Selvaraj A
Electromagnetic Speed Breaker
Ralph A'harrah
Primary Flight Control Enhancement (PFCE)
Mohamed Abaray
Well Wear Secour During a Plane Crash
Michael Abdelmaseh
Magnetic Collective and Cyclic Controls Design
Sarah Abdulkarim
The Ecofriendly Perfect Car
Richard Adams
Vanquish Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Sparrowhawk Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Manta Ray Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
P Aditya
Cheap and Accurate Patient's Health Monitoring System
Aldo Agraz
Parabolic Trough Solar Concentrator for Process Heat Generation
Md Rizwan Ahmad
SUVs with Unique Tailgate Liftup Mechanism
Liaquat Ali
Peel Off Wafer Electronic Resting (POWER) Technology
Kenneth Alley
Alley Flexible Gate Membrane Containers
Ladvine Almeida
Smart Cardiologist
Eliezer Alvarez
Automatic Tarping System
Amarnath Alwarsamy
Fire Fighter UAV
Gerritt Andersch
Resonant Energy Motor
Doug Anderson
Tractor-Trailer Jackknife Prevention Device
Ken Anderson
Intermittent Fault Detection & Isolation System (IFDIS)
Andrey Andreev
Vehicle Rear Green Signal Lights
Randy Andronica
Sidewinder Screwdriver
Joe Angeloni
Thumbscrew with Integral Wrench
Dinko Antic
Greasing Device for Railway
Harry Archer
Flush Rinse Apparatus for Electroplating Operations
Timothy Archer
Safety Ammunition
Bob Arkell
Get Rid of Pesky Zero Offsets
Chris Arnold
High Efficiency Diamond Coatings
Medical Breakthrough
Quantum Dots and Diamond Semiconductors
Improved Windpower
Keshav Rai Arora
Mario Arvizu
Intelligent Flashlight System
Mahmoud Assaad
Door Bell for the Hearing Impared
Stephen Atkinson
Hospital Air Cleaner
Dennis Atwood
Sound Generation Device for an Electric Vehicle
James Avery
Portable IV Tester
Avantika Avi
Inoculation Monitoring Device
James Awrach
Cloud and Smartphone Accelerator
Armando Azua-bustos
An Alternative Conceptual Approach to Cancer as an “Uncontrollable Bacterial Infection”
Rakesh214 B
Automatic Pneumatic Air Gun
Nicolae Badea
Off-Grid mCCHP System with H2 Storage
Anush Badii
A Rotary Wing Aerial Wind Turbine
Amit Badlani
Adaptive Smart Home Technology
Chuck Bagg
7 Speed FT4WD Hydrostatic Drive
Unlimited Cheap Clean Energy
New Ways to Fight Wildfires
Mark Baker
Quantum Chemistry Simulator
Gasoline from Carbonated Water H2CO3 -> C8H18
Paul Baker
New Technology Provides Precise, Dynamic Control of the Pitch of a Boat Propeller
Newt Ball
Sector Torus Magnetic Cores
Kenneth Ballew
The Nexus Concept Craft
Ritubarna Banerjee
Active Passive System for Damage Detection
Katherine Baney
Proof Structural Design
Hazem Baqaen
Secure Free-Space Optical Communication System
High Sensitivity, Large Stand-off Simultaneous Measurement of Pitch and Yaw
Joshua Barnes
Sustainable Design by Numbers
Christopher Barrett
Re-inventing the Spider Web
Carroll Bassett
SLD (Safety Lowering Device)
Ivan Batinic
Re-Thinking Automotive TPMS
Corneliu Batulescu
A New Electron Beam Welding Gun
James Becher
Quick Twist Peristaltic Pump
Paolo Benatti
Advanced Major Auto Hemo Therapy (AMAHT) System
Christopher Benton
Paintable Battery
Thomas Bergen
Ultrasound-Based Shoe Bomb Detector
Anatoly Besplemennov
Encoder Based on the Mouse Sensor with Variable Movement/Pulses Ratio
Genie in the Bottle
Cat’s Eye - Matrix Mirror for Photo- Video- Cameras
Small OS for ARM Devices
Momentary Parachute
Fred Best
Thermal Storage Technology
Metal Clad Vacuum Super Insulation
Uddhab Bharali
Benchtop Pomegranate Deseeder
Gabriel Birch
3D Endoscope Using Controlled Aberrations
Hydroponic Screen Wall
Snapshot Imaging Plenoptic Spectral Camera
Smartphone Attachment for In-Field Spectroscopy
Hardware and Smartphone App to Prevent Forgetting Child in Vehicle
David Blank
Energy Harvester for Insulin Pump Users
Axel Blau
polyMEAs: Tissue-Like All-Polymer Microelectrode Arrays for Neuroprosthetics
Richard Blazecka
A Single Person Electric Helicopter
Gary Bloomer
Plant Oils to Jet Fuel
Applying Stress to Cells under Microscopy
Wolfgang Blum
Low Temperature Energy Converter
Jeffrey Boulware
Stress-Free Airplane Boarding
Nagarajan Br
SkyAuto - A VTOL for Urban Transportation
Walter Brackmann Jr.
Post Hijacked Aircraft Recovery System
Better Sleep with a Blanket Retainer
Fritz Braunberger
Sour Breast Milk?
David Braverman
Laser Guided Lane Indication GPS Peripheral
David Briggs
Folding Garment Hanger for Narrow Neck Holes
Robert Brockway
EG/A Ion Thruster
Jeff Brown
DAMPS Technology MKIV Smart Boots
Mike Brown
Zero Energy Communities - Now!
Erik Buck
Improved Use of Inconstant Power
Catalin Bujdei
Ensure Interoperability of the Residential Electronic Devices Using Wireless Hook Modules
Wesley Burgess
Novel Longfiber Cotton Gin
Frederick Burke
Fresh Water Hat
Bobby Burkett
RF Sensor Network Improves Aircraft Availability
Jonathan Burnett
Enhanced Detection of Nuclear Explosions
Deb Butler
Solar and Wind Powered COW/CIAB (Cell on Wheels/Cell in a Box)
George Butler
Laser Guided Car Parking System
Vijaya Durga C
Detection of Network Problems Using Mobile Network
Richard Campbell Iii
Plug Secure Family
Luis Lorgio Cardenas Miranda
Anjan Cariappa M M
Multipurpose Augmented Sensing and Comprehending Interface System (MASCIS)
Predictive Alerts for Collision Aversion (PACA)
Jeffrey Carlisle
World's First Patient Controlled Medical Record
Paul Carlozzi
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider Fusion Ignition Micro Fusion Power Board
David Carr
Tuberculosis Therapy Assist
Dexter Carrie
Project 180 Turn Around: 2015 Rebuild New Orleans
Arthur Carter, Jr.
Hurricane Roof-Off Preventor
Shawn Casey
C-Sight Visual Prosthetic Implant
Roberto Cavazzoni
Active Filters
James Cecere
Child Trakker System
Arnab Chatterjee
Stealth Mass Lifter
Navneet Chaudhari
A Braking Mechanism for Retarding Clutch Shaft Speed of an Off-Road Vehicle
Jesus Chavez
Fiber Optically Enhanced Mass Transportation and Freight Services
Elias Chavez Monarrez
The Wrist Saver
Steven Chayer
Ploog'n Power Stand
Michael Cheich
A Better Tele-Presence
Sam Chen
Aircraft Wing Without Moving Surface
David Harold Chester
Teaching Macroeconomics by Model
Alessandro Chiolerio
Digital Inkjet Printed Watch
Brian Chow
Bicycle Wind Tube
Modified Savonius-Type Wind Turbine
William Colburn
Reducing the Cost of a Large Launch Vehicle
Robert Cole
Thin Film Resistors for Space Applicatons
E. Andrew Condon
Aquaback Water Purification System
Paul Connor
CNC Electroforming Machine
Full Mouth Mechanical or Sonic Toothbrush
Panaitescu Costin
A New Rotor Fan
Jack Coulter
SEACOM-2013 Extreme Aquatic Games
Larry Cox
Personal Vault System
Clark Craig
Compact Stacking, Rapidly Deployable, Interlocking Panel System
Jim Crowell
Changing the World-One Building at a Time
Self-Sustaining, Zero-Net Energy City
Florencio Cuervo Prieto
eMoTria 3W Crossover
Dwight & Jane Cushman
LIFE PACK – Hypothermia Prevention Floatation Device
Carey Dahlen
Compounding Electric Motor Generator
Pilato David
Avhiral 1.0
Matthew Davis
Solar Boiler Electrical Generator and Heat Machine
William Davis
BiModal Glideway
Guilherme De Paula
Modular, Expandable, Wearable Artificial Pancreas for People with Diabetes
Nadilton De Souza Monteiro
Hydrodynamic Submarine
Hydraulic Railway System
Hydraulic Bearing
Gerardus De Vaal
Buttonless Remote
Solving the Last Hurdle Preventing LEDs Becoming Mainstream Products
David Deak
A Gaussian Surface Lens Quantum Photon Converter and Methods of Controlling LED Colour and Intensity
An Electrical Generator with Rotational Gaussian Surface Magnet and Stationary Coil
Richard Dean
Gas or Electric Cooktops with Automatic Shut-Off Timers
Stanley Demster
Table Stabilizer
Leakproof Damper
Edward Derickson
Low Velocity Vertical Wind Turbine
Nachiket Deshmukh
Visual Instrumental Music Assistant
Sadesh Devaki
Underground Parking for 3 & 4 Wheeler
We Can Clean Up
Paolo Di Prodi
Underwater Nuclear Power Plant
SafeDrive Anti Drowsiness Camera
Adrian Diaconu
All-Seasons Body Cooling/Warming Vest
Hans Diesing
Isolating DIAC-Based Power Supply Saves Standby Energy
Deepak Dileep
Gesture Based Navigation for Powered Wheelchair
Jeff Ding
Thermal Stir Welding Process
Radovan Djukic
Electronic Generator-Sea Waves Energy Converter
Ricardo Dominguez
Daily Driving Safety
Gary Doss
Multiple Motors Electric Car
Robert Downing
Germless Handrail
Eugene Drachko
Rotary-Hybrid Engine
John Dreese
Laptop Screen Natural Backlight
James Drew
Cw-Runabout Concept
Faux Gravity Sleeping Bag
ABC Board
Tim Driedger
Inflatable Life Mattress
Carlos Duarte
Production Logging Electron Spin Resonance Probe
Dan Dubs
Variable Ice Dam
Cyanogen/Cbr Power
Lucien Ducret
RSK-185 Roto-Skinner
Elliot Duff
Zebedee - Hand-Held Mobile Mapping Device
Karin Edgett
X-Rad Friend - Personal X-Ray Radiation Dosimeter
Thomas Edmison
American High Speed Rail
Robert Eisnaugle
The Communicator
Mohamed Elgafi
Simultaneous Production of Nanocarbon, Hydrogen, and Energy
Porferio Eliang
Amplified Mechanical Energy
Charles Englehart
Better Rogaine Dispenser
Multi-Chamber Beverage Carton
Temperature Monitoring Shoes for Diabetics
Rear Window Position Indicator
William Engwer
Solo Personal Vehicle
Anna Epelbaum
Ultimate Education Tool
Bruce Erickson
Digital Motor for Blood Flow
Soren Eriksson
Robots that Build Robots
Jorge Escobar
Speed Indicator and Approaching Detector for Cars
Fred Etcheverry
Rare-Earth-Less Constant High Torque Traction Motor
Holographic Optical Element Integral Image 3D Display
Stan Evans
Recharging Electric Vehicle with Wheels and Alternate Energy
Harmon Everett
Solar Power Tower
Michael Everman
Rolling Piston Air Motor or Pump
Adejuyi Fajemisin
Semi Rigid Supporting Insole (SRSI)
Ali Farahmand
Design Of Air Cooler Electropump -- A Pump With Millad Tower Interface
Md Farhan
Stress Level Indicator
James Farrell
Small Lathe Tool Holder
Daniel Farrow
Methods and Apparatus for Imaging, Detecting, and Monitoring Surficial and Subdermal Inflammation
Roger Faulkner
Elpipes: Critical Enabling Technology for a Supergrid
Clifford Fava
Digtal Camera Adapter
Myron Fendall
Deep Sea Power Generation
Enhanced Solar Cell/24hr
Water Current Power Multiplier
Omar Fernandes Aly
Proposal for Stress Corrosion Prediction Model Improvement
Eduardo Fernández
Apparatus and Method for Repairing the Tubular End of a Vehicle Differential
Paolo Ferri
Recuperator of Energy Effect Seebek for Internal Combustion Engines
Magnetic Conveyor (FERMAG) Transforms the Energy of Static Magnetic Fields into Mechanical Energy
Thomas Ferrone
Biometric Replication Biointegrated Prosthetics
Oleg Figovsky
New Non-radiation Technology for Manufacturing Nano- and Micro-Track Membranes
Fernando Figueroa
Negative Ions Storming Against Pollution
William Finch
Field Evaporation Assistance
J William Finkler
Highway Power
Randall Flann
RoFo BevDisHeadgear
Pedro Flecha
Silicide Ores, New Energy Frontier
Dick Fradella
Related Electric Power Technology
Michael Fratus
Solid-state Vacuum Tube Replacement
Anthony Fresco
Solute Ion Monopole Motor and Solute Ion Linear Alignment Propulsion
Yulia Freynk
Ecology Friendly Compound Energy Unit
Jan Aka Yon Friedmann
Aqua=Terra T.W.I.N.S. (Trans-Web Infrastructure Network System) Projects
Deepak G
Incoming Mobile Phone Tracker
Pen Drive as Dual Battery in Mobile Phone
Claus Gaertner
Mini-Inhalator *Plus*
Nuala Galbari
Cat Litter Box with Double Flap Odor Control Corridor
Doug Galbraith
Hybrid Fuel/Electric Ducted Fan Aircraft Engine
Joel Galofaro
Dry Snorkel Cold Immersion Suit for Hypothermia Prevention
María Teresa García
Solar Coffeemaker
Reynaldo García
Automatic Pots
Mayela Alejandra García González
"Dr. J " Lightweight Multifunctional Urban Transport
Daniela Gargiulo
Odith: Interactive Posture Monitoring System
Charles Gaston
Transparent, Trustworthy, Secure Voting
Donatas Gatavynas
Dual Power Tower
Soaring Surveillance Device
Space Station Training Tool
Universal Spanner-Screwdriver
Helmuth Geiser
High Speed Interstate Ducted Turbine
Sivakumar Ghansekar
Behavioural Monitoring System - Driving
Francois Gibon
Double Crankshaft Engine for Better Fuel Consumption
Electric Car Battery Recharge/Replacement Station
Standardized Glass Bottles Worldwide
Combine Voice Recognition Software and Augmented Reality Glasses for Hearing Impaired People
Ross Gilson
High-Resolution Ultrasound Security Scanner Wand
Ernest V Glover Sr
Process for Reducing Bandwidth Overload for Wired/Wireless/Hybrid Communications Systems
Netanel Goldberg
AutoMate Transportation System
Simon Gonzalez
Broad Wind Speed Turbine Transmission Gearbox and Blade Load Decoupling
Recapture Source Energy
Federico Eduardo González M.
The Chamaleon Wheelchair (Variable Position Wheelchair)
Peter Gordon
UV-C Bare and Gloved Hand Flash Disinfection
Valmor Gravio
Orbital Magnetic Speed Change
Gianmarco Griffini
LumEN: Luminescent Solar Concentrators for Sustainable On-Demand Electricity Production
Karl Guenther
Systems for Cargo and People
George Gunter
Compressor Lift Rigging
Bengt Gustafsson
Individual Transit
Jeremiah Haler
Zero Pollution Engine™
David Haley
Constant Velocity Engine
Donald Hamilton
An Overhead High Speed Meglev Train System
David Harness
Quadrupole Phased-Array Quantum Cannon Antenna
Frank Hartley
Non-Invasive Glucometer
Oral Pathology Device
Wave Energy Scavenger
Water Sterilization System
Shoaib Hasan
Next Generation Videos and Smart Advertisements: Watch it, Like it, Touch it, Have it
David Haskins
The VTOL Pulsed Turbine Transvector Jet Concept
The Pulsed Turbine Turbo-Prop Engine Concept
Tom Heathfield
Vectored Ram Air to Control Aircraft
Brent Higgins
Multi-Point Bacterial Abatement System (M-BAS) for the International Space Station
David Ho
Advanced CT Laser Collimator
Ulugbek Hojimatov
Optimal Roller Bearing
Dan Hunnel
"Search and Retrieve" Engine on My Shoulder
Jouni Huopana
Strain Relief Comb and Helix
Hiroshi Ide
SAW Convolver Sensor for Wireless Structure Monitoring Systems
Simple Combiner Concept for Multiple Energy Harvesting Sources
Charles Ih
Low Cost Concentrating Photovoltaic System
Davey Ijams
A Disposable Pad for the Prevention and Treatment of Decubitus
Pravin Imrith
World Wide Web Space Station
Dr. Robert Indech
Molecular Microscope and Nano-Fabricator
Eric Ingamells
Ani: The Android Chassis
Mini-Snow Plow
Rotating Toy
George Ingram
The BlackStone Tablet
Charles Irwin
MXC Video Graphics Module
Cshaba *charly* J. A. Gyorio
Nakul Jain
Automobile of the Future - Next Million Miles Free!
An Air Conditioner = A Mini Power Plant
Jose Manolo Delfin Jalandoni
High Mobility Multipurpose All-Weather Maximum-Efficiency Variable-Geometry Marine Vehicle
Thomas Janesz
Solar/Hydraulic Regenerative Power Assist for Heavy Truck
Philippe Jarrin
Red Lights on Roads - Extra Signs to Save Kinetic Energy - Anticipate Red Wave - Green Wave
Ahmad Jasim
Study to Improve the Target Rock Relief Valve Using CFD
Sreegururaj Jayachander
Multi-Powered Electric Tractor
Leelananda Jayasuriya
Tire with Outer Rim
Zdenek Jedlicka
Emergency Mobile Phone Charger and Pocket Lamp
Damir Jelaska
Rotational Internal Combustion Engine with Radially Movable Vanes
Joyal John Peter
Automobile Emergency Position Indicator Beacon.
David Jones
True Airspeed Vector Direction Display
Scott Jordan
Single-Axis Scanning Telescope
Simon Jupp
Waterless Sewer System
Alok Juyal
Windmill to Drive Trains and Cars
Rich Kalich
Catheter Support System
Swathi Kalvakala
Eyebrow Communication
Harvey Kaplan
Transparent Aluminum "Slam Dome" Nuclear Safety Apparatus
Superconducting-Solenoid-Liquid Vortex Propulsion and Power
Implementable Multi-component Solution to Capture and Contain Oil and Gases Escaping from Fractured Vertical Pipes on Underwater Oil Drilling Platforms
Apparatus for Capturing, Filtering and Containing Radioisotope Release from Nuclear Fission Power Plants
Ankit Kapoor
Flying Traffic Light Robot
Munawar Karim
VTOL/STOL Commuter Aircraft
Emil Kartalov
HistoMosaic: Cancer Tissue Diagnostics by Multiplexed PCR
Stuart Karten
V2 Renal Denervation System for Vessix Vascular
Ankit Kaushik
Possible AIDS Cure Unveiled
Tomasz Kawala
Vehicle Driver's 'Extra' Sensory Information
Hot Air Balloon Power Station
Tom Keeley
Judgment and Reasoning Change the Digital World
Michael Kelley
Jet Intake Deflection Grill
Vasil Kenderov
Mobile Robotic Industrial System
Susan Kerber
Self-Protective Alloy Treatment for Extreme Environments
Natascha Khonsari
PM REX 7 - Range Extender Make Long Distances Your Friend
Jeongbeom Kim
Lunar Exploration Mission by Reusing Disused LEO Observation Satellite
Dave King
Prosthetic Leg Connector
Kenji Kingsford
Improved Dispense Pump
Devin Kollmorgen
Wheel Speed Synchronization for Landing Aircraft
Daniel Kopkane
Deflection of Asteroids by Sun Light Retro Reflection
Valentin Korman
Embedded Wear Sensor
Eugeny Koshevoy
Box-Type Extractor
Kenneth Kostenbader
Significantly Simplified PCR Machine
Yury Kostyukovich
Device for Control Over Drive of Valve for ICE
Jeff Krehmer
Krehmer's Fountain
Vitalii Kryshtob
PVC Materials: Ecological, Health, Chemical and Fire Safety in Their Manufacture, Use and Disposal
Glenn Kuenzler
LED A19 100W-Equivalent Lamp with Active Cooling
Valentin Kulikov
Catherina, Smartly Illuminate Your Life
Donald Ladanyi
TruFlavorWare® Non-Metallic Flatware
Stuart Laforge
Flying Solar Power Plant
Francis Lai
Electric Field Photomask
Our Conscious & Artificial Brain
High Temperature Superconductor
Matter Traveling at the Speed of Light
Solar Transmission Lines
Michael Laine
LiftPort Lunar Space Elevator
Peter Landin
Landin Engine in Aircraft Use
Alex Langensiepen
Robotic Assistance Vehicle
Ellen Langsetmo
Advanced Security Scanner
Douglas Larson
Self-Adjusting Bushing Bearing
Edward Lastman
Alarm for Mobile Phone by Ultrasound
Mobile Remote Control
Frank Laundry
Build and Test Non-Mag Guideway System
John Lawrence
VTOL Aircraft with Efficient High Speed Cruise
Andrew Lee
Interactive Roadway Reflector
Donald Lefever
Laptop Sunshade
Peter Lefferson P.e.
Floor Surface Safety Lamp
Julia Leusner
A Portable Polysomnography Pack for the Monitoring of Sleep in a Non-Clinical Setting
Nikolaos Leventakis
Wave Winch
Henry Levy
Lightning-Laser Magnetically-Pinched Nuclear-Fusion Power Generator
Lasers Zap Pathogens in Blood
Brandon Lin
Renewable Resource Generator
James Lin
The Switchblade – A Low-Cost Gravity Self-Righting Leaning Vehicle
Romeo Linn
First Anti Torque Counter Rotation Ultra Efficient 2 Stage Propeller for Private Aircraft
World 's First Solar Thermal Panel, 3X More Efficient Than Solar Cell Panels
Grigori Lishanski
Magnetic Conveyor System
Vibratory Cavitation Piston Pumps
Richard Lloyd
New Low-Loss Planetary Shift Transmission
Lee Long
FlexFit Nasal Cannula
Donald Longerbeam
Extinguishing a Tire Fire
Shaun Lopez
Free Sphere Rotor Peizo-Electric Energy Harvester
Paul Loschak
Safe Cranial Drill
John Lott
Electromagnetic Robot
George Kenneth Lucey Jr
Protection Against Nerve Agents and Neurotoxins
Larry Lueder
Mine Detecting Boots
Jonathan Luis
Solar Powered Blended Wing Body Aircraft
Danil Lyapunov
MexBIOS Technology
William Lyne
Lyne Atomic Hydrogen Furnace
Alistair Macfarlane
Ultra Efficient Lighting
Winston Mackelvie
Drainpipe Heat Exchanger
Robert Mackenzie
Solar Powered Clean Water Supply
Don Maguire
Virtual Axis Steer System VASS
Anandkumar Mahadevan
Kinectron: Gesture-based Search and Rescue Robot
Adhiguna Mahendra
Ecofriendly Bathroom
Khurrum Mahmood
Lifting Wings for Safe Landing of Aircraft
Instant Formula Milk Maker
Joseph Mallia
Accu-Injection Medical Regimen
Richard Mallory
New Hybrid Off-Shore Wind Turbine/Permanent Magnet Motor
Soumen Mandal
Self Recharging Laptops: Work Longer with Confidence
Does Your Clothing and Vehicle Surface Influence the Mileage
Gerald Manfredi
Thin Film Photovoltaic Dynamic Wind Turbine Blade
Amit Mangtani
Design and Development of a Multi Stage Contra Rotating Mini Axial Compressor
Sheryl Marek
Convertible Lounge Chair
Rick Marintchev
Expandable Vehicle
Juan Martin
Energy Harvester with Piezoelectric Fastener
Wendy Martinez Sandoval
Air Vent Bed
Bijan Masoumpanah
The Integrated Off-Shore Wave Powered Turbine Shaft (OSWPTS)
Universal Whelchair Seating Transfer System, Facilitating Use of Multiple Chassis
Dnyanesh Mathur
Powered Highways
Richard Mayo
Automatic Bicycle Gear Change
Sarah Mays
Automated Nail Polish and Coloring Agent
George Mc Neir
Total Solar Electric Yacht
Bruce Mcgehee
The AddVisor - The Any-Angle, Every Vehicle Sun Visor
Jack Mcintyre
Insect Control System
Carlos Medina
Modeling Antigravity Phenomena for Next Generation Propulsion
William Melnyk
Trailer Air Deflector1
Jacob Melton
Electroscope/ESD Wrist Band
Sebastian Menzel
Module Wheelchair
Jody Meredith
Daylight Welding Helmet
Duncan Meyers
Styrofoam Conversion to Lightweight Structural Material
Imre Mikoss
Very High Magnetic Fields with Counter Rotating Ultracapacitors
Magnetic Gradient Propulsion System
Dorian Miller
Controlled Prescription Dispenser
Bank Robber Stopper
Solar Network
Hybrid/Electric Flywheel Drivetrain
Residential Thermal Fluid Storage
Deep Sea Reverse Osmosis
Electronic Price Tag
Doug Mills
Free Energy Home of the Future
Vicente Miranda
Automated Traffic Light
Shailendra Kumar Mistry
3D Pyramid Solar Photovoltaic Array
John Mitchell
High Performance "D" Size Battery (Cell)
Cordell Moe
Highly Efficient “Little Engine That Can”
Sarina Moghadam
Smart Colostomy Bag (SCB)
Ali Mohammadi
Rolling Element Bearing Defect Monitoring
Jack Mondry
Miniature Surgical Robots
Max Moore
Eliminate Leak Paths/Reduce Failure Modes for Rocket Motors
Steve Morra
Thin-Cavity Cooling of Electronic Circuitry
Alexander Morrese
Solar Vacuum Airship for Transport Applications
Adam Munich
A High Power, Portable X-ray Machine for Field Use
Ron Murawsky
ME2 Rotary Heat Engine
Jonathan Murray
GE SpinLab™: First Automated Multichannel Hyperpolarizer
Senthil Ram Nagapillai Durairaj
Energy Integration from the Environment
Michael Nasab
Advanced Multi-Electrodes RFA Catheter with Bio-Sensors Feedback Simplifies Cardiac Tissue Ablation and Improves Patient Safety
Manidipa Nath
CAD of Microstrip Balanced Mixer
Sarthak Nayak
Gear Transition Fuel Locking System
Jacque Neff
Cementious Solar Optics
Steve Nicoll
A Home and Small Business Electricity Micro Generation Unit
Darren Nolen
Synthetic Bone Graft Material
Hunter Norman
Accidental Discharge Indicator Attachment (ADIA)
Kjell Olseke
A Book Paper Product to Encrease Readability and Reduce Risks for Macular Degeneration
Robert Olson
HTI Dynamic Combustion Chamber
Scott Olson
SkyRide Technology
Alessandro Oltremonti
Waste Bin, Transportable and Re-sealable
Support for Flat Monitor (Fades, Turning)
Shivakumar Orekondy
Energy Efficient Cooking Pot
Optical Perspective Control
Itamar Orian
Simple Walking Mechanism
Daryl Oster
Evacuated Tube Transport Technologies (ET3)™
Kevin Otte
The USS Bountiful Harvest
Taslim Owonikoko
Cellulose-Ferrous Metal Hybrid As Alternative To Critical Materials In The Production Of Ferromagnetic & Power Semiconductors
Tanil Ozkan
Microwave Assisted Fuel Pre-Heater for Diesel Engines
Goutham P
HOPE- Eectronic Gadget for Home Bound Patients and Elders
Jacek Paczkowski
Hyperlinks in Video Content
Dipayan Pal
Futuristic Electrified Bathrooms
Rishabh Pandey
Dehumidifying Spray
Philip Panicker
The Handheld Rechargeable Battery Powered Peltier Air Conditioner
Concentrated Solar Power Salt Water Desalination Plant
Greenhouse with Concentrated Solar Powered Desalination System for Desert Regions Near The Sea
The Vertical Axis Oscillating Wave Power Generator
Ravi Paramanandam
Mechanical Sealed Gland Valve
D.p. Parkhe
Adhesive Tape Dispenser
Sangramsinh Parmar
Passenger Pod System for Airports
Camilo Parra Palacio
Douglas Patterson
Remote I/O Controller
Robert Patterson
Resource-less Fire Fighting Technology
Rodrigo Patzlaff
Green Box - Home Power Management System (Microcontrolled and Embedded)
Wendell Peery
Clean Water Mop System
Milen Penev
Vision Improvement Device
Ahmed Peshimam
Aircraft Belly Bed Landing
Joel Phillips
Super Capacitor Electric Car
Wayne Pickette
Thermo-Electronic Battery
Alan Pierce
The Mini Electric Timer
J Michael Pinneo
Improved Prosthetic Joints
Brian Pinzon
Time Stop Machine Automobile
Jaroslav Pito?ák
Powershift Differential Transmission with Three Flows of Power
Phillip Pitts
Ceramic Coating Titanium Dental Abutments
Antje Pohl
A Capacitive Multichannel ECG Measurement System
Anthony Ponirakis
ESB System - Vehicle's Emergency Starting Battery
Larry Pope
The Final Future of Aviation Idea!
Cleiton Porciuncula
New Battery for Mobile Applications
Aureliu Porumbescu
Stolen Firearm Disabling System
Active Knee Brace to Prevent ACL Rupture
George Powch
Nanocoating Tool: Linear Self-Assembly
Tom Prescott
ZeeEye Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Antonius J. Priyambodo
Tire-Cord Splitting Machine
Portable Paper Reconditioning Peripheral
Melvin Prueitt
Engine with Oscillating Rotating Pistons
Ignacio Quesada
High Performance Rocket Engine for Missiles
Charles Radley
Asteroid Retriever-Deflection System
Instant Starship - an Asteroid Based Near Earth Mission for Planetary Defense, Incremental Space Settlement and Starship Capacity
Pellucidar Underground-Terraforming Technologies
Stratopower-Beamed Power from Stratospheric Airships: a Vehicle for Exponential Growth
Space Debris Management System
Andreea Radulescu
Earth's Quakoscope
Ronald Rael
What Will You Do?
Migrating Floating Gardens
Muhammad Musaddique Ali Rafique
Fire Fighting Pumping Unit
Alfredo Ramirez
Should Future Airliners Lose Their Tails?
Jean Jacques Raphael
The WaterNet
Wayne Rasanen
A Better Way to Text and Touch-Type
Richard Ray Ratliff "tre"
Virtual Paint
John Redon
Ear Prophylactics (Dry Earplus for Diving)
Joseph Resnick
Instant Pancakes
Glen Reuschling
Low Cost Controller for Robotics and Homeschool STEM Learning
Roy Reynolds
Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) in High-Value Transit Corridors
James Ries
Self-Sizing Internal Combustion Engine
Tom Riley
How to Prevent a Robot Rebellion
Tortuga Madre, Building with Rocks on the Moon
Dolphin, Talk to the Computer
Jack Roach
Unconventional Telescope
John Robitaille
Cool Roof
Control Freak (Energy Management for EVs)
A. Nicholas Roe
Photoassisted Electrolysis
Julie Romualdez
Autonomous Robotic Vehicle for Transmission Line Inspection
Rabei Romulus
Rabei Energetic Cycles
Jerry Rosenberg
Solar Water Distiller Using Spray Flash Evaporation
Francesca Rossi
Photocoagulator for Superficial Abrasion
Gerald Rowley
Diesel Fuel Saver
Bruce Rubin
RASP®-Reduced Agricultural Storage Program
Hugh Rundle
Top Down Data Fusion
Fred Rupinski
Software Defined Omni-IDE Appliance
The Hazardous Materials microSNIFFER
Ahmed Saber
ATC (Automatic Traffic Control)
Tristan Sahnoune
LIVY the Light Urban Delivery Vehicle
Nitin Saini
IR Toggle Switch
An Advanced Energy Saver Project with DTMF Capabilities to Use Electricity Efficiently
Joaquin Sales
Suitcase "I-pple"
Virginia San Fratello
Hex Wall
The Planter Brick
Willian Sanchez
Unified Computing Processing Unit (UCPU)
Blaze Sanders
Inflatable Dish Communication System
Xabier Sanjuan
DIY Survival Capsule/Escape Pod
Ismail Sapmaz
Real Time Embossing 3D Environment Scanner for the Blind
David Sarria Jiménez
GEDAYC Wind Turbine 300% More Efficient
Mark Scarpelli
Earth Resonant Field Energy Generation
Jennifer Scheer
Panel Lock Locking Cover
Matthew Schell
Bringing Clean Drinking Water to Third World Countries
Andreas Schkarbanenko
Low Resolution and Its Solution in Electrical Resistance Tomography
Scott Schober
Stop Cheating Students with PocketHound Cell Phone Detector
George Schrader
Accident & Energy Free
Jason Schwartz
Secure-Wireless Stereo Binocular Adapter
Julia Schwerm
Shoe-Inn Maximum Space Efficient Shoe Organizer
Timothy Searfoss
Tactile Vision 3D Pin Elevation Display & Navigation
Tomooki Seki
Phase Transition Engine Utilizing Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking
Karan Shah
Multi Operational Tool
Siva Shanmugam
New CVT Transmission (Without Torque Converter & Clutch System) for Hybrid Vehicle
Saravan Kumar Shanmugavelayudam
Dermal Regenerator
Sachin Sharma
Smart System Using Acoustic Emission to Detect Weevils in Mango Trees & Protect Against Infestation
TGDA - Tiny Gadget with Different Applications
Understanding and Preventing the Cause of Road Accidents Using LabVIEW
Tarun Sharma
Albatross: New Breed of Superyacht
Shantanu Shekhar
Stepped Escalator
Alan Sherman
Environment That Helps to Facilitate Adaptation of Pet Puppies into Their Human Home
David Shields
High Expansion Rotary Steam Engine
Andrei Shindyapin
Stephen Shoap
Auto Safety Bumpers
Jeffrey Short
Harvesting Electricity from Ambient Turbulence (HEAT)
Robert Sickler
SPOT Indicating Metal Detector
Estiven Sierra
Indoor Cooling Dome for Hot & Humid Summers
Aseem Singh
Smart Roads as Power Generators
Jaideep Singh
Making Fuel from Vehicular Emissions
Pierre-etienne Sirder
Loudspeaker Driver
Karl Smarsch
Depth Perception Using Color and B&W
Roulette Smith
Preliophics and the Preliophic Moleculator
William Smith
Ground-Impedance Conservation Device
Seyd Sobhani
RICE (Rotary Internal Combustion Engine)
Mohammed Sohail
Safe Landing System for Bikes During Skid
Amit Sohara
Regrowth Of Human Body Parts
Robert Sommer
Laser and Rail Gun Continuous Power
Hyperthermal Cancer Cure
Geothermal on the Pacific Rim
Very Fast High Dynamic Range Analog to Digital Converter, ADC
Thompson Speck
Two-Wheel/MagLev Car
Harry Spurrier
Microwave Powered Bug Eradication Device
Christian Jade Sta. Maria
Daniel Stanek
Personal Convoys
Tad Staniszewski
Vibration Resistant Thumb Screw (VRTS)
Panagiotis Stefanides
A Light Differential Amplifier as a Core of a Speed Measuring System
A Diferential Light Amplifier Applicable to a Solar Locator and Tracker
Lance Stephenson
Vacuum Insulated Office Buildings
Gregory Steshenko
Direct Transduction of Biochemical into the Electric Energy for Insect Drones
Computational Model of Human Body Based Upon the Genetic Analysis for Drug Development and Treatment
Philip Studer
Non-Contacting Cleanroom Conveyor
New American Maglev
No Friction, Linear-Rotary Converter
Vasantham Sudheer Kumar
Green Exhaust System (Algae Infusion into Catalytic Convertor)
Sandi Sufiandi
Low Cost Cell Culture Bioreactors
Alex Sulima
Conformal Flush Mount Slot Antenna
Cuthbert Sun
Car Alert for Blind People
Photovoltaic Projector Screen
Uma Maheswari Sundaram
Design and Development of CPAP
Shaam Sundhar
Micro Sun
Heavenly Air
Frost Fire
James Sute
Traffic Signal Timing Software
Kumail Syed
Compressed Air Engine
Balint Szent Miklosy
Dust to Dust Printer with Paper in Between
EggXellent Passenger Compartment
Shoot To Kill Forest Fires
NOLA Dam It All with Sand Sausages
Slice Ship Panamax+
Joe Tackett
Battle Stations - High Tech Martial Arts Trainer
Amin Taheri Najafabadi
Multi-Function Photocatalytic Solar Desalination
Riccardo Tarelli
Precision Localizer (PRELOC)
Elias Taye
Self-Locking Actuator
Lorenzo Temporin
Optimization Photovoltaic Ground Mounting Structure
Nuri Temurlenk
Chiral Storage and Processing Device
Gobithas Tharmarajah
Advanced Baggage Handling System
Jeff Theisen
Bugless Outdoor Security Light
Bert Thuresson
Construction Dryer
Paul Tinari
Extending the Range of Electric Vehicles by Use of a Thermal Storage Battery
Jonathan / Maxwell Tolstedt
Virtual Walking Stick for the Visually Impaired
Douglas Tonjes
Safe Inexpensive Solar Hot Water Heater
Power Glove Drill Like Having Another Hand
Energy Saving Air Conditioning Thermostat
Practical Commuter System Improves Safety while Reducing Costs
Compressed Air Storage Tank 10 lbs in a 5 lb Bag
William Travis
Water System Safety Survey
Javier Trejo
Trejo Internal Combustion Engine
Mountainside Electricity Generator
Anthony Trent
I/P Stream Bridge
Jay Unger
vDesk: Like a “Safe Deposit Box” in the Cloud
Blake Vanier
The Sipficient Travel Mug: Piping Hot to the Very Last Drop
Vibin Varghese
Dual Rotor Generator
Innovative Spin Sensor for Rockets and Missiles
Goce Vasilevski
Speed of Temperature Changes in Equipment
Tom Vastano
Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury Software Simulation Framework
Alan Vaughn
Solar Thermal Exhaust Generated Stored Power for Lighting
Ravi Vedula
E-go Bike: Muscle to Power
Hector Vega Rodriguez
Vision Intelligence Traffic Automated Lights
Mariano Velez
Synthetic Bone Made by Indirect Selective Laser Sintering
Willy Verbrugghe
Silicon from Rice Hulls
Massimo Vetrisano
Spacecraft Design Toolkit: Software for Fast Spacecraft Optimal Design
Weldon Vlasak
New Electrocardiogram Display
Boaz Wachtel
Irrigation with Condensation
Ankur Wadhwa
Human Powered Electric Vehicle
Mark Wagner
Sensordrone: a Practical, Tricorder Like Platform for Consumers and Mobile Device Developers
Harry Wainwright
Self-Powererd Lighted Signage and Awnings
Flexible Informational Sleeve Display
LED/Optic Display Production Machine
LED/Optic Identity Verification in the Visible and IR Frequencies
Mr. Kelly Walterscheid
magLUX™ LED Magnetic Lighting for Metal Cabinets and Shelves
John Wang
Dreamech: Enable Smarter, Money-Saving and Safer Car Ownership
Lois Wardell
Plants Can Talk -- With a Little Help from Technology
Clive Warner
Alondi "Rescue" Cream
Peter Wasowski
Electric Vehicle with Laminated Bamboo Body and Unique Cyclic Compression System
Hal Weatherly
Blood/Oxygen Saturation Control Device
Artis Weaver
Augmented Reality for Field Services
Jared Wells
Very Efficient Searchlight
Simple Solar Heater
Travis Wernecke
TUCAV Tactical Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle
Donn Werrbach
Active Subwoofer Crossover
Denny Wheeler
Lighting Bolts in a Box
Jack Wiegman
Power Extraction in Near Space
David Wilcox
Redesigning the Electric Motor
Evan Williams
Electric Dryer Energy Saver
Andrew Womack
Fresh Breath of Air for Commuter Vehicles
Chin Wong
Electronic Insect Repellent
Calvin Woosnam
Fault Tolerant Power & Communications System
Early Warning Tracker System
Sriteja Reddy Wudaru
Neural-Computer Interconnectivity Analyzer (NCIA)
Donald Yates
PV & Storage in the 1 Cell Package
Chris Yewell
Mate Finder LED Pendant
Peter Yohe
Flex-Curve Conveyor
Tao You
Universal Translator/Interpretor
Farid Yousefi
Hybrid Turbo Fan Engine
Marco Zamalloa
Lazarillo Acústico
David Zethmayr
On-Demand Hydrogen Generator
Amit Zoran
The FreeD - A Handheld Digital Milling Device for Craft and Fabrication