Entrant Profile

Sean Gustafson

Location: Henderson, Nevada United States

Company: Individual

Profession: Individual

Number of times previously entering contest: never

Favorite design and analysis tools: AutoCad

Hobbies and activities: Robotics, Science, Inventing, Automotive, Mechanic

Online communities: Facebook, Twitter

Inspired by: Oh so many things, but I would have to say, Wired Magazine, Popular Science/Mechanic, Science Channel and of course the Great Tony Stark.

My other inspirations are Woz, Jobs, Gates. Sometimes though the creative end takes over and I will wake up with an Idea or an Idea shoots into my head on the way to work. Sometimes the freeway unleashes more than accidents, it unleashes Ideas. Probably the most beneficial accidents are those Ideas that come to us in a split second.

2012 Entries

Date Title Category Views Votes
06/29 A.C.C.S.S Safety and Security 5441 0