Crash
Star Power Aircraft
Avanthika S
Neuro-Robotics: Converting a Pre-written Story to Dream
Diksha S
Self-Driving Robot for the Blind
Ilakkya S
Microalgal Sequestration and Conversion of CO2 Into Biofuels
Mohanaprasanth S
Sleep Tracking Machine in Vehicle for Prevent Crashing
Star Power Aircraft
Airport Blastpad with Carbondioxide Powder for Emergency Landing
Nandhini S
Smart Water Quality Monitoring System
Santhiya S
Personalized Doctor Recommendation System
Vasanth S
Alternative for SCR System to Control NOx Emission
Rita Sabri
Safe-D: Safe Following Distance Indicator to Prevent Rear-end Accidents
Alexander Salimian
Electric Vehicle Charging Hub
Alanson Sample
SAWSense: Using Surface Acoustic Waves for Surface-bound Event Recognition
Uba Sani Kibiya
ZUMA Robot Camera
Marco Santillan
Soft Water Solar System
Peter Schubert
Jack of All Elements
Jared Semik
High Power Density Electric Power and Propulsion
Sindavalam Sharath
Physical Adsorption and Biological Fixation of Nitrogen From Intake Air in Internal Combustion Engines
Suryansh Sharma
A Morphing Quadrotor-Blimp with Balloon Failure Resilience for Mobile Ecological Sensing
Azimjon Shoniyozov
Graphene-Based Supercapacitors: The Future of Energy Storage
Sanjithaa Shree
Advanced Designing of Rugged Board
Balasubramaniam Sk
Motor Controllers for eMobility
Matthew Sloane
Smart Fabric to Reduce Traumatic Brain Injuries
Krista Smith
Revolutionizing Gene Therapy Delivery with Polymeric Nanoparticles (PNPs) and the HIT SCAN™ Platform
Seil Song
Compact Two-speed Transmission for Electric Vehicles
Panagiotis Stefanides
Solar Tracking System for the Solar Panels of a Satellite
Eric Steffy
Head and Neck Support Device Allowing Unrestricted Jaw Motion
Arunkumar Subramanian
Intelli-GloWbox: The Next Generation of Smart and Secure In-Car Storage Solutions
Siva Subramanian A
Battery Management System
Simon Sunatori
Anisotropic Electromagnetic Force Phenomena
Prasanna Sutar
Dynamic Solar Panel Integrated Vehicle (DSPIV)
Rethanyaa Sv
Anxiety Control Wearable With Haptic Technology
Bala Kannan T
Civilian Alternative to the JetZero BWB
Buvan T
AquaGuard: Enhancing Vehicle and Passenger Safety in Confined Waterlogging
Dushyanth Kumar Tammineni
In-Package Cold Plasma: A New Wave in Food Safety
Boris Tankhilevich
Novel Terahertz-Based Radiation Treatment of Cancer Without Side Effects
Anmol Taploo
A New Way To Stay In Space : Self Neutralizing Air Breathing Plasma Thruster
Joseph Tarsio
Three Dimensional (3D) Skin Cancer Virtual Reality (VR) Patient Immersive Viewing System
Giuseppe Pio Tempone
ZEDS (Zero-Emissions Driving System): Emission-free Driving Thanks to Magneto-rheological Brakes and Integrated Motors. Revolutionizing Mobility for a Cleaner, More Sustainable World
Tejas Thete
Folding and Unfolding Type Ceiling Fan Canopy
Athip Thirupathi Raj
STARS - A Deployable CubeSat Telescope Superstructure for Near Earth Asteroid Detection and Planetary Defense
Tyson Thomas
Multi-Modal Traffic Detection System
John Thompson
Spiral Wire Invention to Combat Wildfires
Jan Thoren
A Major Breakthrough in Global Climate Goals
Abhilasha Tomar
Controlled Polymer Ablation Powered by Vulcan: A Novel Pre-Treatment Process for Adhesive Joining of Lightweight FRP Assemblies with a Quality Control System
Hamdi Torun
A Smart Contact Lens for Glaucoma Management
Pierre Touma
XSight Optics : A Handheld rPPG Medical Diagnostics Device
Conor Trygstad
WaterStrider: A New 56-mg Controllable Microswimmer Driven by a New 1-mg Unimorph SMA-Based Actuator
Kaan Turkover
Magnetic Acceleration System for Take-offs of UAVs to Increase Flight Endurance
Salohiddin Tuychiboyev
Gayathiri V
Waste Reduction and Recycling in Manufactured Slag
John Paul V
Wireless Charging for Implants
Vigneshwar V G
Undergound Cable Fault Over IoT Using GSM
Alexandra Valencia
Clean Lighting
David Valenti
MIL (Check Engine Light) Strategy Change
Manhole Insulator/Separator
Joao Vitor Valentin Arruda
Liconic Ecogerador a Etanol
Jeffrey Vande Voort
Arunitha Vanitha Arunkumar
Retail EV Charging Station
Leonard Vassiliev
Cooling System
Gk Venugopal
Engine Technology: Automotive and Marine with Additive Manufacturing, ADAS, Battery/Energy Storage
Annemarie Vincent
Cosmetic Silica Upcycled From Rice Husk as Natural Alternative to Microplastic Powders
Chalasani Virbhadrarao
Hydro Power Generation in Water Circulation Method With CHALASANI TURBINE at the Place of Need Like a Village, Town or Industry
Kiran Wakchaure
"Rakshak" - An IoT Wearable Wild Animal Distraction Device
Clyde Webster
Robotic Puller to Enhance Safety and Sustainability in Energy Transmission
Mark Wilksch
Aircraft Loop Compression Engine
Yahya Wira Jazair
Real-Time Non-Surfactant Emulsion Fuel Supply System
Charles Wright
Sustainable Energy from Nuclear Waste
Hiroshi Yajima
No Oil Pressure Crankshaft
Donald Yates
Autonomously Capturing Critical Copper From Local Council Dumps
Mohammad Zarifi
Planar Microwave Resonator Sensors to Detect Thin Ice for Aviation, Transportation, and Green Energy Application
Fevzi Zeren
Near Reversible Deep Sea Desalination System & Method
Marta Zurek Mortka
Fast Charging of Electric Vehicle Batteries Using Industrial Voltage Frequency Converters - VolFreCon