Entrant Profile

Karl Smarsch

Location: Zirzow, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Germany

Company: SMARSCH

Profession: Sr. Proj. Manager/Consultant

Number of times previously entering contest: 5

Favorite design and analysis tools: IMSI design software

Hobbies and activities: Aircraft/ Flying / Technology in general

Online communities: Facebook

Inspired by: Always seeing opprtunities to design aircraft. Reducing wing span, but a large area for solar cells, Instead of huge wing spans and narrow wing with solar cells, as currently featured. Had the idea 30 years ago. Passenger carrying, and useful for missions on Mars, instead of mini-helicopters?

2018 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
05/14 Drone Concept for the Stratosphere Aerospace & Defense 1549 0

2017 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
04/19 Air Taxi Aerospace & Defense 2372 0

2012 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
05/31 Depth Perception Using Color and B&W Consumer Products 3661 0

2010 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/29 "Double Decker" Transportation 4665 0