Entrant Profile

Chin Wong

Location: Milpitas, ca United States

Company: Minga electronics

Profession: Engineer/Designer

Number of times previously entering contest: 1

Favorite design and analysis tools: CAD and simulation

Hobbies and activities: electronic design

Online communities: IEEE

Inspired by: want to save more human lives because my device would be able to detect novel coronavirus in public. Imagine, If every store or shop has one of my devices, then they would be able to screen out their customers to prevent further transmission. The pandemic will be stop by containing those infected people.

2020 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/30 Novel Coronavirus Detector Electronics/​Sensors/​IoT 1408 1

2012 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/29 Electronic Insect Repellent Consumer Products 3799 0