Entrant Profile

Melvin Prueitt

Location: Los Alamos, NM United States

Company: Sun Enerjy LLC

Profession: Scientist

Number of times previously entering contest: 2

Favorite design and analysis tools: I write my own scientific computer programs.

For managing CAD data Melvin's company uses: My own Fortran programs

Hobbies and activities: Inventing, computer graphics

Online communities: LinkedIn

Inspired by: I want to help provide renewable energy to help the world be a better place. I want to provide fresh water to those who do not have good water. I want to improve the efficiency of OTEC power plants.

2014 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
05/19 More Efficient Multi-Stage OTEC Power Plants Sustainable Technologies 3857 0

2012 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/08 Engine with Oscillating Rotating Pistons Machinery & Equipment 9688 0

2010 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/15 AirWatt Sustainable Technologies 8045 24