Lyne Atomic Hydrogen Furnace

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Invention of the Lyne Atomic Hydrogen Furnace began in 1964, when William Lyne took interest in the atomic hydrogen welding process while attending an industrial processes course at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, Texas. Irving Langmuir discovered the process in the 1920s and developed it only for welding. Lyne discovered errors in Langmuir's theory and immediately conceived and designed a completely new use, as a means for domestic and industrial heating applications and production of superheated dry steam for turbo-electric power generation.

Lyne has continued to refine and develop his furnace with many improvements, composed of a unique and ingenious combination of components and technology.

In the atomic hydrogen reaction, diatomic hydrogen molecules are dissociated then the monoatomic hydrogen atoms are recombined, whereupon a great amount of extremely high temperature heat is produced (109 kcal/gram mole, at 3500 K.). Due to the extremely high temperatures, there is a problem of components melting. Lyne solved the destructive problem of handling and exploiting the extremely high temperatures years ago.

Lynes illustration is a diagrammatic drawing of the furnace's present embodiment. The drawing excludes proprietary developments which make the invention completely scalable and regulate the output from heat which can be used for domestic or industrial heating purposes, to heat which can be used to operate a turbo-electric power generator.
The identities of the different basic components are labeled as follows:

A - Accelerator F - Hot Fluid Tank (test)
B - Dissociator G - Electric Input
C - Reactor/Heat Exchanger H - Watt-hour Meter
D - H2 Return Conduit I - Thermometer
E - Heat Exchange Fluid Pump


Diatomic (molecular) hydrogen, "H2" is accelerated by A through B converting it to monoatomic (atomic) hydrogen, "H1". H1 recombines in C releasing heat, returning H1 to H2. H2 is returned from C to A via D. Fluid pump E pumps heat exchange fluid from tank F through C, removing heat and carrying it to F. Electric input Wattage at H is compared to calories at I to determine efficiency ratio.

Lyne believes this to be the greatest energy discovery in the world today. At least four versions of it have been produced by others from Lyne's older (1996) plans published in his book in 1997. All these versions have produced outputs from 190% to 3100% (the latter version of which was built by Andrea Rossi of Bologna, Italy, with tests performed by scientists from the Swedish Academy of Sciences in 2011). Lyne's present version is far superior to all of these, involving the past fourteen years of research and improvements. Lyne needs funding to obtain a patent, build and test the furnace, and prepare it for mass production. The furnace produces no radioactivity or pollution. The same charge of hydrogen is continually recycled---not being consumed---ad infinitum. Party-line physicists are unable to explain it. These tests confirmed everything Lyne has claimed in his book.


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  • Name:
    William Lyne
  • Type of entry:
  • Software used for this entry:
    HP computer, scanner, pen and paper
  • Patent status: