Entrant Profile

Tyson Rearden

Location: Lapine, Oregon United States

Company: TNT Aviation

Profession: Business Owner/Manager

Number of times previously entering contest: never

Favorite design and analysis tools: My Hands and a trip to the hardware store. If I don't feel like getting messy, SolidWorks is the next best thing.

For managing CAD data Tyson's company uses: None

Hobbies and activities: Aviation and outdoors

Online communities: Myspace, Facebook, Linkedin

Inspired by: I would like to be recognized someday as providing a product or idea that improves our World and our lives. I would also like to have a company dedicated to finding and helping the many others out there with a small voice and a great idea.

2011 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/28 Solar Desalination Tower Sustainable Technologies 8250 44